Recent content by xXFazerXx

  1. X

    Leo Vince Cf - Verdict

    Haha my bad sorry Kaz Ladies and Gents is what I meant of course. :thumbup:
  2. X

    Leo Vince Cf - Verdict

    Well gents i've put a couple of hundred miles on the new pipes, and I have to say, I absolutely LOVE them. I have the baffles in and even so the sound makes my toes curl every time i start her up. Gettin compliments left right and centre on the sound and looks, even from the neighbours!! :D I...
  3. X

    Leo Vince Install

    Did everybody get this disk with their Leos? cause I'm pretty sure I didn't. Could be handy from time to time......
  4. X

    Two bros

    :D Bit late man I got Leo vince Carbon SBK11's, and I'm chuffed!! Love the sound it's incredible. Thanks anyway though. :thumbup: Those two bros do look pretty sweet tho it's true.
  5. X

    Two bros

    Forgot this, a little idea of how it looks....
  6. X

    Two bros

    Wooh! My Leos arrived yesterday, installed em today followin one of the threads on here. No problem till i was puttin her back together, absolute nightmare with the rack for my top box so I left it off for the moment. Holy cow these things are loud!! Beautiful tone off them and they look class...
  7. X

    Two bros

    Haha black is definitely the fastest!! Thanks a lot guys some nice pics and vids there I'll get some up when I install mine!:rockon:
  8. X

    Two bros

    Cheers for all the help lads, nccoder you've been quite helpful i was reading your input on some of the other Two Bros threads, fair play.:thumbup: I ended up ordering Leo Vince Carbon Fibre SBKII from Italy on ebay, worked out a fair bit cheaper for me, (and I'm a poor student so that's a big...
  9. X

    Two bros

    Yeah Ill probably go for TBs some day but I think ill go for the CF Leo Vince now. Have u any pics or vids of urs Stumbles?
  10. X

    Two bros

    Well I've been readin around and the general consensus is that Two Bros are ridiculously loud even with the DB killers in, loads of people sayin fine for the track but a bit much on the roads. Also there seems to be some problem with the Carbon Fibre it yellows after a while, and payin the guts...
  11. X

    Two bros

    Thanks for the heads up man, did they give any indication of when they'll be getting more in?
  12. X

    Two bros

    How's it goin lads. I'm gettin the Two Brothers Carbon fibre slip ons for the fazer, after lookin at all options I've been in love with these from the start, bout time she had a bit of bark about her! Just got a few questions maybe ye could help me out. First of all I'm hearin that the two bros...
  13. X

    Howya from Ireland

    Ah Jaysis sure tons of us Irish on here how's it goin lads! Yeah still absolutely freezin, nd I had my suspicions that fog was comin from tipp alright!!! :D Cheers for the welcome lads, Gilo I already have a questionable obsession with the bike, don't know if it can get much worse!
  14. X

    Howya from Ireland

    Hi lads and ladies, I'm from Ireland, been on 2 wheels for bout 3 years nd have my black 09 fz6 fazer s2 for almost a year now, savage bike altogether. Saw the site lookin forward to seein what different people have done to their fz6's, share a few stories nd a bit of craic nd hopefully get to...