Recent content by WhizzBang

  1. WhizzBang

    Should I buy this?

    Sweet bike is badass! :rockon: Hope you're having fun getting to know the bike, I know I am. This has some good info 2009 Yamaha FZ6
  2. WhizzBang

    new sprocket question

    I'd probably get on to them for a replacement before you ride it around too much. It might feel fine but wouldn't all that extra play in there cause it to slap around and wear prematurely? Thanks for posting! I'll be sure to check if I ever have to replace mine.
  3. WhizzBang

    1st BIRD STRIKE!!

    I realise this is an old-ish post but surely there should be a sticky related to the subject? It's something that affects us all at some stage, sometimes funny, most times painful, but always relevant. Maybe "What Hit You In The Face?" or something! Anyways, left work rather late a couple of...
  4. WhizzBang

    Newbie mistakes!

    Some great advice there Erci, obviously you're one of the more experienced around here! :thumbup: By the sounds of it your MSF is similar to what we call the Q-Ride course. I was always a bit sceptical that a day course, which effectively lets loose a rider that may never have even sat on a...
  5. WhizzBang

    Newbie mistakes!

    My two cents worth because I can... Been riding for a while on small and large bikes and the FZ6 would be the most capable I've owned in terms of speed and handling. If someone were to ask me if it's a good bike to start off on I would say no. Nothing to do with the power of the bike, just...
  6. WhizzBang

    Should I buy this?

    WHAT?! I'll take a 1983 Z1000 please!!:BLAA:
  7. WhizzBang

    New member welcome thread..

    G'day all I live in a great city called Townsville in North Queensland and for a crust I try and be a geologist. Dad of two crazy boys of about 2 and 0.75 so they keep me busy at home. Been riding for about 25 years, got my first bike when I was 7 and owned maybe 15 all up. Had some nasty...
  8. WhizzBang

    Thanks Kazza!! Mass of info here, I need go nowhere else :) I'm liking your cans by the way...

    Thanks Kazza!! Mass of info here, I need go nowhere else :) I'm liking your cans by the way ... in a few months I'll be looking at some mods and exhaust will be top of my list. How do you rate the scorpions for sound? Prices I've found are about $700-$800, seems a bit steep, what do you reckon?
  9. WhizzBang

    Should I buy this?

    Unbelieveable that they would leave a brand-new bike to sit for 3 years while the world carries on around it and update models come and go...they're either stupid or lazy. You made a great choice. I completely echo solar's comment - it's a fantastic machine (I also recently bought a 2006)...
  10. WhizzBang

    Total N00B question...please help

    Yes point taken!:Flash: However... what I mean is I would rather 'cruise' at lower revs than purposefully 'keep' the bike revving high-ish just so's I have the scalded cat clawing at the door. I would rather wake it when I need it. Hence I'm thinking of getting taller gearing to suit my...
  11. WhizzBang

    Total N00B question...please help

    Not sure why you'd 'want' to keep the bike revving high while cruising? I tend not to have an itchy throttle finger while cruising! If I need to give it a blatt at short notice I just knock it down a couple. But I'm finding the gearing a bit short for my ~60-70% highway commute, something a bit...
  12. WhizzBang

    Took my first spill...

    Nice repair job! I would say you're lucky the impact didn't bend the swing arm out of shape. They seem pretty light and by the looks of that wheel, it hit hard. I live in fear of those pesky gravel patches. You've inspired me to invest in some sliders and some proper riding gear. Mind you...
  13. WhizzBang

    Plasti Dipped my Windscreen

    Sweet look! I've been looking for a spray tint kit...not come across any in shops yet. Not sure if I like the idea of total black-out rubber but who cares about practicality when it looks that good!
  14. WhizzBang

    New FZ6 rider

    G'day FZ6'ers I'm also new to the world of Fazers, and loving every minute of it. And great to see a dedicated forum, looking forward to being a regular here. Have owned a swag of low-tec torquey machines so just getting used to the revvy engine and trying to master blast-off. Luckily there's...