Recent content by Truffel

  1. T

    Throttle body sync

    I don't know exactly. I bought the bike with 19200 km's(11300 miles) on it and it is now on 26500 km(16466 miles) with a small maintenance check(checking the usual things and adding some lubricants and oils). According to the service manual it needs to be checked every 42000 km so that shouldn't...
  2. T

    Throttle body sync

    Just did the synchronisation to get rid off excessive mirror shaking and vibrations. The vibrations didn't go away(hand still tingling after highway speeds) but the mirrors are useable now. But I ran into some trouble because if I adjust my idle to the standards(1250-1350 rpm) I cannot get the...
  3. T

    2006 windscreen mod

    What kind of helmet do you use?
  4. T

    2006 windscreen mod

    mannydiller, I experienced the same. It is livable but not yet great. So i cut some holes in it(not quite naca ducts, jrevans but close) and it helps a bit as well. But holes in the screen look crap, even if you make it nicer with finished edges etcetera. Then I cut the screen straight(instead...
  5. T

    2006 windscreen mod

    Because no one could answer my question I went ahead and cut my screen down. 3 times. Still didn't help. Then I put holes in my screen, which makes it look like swiss cheese, and that didn't help either. So I f'ed up my screen but it still doesn't solve the wind noise. So I try again: has anyone...
  6. T

    2006 windscreen mod

    It has been a long time since the last post in this thread but I post here anyway ;) I've read the whole thread but I still have a question because everybody talks about turbulence and head shaking which is completely gone with this mod. But I don't have the problem of my head shaking(nor...