Recent content by brandon_

  1. B

    FZ6 does Gettysburg

    Oh, interestingly enough I passed probably 150 other riders today. A vast majority were on HD's since I had to go past their York, PA plant and they were having some sort of event. I think 4 or 5 of that 150 threw me a wave. The best part was when I was right behind a group of 6-8 HD'ers...
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    FZ6 does Gettysburg

    I had a free morning today and the weather was PERFECT so I saddled up and made the 45 mile ride to Gettysburg and cruised the Auto-Tour of the battlefields. All said and done I put 100.6 miles on the clock. Funny thing is this all happened because I needed envelopes so rather than walk to the...
  3. B

    How fast is too fast? (regarding police)

    The main hwy I take to work is 55 but if you're not doing 70 you're getting passed. I don't routinely ride/drive 15-20 over but I will do what it takes to at least keep up with the flow of traffic. The least-over I got a ticket for was 8. 63 in a 55.
  4. B

    What does FZ stand for?

    Source? My head. It's just a name I made up.
  5. B

    What does FZ stand for?

    Franklin Zerphey. The main engineer who designed the originals.
  6. B

    Size duz matter...

    I never considered my FZ a "proper dirt bike" but looks like I underestimated it...
  7. B

    PA Fz'ers

    I'm in Lancaster and ride a blue '08. Last Saturday around 1pm someone on an identical bike passed me on Rt. 30 just west of the 222 interchange. It was weird seeing your own bike go by you!
  8. B

    Summer mesh jacket recommendations?

    +1 for this one.
  9. B

    Another new guy here...

    Thanks all....I really like it so far! The longest I've done without stopping is 70 miles but I wasn't sore at all. I could have easily made the same run again. I have a 50ish mile round-trip commute daily and this thing is great for it.
  10. B

    Another new guy here...

    I'm Brandon from Lancaster, PA. This is my "new to me" 2008 FZ6 that I got on April 16, 2012 . I got it with 3707 miles and have put a little over 1000 on it since then. Been lurking for a while and figured I'd start posting.