Thugs and Hooligans give us all a bad rap

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The man was using the car as a deadly weapon, use of deadly force on him is justified.

The officer should have unloaded a clip into the man to protect the public and get in deeper undercover with whoever he was trying to get in on.

You still don't understand how this works. It's ok. The second an alleged assailant flees the use of deadly force is no longer justified. He was attempting to escape and that is obvious to most.
The man was using the car as a deadly weapon, use of deadly force on him is justified.

The officer should have unloaded a clip into the man to protect the public and get in deeper undercover with whoever he was trying to get in on.

Two wrongs don't make a right, buddy.

Here's something you guys might find interesting if you haven't already seen it. Neal, you'll love this.

Deleted Videos Show Asshat Bikers Before Range Rover Attack
You aren't recapping. You are spamming nonsense that we already determined to be irrelevant.

So far you are the only person to say its irrelevant. Many other posters have put the same information. The news has put the same information out there. The Court has already acted on that information. Generally the Court has the final say.

I do post information that I do get from lawyer friends of mine that I know who I ask about legal implications related to this story. That is merely conjecture
2 were hit. You still aren't following the story.

3 in total. Cruz that started the incident. Miese who was run over. And the guy on the white bike with spider paint job who was struck when the Range Rover attempted to flee after his door was ripped open, that then attacked the range rover after they blocked it in. That guy has not come forward yet but gave an interview to the news anonymously.

So far those are the only confirmed collisions with the Range Rover.

Any more information you want to falsely spread about there being 2. Maybe well have to wait for another one of these roaches to crawl out from the rock they hide under. But I doubt it because they could also get nailed with guilt by association for the unlawful imprisonment.
3 in total. Cruz that started the incident. Miese who was run over. And the guy on the white bike with spider paint job who was struck when the Range Rover attempted to flee after his door was ripped open, that then attacked the range rover after they blocked it in. That guy has not come forward yet but gave an interview to the news anonymously.

So far those are the only confirmed collisions with the Range Rover.

Any more information you want to falsely spread about there being 2. Maybe well have to wait for another one of these roaches to crawl out from the rock they hide under. But I doubt it because they could also get nailed with guilt by association for the unlawful imprisonment.


We are talking about the motorcycles he ran over deliberately after he stopped.
You still don't understand how this works. It's ok. The second an alleged assailant flees the use of deadly force is no longer justified. He was attempting to escape and that is obvious to most.

You still don't understand. His vehicle was the deadly weapon, force was justified.
So far you are the only person to say its irrelevant. Many other posters have put the same information. The news has put the same information out there. The Court has already acted on that information. Generally the Court has the final say.

I do post information that I do get from lawyer friends of mine that I know who I ask about legal implications related to this story. That is merely conjecture

Also, Irrelevant.

My statements are with respect to only the issue they are addressing. Whether the information is used by anyone or a court for a completely different issues, doesn't matter.

What I am saying is redundant, but you seem to have a lot of learning to do.
Yeah, I'm not really sure why you're supporting these guys...

-Man is cut off then brake checked by motorcycle.
-Man in suv cannot slow down fast enough to avoid motorcycle due to the many other bikes tailgating him
-man hits motorcycle, stops, is surrounded by a HUGE group of motorcyclists
-motorcyclists actions thus far have proven they are impulsive, and indifferent to the safety of people outside their "gang"
-man fears for his, his daughter's and his wife's safety
-man has an easy means of escape, and is faced with a decision: remain stationary and have his windows broken, tires slashed and possibly have his family hurt;
-or: knock over the bikes blocking his path and get his family to safety.
Just a friendly reminder, no personal attacks or name calling. I rather enjoy reading this thread however, if a member posts something derogatory against another the post will either be edited, deleted and member warned or all three. Carry on.

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Yeah, I'm not really sure why you're supporting these guys...

-Man is cut off then brake checked by motorcycle.
-Man in suv cannot slow down fast enough to avoid motorcycle due to the many other bikes tailgating him
-man hits motorcycle, stops, is surrounded by a HUGE group of motorcyclists
-motorcyclists actions thus far have proven they are impulsive, and indifferent to the safety of people outside their "gang"
-man fears for his, his daughter's and his wife's safety
-man has an easy means of escape, and is faced with a decision: remain stationary and have his windows broken, tires slashed and possibly have his family hurt;
-or: knock over the bikes blocking his path and get his family to safety.

- No brake check. Video shows this clearly.

-The SUV did not slow down, he just slowly kept getting close and close until he hit him.

- He is on a road, if he is afraid of being surround by vehicles he shouldn't be driving.

- The man fears for himself (why makes no sense) and decides to put himself, his wife and kids in danger needlessly.

-The man is not going to get away with a hit and run, he tries, and nearly kills on bystander.

-His car is hunted down and he got a good beating for his actions.
deadly weapon, force was justified.

Irrelavent, there's your out of context, let's see. Seems like 99% think what the bikers did was wrong.

Let me address this issue to you, bikers attack, man attacks back.

Maybe you should watch some more law and order shows, they have a marathon on USA network sometimes. Barracks lawyer. Keep dismissing valid arguments, it makes you look stupid.

"In my opinion, this is irrelavent" but it is relavent. Jesus..... We have tried several ways to explain this to you and all you say is "doesn't matter" and "he used his RR as a deadly weapon." And when we try to explain what he had felt you keep saying "irrelavent" but it is! I know your the ultimate bad ass (LOL) but some people act differently to a bunch of retards crowding around him. (Another fact OMG)!!!!!!
Neal, man, give it up. You're fighting a losing battle.
I (and maybe you do also and just are offering your quip) enjoy a different perspective. I'm too occupied right now to reseach details but I think there are others (largely outside of active thread FZ6 posters) who are bringing up salient points. Italians burned Giordano Bruno centuries ago for suggesting the earth wasn't center of universe. The debate over the RR driver's action is interesting. I like dissenting posters. Thread is still (but pushing enelope sometimes) not offensive. I imagine the thread moderator agrees or else it'd be closed (maybe it will be?)
I (and maybe you do also and just are offering your quip) enjoy a different perspective. I'm too occupied right now to reseach details but I think there are others (largely outside of active thread FZ6 posters) who are bringing up salient points. Italians burned Giordano Bruno centuries ago for suggesting the earth wasn't center of universe. The debate over the RR driver's action is interesting. I like dissenting posters. Thread is still (but pushing enelope sometimes) not offensive. I imagine the thread moderator agrees or else it'd be closed (maybe it will be?)

Some people have caught the same hell for saying the earth was round.
Irrelavent, there's your out of context, let's see. Seems like 99% think what the bikers did was wrong.

Let me address this issue to you, bikers attack, man attacks back.

Maybe you should watch some more law and order shows, they have a marathon on USA network sometimes. Barracks lawyer. Keep dismissing valid arguments, it makes you look stupid.

"In my opinion, this is irrelavent" but it is relavent. Jesus..... We have tried several ways to explain this to you and all you say is "doesn't matter" and "he used his RR as a deadly weapon." And when we try to explain what he had felt you keep saying "irrelavent" but it is! I know your the ultimate bad ass (LOL) but some people act differently to a bunch of retards crowding around him. (Another fact OMG)!!!!!!

Not interested in an issue that didn't happen, i don't deal with the hypothetical.
I (and maybe you do also and just are offering your quip) enjoy a different perspective. I'm too occupied right now to reseach details but I think there are others (largely outside of active thread FZ6 posters) who are bringing up salient points. Italians burned Giordano Bruno centuries ago for suggesting the earth wasn't center of universe. The debate over the RR driver's action is interesting. I like dissenting posters. Thread is still (but pushing enelope sometimes) not offensive. I imagine the thread moderator agrees or else it'd be closed (maybe it will be?)

And alas our dear Nicolaus Copernicus or Nikolaus Kopernikus! :p

- No brake check. Video shows this clearly.

-The SUV did not slow down, he just slowly kept getting close and close until he hit him.

- He is on a road, if he is afraid of being surround by vehicles he shouldn't be driving.

- The man fears for himself (why makes no sense) and decides to put himself, his wife and kids in danger needlessly.

Like I said, if he had decelerated at the rate that the biker in front of him did, the bikes following WAY too closely (which is illegal for a good reason) behind would have hit him

Also, you neglect to acknowledge the fact that the biker cut the SUV off (not signal, lane sharing) and then with out warning and with a gap of what looks to be less than 10m, either engine brakes or brake checks the SUV. With all the activity around him (tailgating, lane sharing) he was most likely trying to focus on not hitting the other bikers that were far too close of proximity to him to be safe road sharing conditions.

What doesn't make sense about being afraid when you have a baby in the car and 40+ angry bikers surrounding you?
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