Gym thread- Who is working out? Make that Fazer lighter!


Never stop exploring
May 26, 2012
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Above California
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I started working out last Dec and just had some dumbbells and standard bars, plates. I was pressing a combined 70lbs with the dumbbells and generally did not know what the hell I was doing. :D

Since then I got power rack and 300lb olympic barbell weight set. Over the past months I've learned proper form in the big compound exercises and started tracking my sessions in Excel.

Now I'm pressing sets @ 140lb and deadlifting sets @ 220lb. A long way to go to get strong but making steady progress.

Following the KISS principle I wanted to undertake as few exercises as possible to get a complete body workout and stick to them. (Thanks again if you helped me in my previous thread settle on these.)

  • Bench press
  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Pullup
  • Curl

Also just started separating out "leg days" and working in a dumbbell clean and press, standing Russian twist AKA landmine to work the abs a bit more. If soreness is a good measure, they seem to work well!

My Fazer continues to get lighter. Anyone else hitting the gym? Do you have a routine or track progress?
I started getting back into working out after many years of doing nothing.

Been six weeks so far. I do only Dips and Pullups 3 to 5 days a week. Ten sets of each. If I did anything for the lower body I would do squats only at the same frequency and volume as my other exercises.
I've been working for over 20 years.. was a personal trainer for 6. Definitely allows me to keep the weight off. I no longer track progress in terms of how much I can lift. My record setting days are behind me and I'm ok with that.
My best bench press was 265, 275 on squats and 315 on deadlift. I weighed 170 at that time.
Looking at your basic routine, I would add military press and tricep press and I would dump curls. Your biceps will get enough load from pullups.
Yeah bro, I get swole.

Started back up after college to get in shape for the tough mudder, did one last year and dragged my friends along with me this year on the 10 mile hellish muddy obstacle course.

My workouts are usually some cardio, a good amount of core, bodyweight stuff, benching, squatting and bis. I've started working crossfit style things in, girlfriend loves that cult and it's rubbing off on me.

A great lift to add to your workout is the high pull, does a lot for full body strength, after all, bench and curl don't really do anything for real world muscles, it's all for the girls ;)
Very frequently. Squat and deadlift are my favorite. Im a hardgainer though so i usually stick to full body only 3 days a week for no more than an hour long. Cardio about once a week.
No lifting here, but I've been ramping up cardio lately. Running and biking. The Fazer isn't getting lighter, but I am :)

You and the bike will be faster!

I started getting back into working out after many years of doing nothing.

Been six weeks so far. I do only Dips and Pullups 3 to 5 days a week. Ten sets of each. If I did anything for the lower body I would do squats only at the same frequency and volume as my other exercises.

Great to get back at it. Nothing with the lower body? I hope you at least add squats! If you'd consider tracking your progress in Excel, you might find it motivating.

I've been working for over 20 years.. was a personal trainer for 6. Definitely allows me to keep the weight off. I no longer track progress in terms of how much I can lift. My record setting days are behind me and I'm ok with that.
My best bench press was 265, 275 on squats and 315 on deadlift. I weighed 170 at that time.
Looking at your basic routine, I would add military press and tricep press and I would dump curls. Your biceps will get enough load from pullups.

Great numbers to aspire to there. In 1-2 months I should finally be pressing my bodyweight (160).

I'll look at those extra presses, thanks. But ditch the curls? Vanity says no! :D

Yeah bro, I get swole.

Started back up after college to get in shape for the tough mudder, did one last year and dragged my friends along with me this year on the 10 mile hellish muddy obstacle course.

My workouts are usually some cardio, a good amount of core, bodyweight stuff, benching, squatting and bis. I've started working crossfit style things in, girlfriend loves that cult and it's rubbing off on me.

A great lift to add to your workout is the high pull, does a lot for full body strength, after all, bench and curl don't really do anything for real world muscles, it's all for the girls ;)

Good stuff. I've been aerobically fit for years but no real strength. The quickest way to gain is to lift heavy so that's what I'm doing.

Part of the workout mix is to ensure your physique doesn't look bizarre and uneven. I wouldn't want to leave out the bench press for sure! :D
In ROTC my workouts were controlled and routined for me which kept me in shape. But no mass gain as I wasn't lifting. Now that I'm out I've put on about 40 pounds, I look normal sized for my height though. But I've been wanting and needing to get back in to lifting and get in shape. Now that I'm living with a guy I consider my brother, we both went and got memberships at Gold's gym. After doing a walk through with the main guy there I fell in love with that gym and its sooooo reasonably priced. I'm so excited to get back into working out. Haven't got a workout/nutrition plan down on paper yet but I'll work that out over the next few days hopefully
I've actually gained around 5 pounds in the last couple of months (hopefully muscle!)

I've been weight training in some form for about 11 years. I was following Crossfit style programming for a few years until I had my bike accident last year. I've been rehabbing and slowly building up strength since then.

Pre-accident my numbers were: (at 75kg / 165lb bodyweight)
Bench: 95kg x 1 (210lb)
Deadlift: 190kg x 1 (419lb)
Squat: 110kg x 1 (242lb)
Pull-up: bw + 50kg x 1 (110lb)

Just before my accident I became interested in submission wrestling, which I've slowly been getting back into as my shoulder has recovered. I've also taken up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to help with this a little. Now I just train strength once a week at the gym, wrestle 2-3 times a week, and do BJJ 1-2 times a week. I've also added in some ancillary exrcises such as hamstring/bicep curls, and hip abductors/adductors, cable rows etc.

Post accident my numbers are currently:
Bench: 60kg x 8
Deadlift: 150kg x 3
Squat: 80kg x 5
Pull-up: bw (75kg) + 26kg x 3

I did also used to rock climb and run barefoot, but I've had lingering shoulder and collarbone issues which have stopped this.
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I got lazy for a while but got back into running for the last months and the gym 2-3 days a week. I lost 15lbs from Mar-Apr and have been able to keep it off:thumbup:
Confession -

I skipped leg day.

Working out? What's that? Oh right that's what city people do to get in shape.

Between running, yard work, and helping the inlaws out on their beef farm I get all the exercise I need. In the country we don't have "down time" unless we are asleep at night.

I'm 34, 5'8" and weigh in at 140 lbs. 12 years ago when I was in college I weighed 139. My fz6 doesn't even know I'm there when I ride. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
I can't work out in the summer. I don't know what it is, but once it gets warm out, I don't want to be in the gym. Fall I'll get back in to it and gain at least 10 lbs of muscle. If I just liked cardio, I could get below 180 for the warmer, riding months.

This past year I was benching up to 265-270, squats I only did 135 with high reps, should pressing was around 140. I could always get big has hell, but not cut.
This past year I was benching up to 265-270, squats I only did 135 with high reps, should pressing was around 140. I could always get big has hell, but not cut.

Genetics definitely define our work out results more so than anything else.

I'm fairly cut for a skinny dude but I could not get big if I tried. No matter how much I worked out in college I could not gain mass, only definition. I've weighed within 5 lbs of the same weight from age 18-34. I'm sure that is not very common.
I'm working to make the FZ heavier. I started at 120lbs and 5'8". About 6 months in I'm around 145lbs. I used to be a runner and I've switched to lifting.

I do the basic lifts; deadlift, squat, bench press. Along with accessory stuff like pull/chin-ups, OHP, tricep dips, hanging leg raises, planks, etc.

My bench press is pretty horrible at 120lbs, but my squats and deadlifts have been consistently going up (200lbs and 225lbs respectively).
If I'm trying to dump weight, I can't lift much. Diet is my killer. I don't lose any weight in the gym, only pack it on. Was running 30 miles a week last summer while lifting and I didn't lose a pound.

Greg - watch out on adding military press. Look into the proper form on this one. Most of those jokers in the gym have no idea how NOT to destroy their shoulders. As a guy who used to shoulder press 275, just because I could.... don't do it. After 18 months of 3-day per week physical therapy, I'm back up to benching 70 lbs and I can't even work shoulders yet. Just my 2c.... :(
Greg - watch out on adding military press. Look into the proper form on this one. Most of those jokers in the gym have no idea how NOT to destroy their shoulders. As a guy who used to shoulder press 275, just because I could.... don't do it. After 18 months of 3-day per week physical therapy, I'm back up to benching 70 lbs and I can't even work shoulders yet. Just my 2c.... :(

Truth. I used to bench and shoulder press in college but I developed a shoulder condition called Shoulder Bursitis which prevents me from doing any type of benching or dead lifts.
it is basically an inflammation within the shoulder tendons that gets worse after strenuous activity and becomes more inflamed when you lie down so it is impossible to sleep at night if it is inflamed unless you are sitting upright. It feels like someone is pouding a 20 penny nail into your rotator cuff. Worst thing ever. It only bothers me when I try to lift weights, toning and cardio exercise is no problem.
Truth. I used to bench and shoulder press in college but I developed a shoulder condition called Shoulder Bursitis which prevents me from doing any type of benching or dead lifts.
it is basically an inflammation within the shoulder tendons that gets worse after strenuous activity and becomes more inflamed when you lie down so it is impossible to sleep at night if it is inflamed unless you are sitting upright. It feels like someone is pouding a 20 penny nail into your rotator cuff. Worst thing ever. It only bothers me when I try to lift weights, toning and cardio exercise is no problem.

I know that feel bro. Been in pt for the past few months getting myself put back together. Im at the gym now about to start out with a full body elyptical thingy
I was pretty big into the "home exercise" program, but quickly found them to be repetitive and boring. The lack of variety quickly became dull no matter which program I was doing. The results were minimal because the workouts usually focused a lot on high cardio, and without anyone actually there to track your progress, I found myself getting discouraged a lot.

Buuuuuuuut... Then I joined a crossfit box. :D

This was about 3 months ago. There was one about 3 miles from work, with a 5:15pm class that worked out great! I've found a great workout family there, who constantly push each other and themselves and really inspire you to kick your own butt no matter what!

My stats:
Age - 22 (23 in september)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 167lbs (started at 163 lbs)

My current numbers for the lifts portion:
Bench: 160lbs (need to re-test in about 2 weeks)
Front squat: 195 lbs
Back squat: 215 lbs
Push Press: 140 lbs
Shoulder press: 115 lbs
Deadlift: 320lbs (need to retest in about a week, had a horrible grip on the last one)

The most intense workout was this past monday. Every memorial day we do a "Hero" workout called "Murph" It's to honor a navy seal, Sgt. Murphy who died while trying to rescue the 3 members of his squad (One did make it back)
The workout is like this:
Start -
1 mile run
any combination to get the following totals - 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 air squats (I did 20 rounds of 5-10-15)
1 mile run
Took me 51:50 to finish and I was REALLY tired, but it was so worth it.
[ame=]Hero CrossFit WOD: Murph - YouTube[/ame]

I have noticed a lot of trimming up around my belly, though! (the last spot I need to lose fat in my opinion) which means project six-pack 2013 is going well!

Good to see others working out as well!

Oh, and if you need more motivation check out Lose the Fat
If I'm trying to dump weight, I can't lift much. Diet is my killer. I don't lose any weight in the gym, only pack it on. Was running 30 miles a week last summer while lifting and I didn't lose a pound.

Greg - watch out on adding military press. Look into the proper form on this one. Most of those jokers in the gym have no idea how NOT to destroy their shoulders. As a guy who used to shoulder press 275, just because I could.... don't do it. After 18 months of 3-day per week physical therapy, I'm back up to benching 70 lbs and I can't even work shoulders yet. Just my 2c.... :(

Ouch!! 275 shoulder press is mental though, no matter how good the form.