Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize!


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Jun 5, 2008
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He was nominated after being on the job for 12 days. So far we have seen zero results, an escalation of violence in Afghanistan, both North Korea and Iran firing long range balistic missles in defiance of Obama, war games in both countires, Israel planning a unilateral preemptive stike on Iran in defiance of Obama, Palestine and Israel both refusing peace talks at the request of Obama, he has implicitly supported an overthrow of the legal interim government of Hondurous by a socialist dictator wannabe with extremely close ties to Chavez, and Chicago has embarrassed our nation and possibly lost our bid for the 2016 summer Olympics due to out of control violence and child murder. End rant!

He was nominated after being on the job for 12 days. So far we have seen zero results, an escalation of violence in Afghanistan, both North Korea and Iran firing long range balistic missles in defiance of Obama, war games in both countires, Israel planning a unilateral preemptive stike on Iran in defiance of Obama, Palestine and Israel both refusing peace talks at the request of Obama, he has implicitly supported an overthrow of the legal interim government of Hondurous by a socialist dictator wannabe with extremely close ties to Chavez, and Chicago has embarrassed our nation and possibly lost our bid for the 2016 summer Olympics due to out of control violence and child murder. End rant!

Your nick is Cuba. Very nice,really))))) Do you know what Cuba means))))) I dont think so)))) So
1. Congratulations to all amerecans with this awards
2. USA is the greatest country of the world now. And if you disagree with me, you are a loser and you are a stupid man))))
Your nick is Cuba. Very nice,really))))) Do you know what Cuba means))))) I dont think so)))) So
1. Congratulations to all amerecans with this awards
2. USA is the greatest country of the world now. And if you disagree with me, you are a loser and you are a stupid man))))

Wow! All great points there. To answer your question yes I am somewhat aware of what Cuba means being that I am a Cuban American and my family narrowly escaped that paradise turned communist sh!t hole. Thanks for asking. These "amerecans" with "this awards" should be congratulated and yes we are still the greatest "country of the world"... now. It's the whole future thing that we are concerned about.

So does anyone else think this is like give a Congressional Medal of Honor to an armchair general 12 days on the job with no experience or results? Word on the street is that most do, including the White House aides that were asked. This is a joke, a mockery of the award itself, and 100% political.

He was nominated after being on the job for 12 days. So far we have seen zero results, an escalation of violence in Afghanistan, both North Korea and Iran firing long range balistic missles in defiance of Obama, war games in both countires, Israel planning a unilateral preemptive stike on Iran in defiance of Obama, Palestine and Israel both refusing peace talks at the request of Obama, he has implicitly supported an overthrow of the legal interim government of Hondurous by a socialist dictator wannabe with extremely close ties to Chavez, and Chicago has embarrassed our nation and possibly lost our bid for the 2016 summer Olympics due to out of control violence and child murder. End rant!

I believe you are missing the point completely. Symbolism is very important in international politics and diplomacy and if you understood international politics and how the rest of the World sees the US and Obama, you would congratulate your own leader, not try to nitpick at it because you don't like some of his policies...

It is hilarious to me that some ppl in the US hate Obama so much, that even when their own country's leader receives an honor from ANOTHER COUNTRY, they find ways to criticize it! what is the point other than to satisfy yourself a bit more by crapping on Obama?

From the committee who awarded him the honor:

The committee said he won for efforts to boost diplomacy and co-operation.
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the Norwegian committee said in a statement.
"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."

Obama is the leader of the first power of the World, and has basically taken a 180degree turn in his foreign policy compared to the previous leader... just for that he should win it! :)
....an escalation of violence in Afghanistan, both North Korea and Iran firing long range balistic missles in defiance of Obama, war games in both countires, Israel planning a unilateral preemptive stike on Iran in defiance of Obama, Palestine and Israel both refusing peace talks at the request of Obama....

Cuba. Who started war in Afghanistan? Obama? Who started war in Iraq? Obama? Who tried to locate missiles in East Europe? Obama?
Obama has got a lot of problems from his predecessor. He tries to do something at least, he tries to change something at least....as opposed to Bush. The award is "prepayment" to Obama.
So, i don't figure you out. why you posted such bad words, i dont know.
I was quite surprised to read that Obama had received the Nobel Peace Prize, as he hasn't accomplished much noteworthy on the peace front. Especially compared to other recipients such as Mother Theresa. I was also surprised to read that one of the explicit goals of the Nobel committee who awards is to encourage a recipient to make peace. It's not all about achievement, it's also about helping someone achieve. I had never realized that the prizes were sometimes allocated based upon where encouragement may do the most good. It's the only way that Obama winning it makes any sense.
What about that Achmandinnerjacket (sorry about the speling) guy in Iran? He might be hurt that he wasn't nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
I believe the prize was awarded for tossing Israel under the bus.
I think it was in part intended as an insult to GWB, and in part an attempt at having Obama continue to retreat from the international stage. Either way it was a decision based on politics rather than honest analysis, it has an agenda behind it. Watching Obama's attempts at peace talks are like a poker player who everyone knows will fold at the first signs of a raise. They know he won't stand up. Iran is actively pursuing a nuclear arsenal with illegal secret enrichment facilities and still publicly stating a desire to destroy Israel? Let's try to talk about trade sanctions. Jury is still out, but not due to Obama's actions. The Marxist President of Honduras hires a gang of thugs to hold illegal and unconstitutional votes on eliminating term limits for the president and set up a Chavez style dictatorship, causing the government to follow the law to the letter and peacefully remove him from office? Let's support Chavez by calling it a military coup and attempt to return this dictator wannabe to power by force if necessary. Again, jury is still out but this is in my opinion a terrible sign of the style of this administration- avoid conflict at all costs, even when the costs will become greater than the original conflict. Passing the buck, taking the easy way out now ("stimulus") and letting someone else pay for it later.

That being said I think it is WAY too early to judge the effects of his foreign policies, and for that very reason it is patently ridiculous to award him such an honor for things he has yet to do. The fact that he is an American has no bearing on what is right or how I feel about it. If Barney Frank won a Nobel Prize for economics it would be equally absurd. It's like putting his face on Mt. Rushmore during his first year in office, it would be an insult to those that actually earned it. Have you ever worked hard and sacrificed for something very important to you and then see someone that did not make those efforts or earn the right receive the same honor? Stings a bit. Just my opinion here folks.
I believe you are missing the point completely. Symbolism is very important in international politics and diplomacy and if you understood international politics and how the rest of the World sees the US and Obama, you would congratulate your own leader, not try to nitpick at it because you don't like some of his policies...

It is hilarious to me that some ppl in the US hate Obama so much, that even when their own country's leader receives an honor from ANOTHER COUNTRY, they find ways to criticize it! what is the point other than to satisfy yourself a bit more by crapping on Obama?

From the committee who awarded him the honor:

Obama is the leader of the first power of the World, and has basically taken a 180degree turn in his foreign policy compared to the previous leader... just for that he should win it! :)

If he was awarded an Olympic gold medal for women's tennis I would call it into question as well. Equally absurd. Well okay not quite... same ball park though.
Russia's Putin warns against intimidating Iran | World | Reuters

Obama makes a huge consession to Russia on a missile defense sheild in Europe designed to defend against Iranian missiles without any concessions whatsoever from Russia or Iran. Iran then test fires a number of missiles, launches war games, and Russia is warning us and the rest of the UN that we shouldn't be doing anything about it...

Again, too early to tell but this just doesn't look like an effective strategy. It looks like we are weak and allowing ourselves to be bullied. JFK was similar, he projected weakness and as a result we end up with Russia shipping nukes to Cuba among many other things. When you create a void on the international stage it will be filled. There is a difference between being a war monger and protecting yourself and your allies, and a difference between being reasonable and being a pushover. Avoiding conflict today does not mean you have ensured peace. Just my opinion.
Poll Numbers, admittedly from the Fox News site:

Did He Deserve It?

Upon winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Barack Obama said, "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformational figures." Most Americans agree with the president -- 65 percent say he did not deserve to win, while 29 percent say he did.

Furthermore, a slim 54 percent majority of Democrats think Obama did deserve to win, while 38 percent disagree. For independents, 19 percent think he deserved it, while nearly three-quarters, 74 percent, say he did not. Among Republicans, almost all -- 91 percent -- say he did not deserve it.

When asked why the Nobel Committee gave the president the prize, about a third of Americans, 32 percent, say because he deserved it, while the largest number -- 44 percent -- think the committee hoped the prize would make Obama "think twice before using military force in the future."

Well... Obama agrees with me. ;)
Poll Numbers, admittedly from the Fox News site:

Did He Deserve It?

Upon winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Barack Obama said, "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformational figures." Most Americans agree with the president -- 65 percent say he did not deserve to win, while 29 percent say he did.

Furthermore, a slim 54 percent majority of Democrats think Obama did deserve to win, while 38 percent disagree. For independents, 19 percent think he deserved it, while nearly three-quarters, 74 percent, say he did not. Among Republicans, almost all -- 91 percent -- say he did not deserve it.

When asked why the Nobel Committee gave the president the prize, about a third of Americans, 32 percent, say because he deserved it, while the largest number -- 44 percent -- think the committee hoped the prize would make Obama "think twice before using military force in the future."

Well... Obama agrees with me. ;)

Well if it comes from Fox news it MUST be true.. Fox news is a joke.. I have never seen such hatred towards a president.. When I hear older people saying "I just dont trust him" It really sounds like they wanna say the N word but know better... I cant believe people are still like this these days...
If he was awarded an Olympic gold medal for women's tennis I would call it into question as well. Equally absurd. Well okay not quite... same ball park though.

Actually, I think that makes sense only to you!:D
AFP: Majority of Nobel jury 'objected to Obama prize'

Apparently the majority of the Nobel jury objected to Obama, however the chairman of the committee is a representative of the Labor party...

This adds to the argument that this decision was based on politics rather than accomplishment.

I always admire your citations by Rightwing Hate Organizations that masqarade as "News" companies. Yup, it was the "Chairman" of "Labor" (read communist!) who overroad everyone else to single handedly give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.

You know, maybe if you read something positive once in a while, you wouldn't hate America so much!

You like the way I used "hate America", I learned it on rightwing radio.
I always admire your citations by Rightwing Hate Organizations that masqarade as "News" companies. Yup, it was the "Chairman" of "Labor" (read communist!) who overroad everyone else to single handedly give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.

You know, maybe if you read something positive once in a while, you wouldn't hate America so much!

You like the way I used "hate America", I learned it on rightwing radio.

Why is criticisim of the president considered "hate"? Certainly during the past 8 years you have spewed a lot of hate for the roughly 50% of Americans that are not members of the democratic party and disagree with your extremist liberal views, you've said so many times. This isn't hate, this is criticism. Thet fact that the President agrees with me here, that he does not believe he deserved this award, should not be lost on you. I made a point, the vast majority of people including the man himself agreed with that point, and you're sitting there calling it a hate organization. Lay off the kool aid, we are allowed to criticize, this is still America right?

White House boasts: We 'control' news media

White House Escalates War on Fox News - Political News - FOXNews.com

Oh wait, I forgot. Guess we aren't allowed to criticize him after all ;)
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An update on Obama's handling of Iran in terms of ensuring peace:

Suicide bomber kills 31 in attack on Iran Guards - Yahoo! News

"Predominantly Shi'ite Muslim Iran accuses the United States of backing Jundollah to stir trouble in sensitive border areas, a charge that Washington denies. Tehran has also linked the group to the Sunni Islamist al Qaeda network."

They are blaming us for a terrorist attack emanating from Pakistan and vowing revenge. How Ironic.

And on the whole secret nuclear facility illegally enriching uranium:

Iran Won't Halt Enrichment Even If It Gets Fuel - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

Scary stuff, it seems as though the bluff has been called and Iran, with Russian backing, will continue in their efforts to obtain nuclear weapons under the guise of nuclear power. This is very disturbing news and I'm not excited by the further validation of my earlier statements. This is a case where I would prefer to be wrong about his effectiveness or lack thereof.

But in other news here is an example of something he's doing that I do support: he is allowing the states to set and enforce their own medical marijuana laws and moving federal resources away from prosecuting medical marijuana use and sales that do not break state laws. This is good, the feds should focus on deadly drugs, the exploding Mexican drug cartel violence, etc. instead of nonviolent perscribed pot users.

Fox news is a right wing hate group?????

Whats that make me?

A terrorist?? A racist??

Get a grip on reality.
I'm disappointed with Obama---and I voted for him. He's turning out to be just another dime-a-dozen politician, making campaign promises and then, after election, starts forgetting things. Take these banking bailouts--what a sham! The Chase Bank (big, big recepient) right next to my house underwent a huge re-modeling these past few months. But, they just opened up brand new less than 2-3 years ago! WFT (dyslexia)? I thought it was strapped for cash? Obama says "this time" in implying that there's going to be no more monkey business but...they still haven't changed the banking rules. And, aren't they still "too big to fail?" Now, big war in Afganistan while Iraq falls apart?