Worst pain I've ever been in

dean owens

Elite Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
pittsboro, nc (near raleigh)
Holy Mackerel. So I went away on a retreat on May 31st and all things were good. The retreat was great. Good to see some friends I don't see very often. Was feeling really good and refreshed. It ended Thursday night and we headed home on Friday. Was excited because my girls were having their birthday party on Saturday and I couldn't wait to celebrate with them (one turned 3 on the 6th and the other turns 5 on the 14th). But my lungs had other plans.

Now rewind to Wednesday. I woke up and my left arm was hurting. Hurt all day. I got a little paranoid and looked up symptoms for a heart attack. Everything I saw said you have to have other things with the arm so I just dealt with a hurting arm all day. Until about 8pm. I started getting kinda cold and sleepy. So I went to bed early (we were trying to leave out early anyway and there was a 13 hour drive ahead of us).

Before I could get into bed I was freezing. My roommate put an extra blanket on me. This took care of me being cold but now i was sweating like crazy. I woke up the next morning at 5:30 with crazy chest pains that were so bad I couldn't go back to sleep. Couldn't hardly breathe, I was freezing, felt like I could throw up at any time, was hungry but couldn't bring myself to eat, and in the worst pain I've ever been in. I'm a man so I decide to power through it. :D

We get about 30 minutes down the road and I tell my friend to take me to the hospital. I just can't handle the pain. :rolleyes: Go in and tell them I'm having chest pains and get a wheelchair and my own private room. They hook me up to everything and find out that the heart is fine. At this point they're not sure what's causing the pain. So they take me for some chest x-rays. And what did they discover? If you guessed pneumonia you'd be correct.

Wow, pneumonia is no joke. It has had me out of commission the last few days. I'm just about finished with the medicine and I'm quite sure it's not all out of my system. Might be going to the doctor tomorrow just to see if I should get more meds. There is no way I want this coming back. Oh, and the worst part... missed my girl's birthday party. Thankfully my inlaws came to town and were able to help my wife take everything to the park and get it all setup. But it would have been nice to be there.

So for anyone wondering, "Should I try my hand a pneumonia?" The answer is a clear NO!
Darn and here I thought it sounded so good. I was gonna go and get it next week. :BLAA:

Anyway, glad to hear you're feeling better. :thumbup:
I feel your pain, Dean... had pneumonia 3 times when I was a kid.. effed up my childhood pretty good, but what can you do?
Glad you finally went it to get it diagnosed and treaded. Keep going in for check-ups to make sure it's properly out of your system.
Yep thats some bad stuff if it is left untreated. A friend of mine had to have 1/4 of a lung removed because of it.

Glad to see you are doing better.
Darn and here I thought it sounded so good. I was gonna go and get it next week. :BLAA:
Wanna hear something dumb? I've never been a small kid. One year (maybe sophomore year) school started and another fat kid came to school. Only this year he wasn't fat. I asked him what he did. He said, "I got pneumonia." My response... "I need to get pneumonia.":tard: He let me know rather quickly that I wanted no part of it.

I feel your pain, Dean... had pneumonia 3 times when I was a kid.. effed up my childhood pretty good, but what can you do?
Glad you finally went it to get it diagnosed and treaded. Keep going in for check-ups to make sure it's properly out of your system.
Dang! Three times?!?! I never want this again. I just finished my medicine but I clearly have something still going on. I'm planning on going in tomorrow to get a checkup to see if there's any more that needs to be done. I don't want this stuff coming back.

Yep thats some bad stuff if it is left untreated. A friend of mine had to have 1/4 of a lung removed because of it.
:jawdrop::eek::jawdrop: Wow. Thanks for the encouragement. :D
Well Dean,

I am delighted that you were not having an MI (heart attack). Pneumonia is no joke.
Heal up soon.
I caught it after a UK meet riding back in the pi55ing rain without waterproofs.

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Just take it easy till you're 100%.....we don't want you on the bike feeling woozy or anything like that! :hug:
Sorry ya missed the party, but there will be others and I'm sure they understand.
You won't be 100% for a long time, if ever. I was medically discharged from the army because I almost died of pnuemonia. I had a fever of 103F for a week straight and almost fried my liver with all the meds they put me on. I still have scar damage in my lungs years later.

It's the worst feeling ever. You want to talk about toughing it out though, try passing a military PT test( pushups, situps, and 2 mile run) with it. I barely passed and needed an inhaler, but I did it.

I'll never forget how when you breath it sounds like a coffee pot bubbling in your chest.
Get well and try to take it easy.
Glad you got it figured out. That's nothing to mess with. I just got over Bronchitis and they treat it the same as Pneumonia. I just thought I was sick. Hot and Cold for 3 days and no sleep made me go to the doc. I still feel the effects and have congestion. It's funny I quit smoking cigarettes 1.5 years ago and I think I was healther then then now. My doctor said no that's not the case.:eek: Get well Dean.
You won't be 100% for a long time, if ever. I was medically discharged from the army because I almost died of pnuemonia. I had a fever of 103F for a week straight and almost fried my liver with all the meds they put me on. I still have scar damage in my lungs years later.

It's the worst feeling ever. You want to talk about toughing it out though, try passing a military PT test( pushups, situps, and 2 mile run) with it. I barely passed and needed an inhaler, but I did it.

I'll never forget how when you breath it sounds like a coffee pot bubbling in your chest.
Get well and try to take it easy.

I'm better now (at 37) than I was at 14. Have not taken any medication for it in over 20 years. Just started working out and eating healthy to keep weight in the proper range.
Sure I'll never be a world class athlete, but I'm probably better than someone who's never had lung issues, but never works out either :D
So it's not hopeless.
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Get well soon Dean, it sounds really rough. Sorry to hear about you missing your girls birthday, but she would definately understand. take care.
Get well soon Dean :thumbup: Never had it & by the sounds of that im not really interested in trying it. I always say any ailment with a name thats spelt funny is pretty serious. Only person I know that had it was my Uncle & it put him in hospital for 2 weeks :eek:

I guessed it was pneumonia , do I win a holiday or something ;) or I may have had a little hint from elsewhere :D
Sounds crappy - I can only hope that I never get pneumonia - I know that it is supposed to be one of the more painful illnesses for adults, even with proper meds! Get well soon :)
I hope u feel better soon. I know what your going through. had pneumonia when I was 15. Its horrible. unfortunately thats not the worst pain i've been in. :(:( get well soon.
I feel your pain, had it once as a young teenager and its by far the worst illness i've had (flu doesn't even compare). Hope you're back to 100% asap :thumbup: