Work. How is it where you're at?

i make false teeth for our veterans. things are great right now. but with the government you never know. chief is outsourcing some cases. got a good bonus this month. warrior is paid off, fz6 is paid off, ford ranger is paid off, house is paid off. fiance car is paid off. no kids--i know of.
Depressing (automotive industry). Next week will be my first week of TLO (temporary lay off). A second week is scheduled for the last week of Feb. I am fortunate since so many of my co-workers are being permanently reduced from the work force.

On top of the TLO I have lost 4 vacations days, a $1200 pay cut, and paying 2+X for my health benefits.

No reduction in the work that is expected to be done.

Not that your situation is good but in semiconductor land we were shutdown for 7 WEEKS last year without pay. We had two RIFs and this year we are already having another RIF. We were shutdown for three weeks over Christmas and my wife has two weeks of work left and then she is laid off too.

It all depends on your industry.
i am a operating engineer for local 3 union. we have been real slow i was laid off for 3 months. just got picked up by a company yesterday:thumbup: then it started to poor down rain today:( so couldnt work. but the union finds jobs for me and gives me vaction pay every month. i am just happy i have a job.

Hellow fellow OE. I am part of local 12. We have been doing ok in so cal, but the rain is killing me right now.
I work in the Pulp & Paper industry, very , very slow at the moment. The mill I work for will survive, but we've had massive layoffs, most of them permanent. We were bought out a year and half ago and the new owners gradually reduced the paper machines from 12 to 5 over that time period. I work as a Power Boiler Operator and so far my department hasn't been greatly affected, yet. But just to hedge my bets, I recently took on a part time job as a Technical Writer for a company that specializes in industrial training and manuals, their business is good, even in this economy.
I actually just got laid off 2 weeks ago. work is crappy in my world:spank: I was an IS Analyst for a local credit union.

I have 3 prospect lined up though so hopefully they'll go well. Wish me luck
New Jersey has it shares of lay offs, we are somewhat fortunate in the medical field. As a manager in the nursing field, I work in the office and still very much needed in the clinical area. Because our hospital is reapplying for Magnet status and we are due for a visit with Joint Commission, lay offs has been a little under control. Although what our future holds for us after the site visit, we'll soon find out. We're also under the watchfull eyes of an outside consultants regarding our budget and they have made some interesting "recommendations" regarding cost saving strategies. Those same recommedations of course is only for non-salary employees, I thought it would also benefit salary personnel as well if offered.
Luckily in my department we continue to expand and grow our services. Challenge is not finding more patients........... but paying customers. :D
The good thing about the medical field is that we're always needed in any state, even if it means a pay cut. Just my $0.02.
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People gotta eat so my job is fine. We're not hiring anyone right now but we're not firing or layin off either?