Work. How is it where you're at?

We are slow at work, most of us are only working 32 hr weeks. The word I am getting from sales is that we aren't slowing down anymore, so thats good news. Hopefully we will be busy and back to working weekends again soon, I hate not having money!
I teach at a private undergraduate college in Michigan. Things are pretty gloomy here, although Michigan has been doing badly for years (I moved here 8 years ago and we've lost most of the stores, schools, and the hospital in town since then).

The next few years are gonna be very tough. I noticed that this state continues to lead the U.S. in unemployment and we're widening our lead. Parents are having trouble borrowing $40,000 per year to send their kids to college. We've only had a hiring freeze so far, but plans for serious cuts and layoffs are surely coming.

No Bonus this year! My job is safe as long as the school doesn't go under, but everyone has gone into 'survival mode'.
IT, run a data center for my company as well as the parent company. No layoffs here at all. Very secure place for me and I'm staying. I make sure they are happy and they make sure I am happy.

After last year, possibly the biggest bonus in my history is coming in March. :steve:
I work in resuscitation training and the ER, sadly people will always have accidents and be sick. Fortunately we will always need to train and retain crit care skills.
My new job in Ireland may now be swallowed by the employment embargo.
my wife is also a nurse to so I guess we are lucky?

Depressing (automotive industry). Next week will be my first week of TLO (temporary lay off). A second week is scheduled for the last week of Feb. I am fortunate since so many of my co-workers are being permanently reduced from the work force.

On top of the TLO I have lost 4 vacations days, a $1200 pay cut, and paying 2+X for my health benefits.

No reduction in the work that is expected to be done.
Automotive (Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana) very slow...... Yet I am still making full pay and have been transferred to the Camry Plant in Georgetown Kentucky. Where Toyota has paid for my apartment and all my expenses even food. They pay me mileage and time and a half to drive home twice a month 180 miles one way. At the end of my term I will also get a bonus. While working in the automotive market I am very fortunate to work for Toyota instead of the others that are struggling right now. 2 more months and I will be going back to Indiana and in my own house once again :cheer:
I am a merchandiser for Hasbro Toys.....
Dec. = 114 hrs
Jan. = 85 hrs
Feb. = 54hrs
but I'm told I still have a job!?!?!? But Jan/Feb/Mar are typically very slow months.
I work in healthcare. So far we have been doing ok - only handing out some low census in the last few weeks due to patient volumes being down on our Med/Surg (patient) floor - OB is booming though. I am seeing hiring freezes as well as wage freezes in other healthcare facilities, so we aren't as immune to the economy as most people think. We are also finding that elective surgeries are down and I think people are even re-thinking necessary precedures as well.
I am in the energy industry. We were seeing cutbacks last year and they are continuing slowly this year. Hopefully the cutbacks will not go any deeper.
I am an IT contractor., and things these months have been the slowest I have ever seen. In sept I used to get at least 5 calls per day and I had a job in the second week after a previous contract.

Now, I can't be bothered to wake up early because there are fewer job posts on jobserve and worse still I am lucky if I get just 1 phone call per day. And also I have to accept lower rates this time round.

Things are really tight in the UK
I'm an engineer, my company is hiring right now as we are a defense contractor, luckily the deal went through for more stuff (submarines) so we're looking good for the time being. I'm not married, no kids, so I just look out for myself. That helps a lot, less stress.
i am a operating engineer for local 3 union. we have been real slow i was laid off for 3 months. just got picked up by a company yesterday:thumbup: then it started to poor down rain today:( so couldnt work. but the union finds jobs for me and gives me vaction pay every month. i am just happy i have a job.
I am an IT contractor., and things these months have been the slowest I have ever seen. In sept I used to get at least 5 calls per day and I had a job in the second week after a previous contract.

Now, I can't be bothered to wake up early because there are fewer job posts on jobserve and worse still I am lucky if I get just 1 phone call per day. And also I have to accept lower rates this time round.

Things are really tight in the UK

Ditto on all that for Denmark ..... (and me :) )
I work for a tier one aerospace company as a manufacturing specialist in the emerging technology group. So far we're doing OK but the guys in the shop have been getting hit with layoffs. Keepin' my head low & fingers crossed because this isn't going to get much better for a while.
I work in the aluminum (aluminium - for everyone not in the states) industry, we were riding high while aluminum was at record prices. Late last year when everything else tanked, aluminum bottomed out. Worldwide the company I work for has laid off and shut down plants. No layoffs at my plant, but we do have a hiring freeze. It is grim around here, I just hope we can weather the storm without cutting production. It costs around 8 million dollars to restart an aluminum producion line at our plant, and with a thirty six year old plant, I'd say if we cut production, it will not start up again.
As a DJ, the only thing i have noticed is that people are not drinking as much when in clubs.

As for work, my industry has yet to see any real impact, people still like to party, and generally do more partying in bad economic times....escapism from the harsh reality of their lives!

From the grocery standpoint till I finish up school, we haven't had any layoffs but they aren't hiring anyone new and they have cut hours. I went from 40 hrs a week in December to...10.5 this week :( Some of this was because school started up again, but I usually work about 30 per week during school.
This is how it is here:

Simple jobs like retail = not available because of all the immigrants and generally unskilled people, plus if you actually get a job, you won't get many hours.

More dedicated jobs = Employers are looking for people with maximum experience and education for MINIMUM pay, then they wonder why nobody bites.

Public service seems to be the best option, if you have the skills/exp/ability.
I work as a heavy equipment tech for local government. I work on everything from trucks to chainsaws. theyd have to lay off a lot of people until they get to me since even if someone had seniority on me they could take my job since they have no qualifications. the city needs to run. ive debated working up north for way more money but couldnt justify the crappy quality of life.