Woot it worked!


lovin' life
Oct 30, 2007
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Aurora, CO
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I'm so excited...I know it's not that big of a deal but I'm so excited that it worked and it totally made my day.

I was riding into work today, going down Marine Drive and I see a guy on a bike heading East, he sees me and begins to tap his head rather than wave
I had read somewhere that this was code for "there's a cop" so I slow down and sure enough there was a cop about 4 blocks away. I really wasn't in a position to get a ticket but you never know it was just nice to see that it worked and I'm not the only one who knows what that meant!

So, if anyone knows this cat be sure to give him a thank you from me and I'll buy him a beer when I can.

Anyone else have this happen to them and actually save them?

I've tried to warn a couple riders before but I'm not sure if they knew what I was doing.
Can't say I've ever heard of it done that way before.
Down here in Oz, considerate motorists flash the high-beams in quick succession to warn people of a radar ahead.

Glad it worked for you, love it when people help each other out.

I wish more people did this... In the cage, I warn EVERYONE by flashing the highbeams during the day... On the bike, I either tap my head, give the slow down motion, or make a circle in the air with my index finger if I see another bike coming and he's headed in for a trap... And I won't indicate it for cars since they won't have a clue what I'm trying to say.
I once had a guy in a pickup tap his roof one day, so I slowed down and there was a cop just over the hill... Good thing 'cause I was haulin ass!
We use that signal all the time up in the North Georgia mountains. I figure most car drivers don't know what that is so I flash my brights for them. :thumbup:
I did this in a small group ride on Saturday. Only my wife and I knew what it meant. The sweeper, who was in contact with the leader via Scala BT, notified the leader that we needed to stop. He thought it was a signal to pull over for various reasons. Once I let them know what the proper meaning was, we were on our way once again. :D
Can't say I've ever heard of it done that way before.
Down here in Oz, considerate motorists flash the high-beams in quick succession to warn people of a radar ahead.

Glad it worked for you, love it when people help each other out.


Dont see that so much these days...i definitely practise this, but dont see a lot of others that do...

Still it's nice when it does happen.

Gotta love it when it works. I always make sure anyone riding with me knows this signal. It's saved me and buddies numerous times. Did it to a cager once and got a strange look, but he slowed down, haha. Tried once to two guys screaming by me on the highway. We were approaching a hill where the highway patrol likes to hang out. Saw them a few miles later and just shrugged my shoulders. Maybe they know now.
That's a great story... looking out for one another.. When we ( 20 ppl or so) ride together... everything works like a domino effect... if the person in the lead sees a cop.. tap on the head.. if he's making a right or left turn... a very noticeable hand signal.. It's great when you've got the trust of others on bikes...
i have seen this signal as well as a twirly finger type of signal to mean cop ahead, and it saved me a lot in the past, but i have slowed down a lot in my old age...
i always try to let riders know there is a cop if i pass oen and I have a good amount let me know the same thing. I know watch motorcyclers when I am in my cage to see if they are telling other motorcyclers if there are cops around
I do the ground pat for any other biker and flash my headlights at any oncoming vehicle that I am certain isn't another officer.

I've been warned of a speed trap too many times to not pass along the love to all types of other traffic.