when you were young



when you were still young and you wanted to ride every day and you wanted to do it so bad you barely get through a day whithout going crazy thats me for 3more years and i got nothing to pass by time i got baseball and all but it just drives me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Oh yeah, I remember those days well. I was 14 in 1990 and my first bike was going to be a new Honda Nighthawk 250, I was sure of it.

My dad had just bought a Shadow and I picked up a brochure for the Nighthawk while at the dealership. I read that thing so many times that I had it memorized. I would dream nonstop about the day I would get that bike. I had it all planned out: how much it would cost, what the down payment would be, how much the monthly payments would be, how I was going to pay for it all, how I was going to talk my dad into co-signing, blah blah blah. I wanted that bike so bad I could taste it. My only struggle was whether to go with red or blue.

It didn't end up going like that; I got a much more practical car instead of a bike when I turned 16. I didn't get my first bike until four years later when I was 20, and it was far from the new Nighthawk I had dreamed of. But dreaming was fun.
man to me its just i go crazy i cant focus man its big time got me i ride once everyweekend and thats it but im defenetily hooked on riding BIG TIME!!!!!
I was about your age in the late seventies and I lusted after a Kwaka 1000.took me over 10 years to get one but I did .But all I thought about for those years was getting that bike !
I got to stay up an extra hour on Wednesday nights to watch 'Then Came Bronson'. I was hooked. I wanted to ride around the country just like Bronson except on a Norton or BSA.

Got my first bike when I was 13 (Honda CB175). I could only ride it in the alley down our block. I would sneak out on the street when my parents were not home.

Hang in there, it only seems like forever.
I was too busy to think of it.....keep your chin up, get involved, be a kid while you can and eventually you'll get there. One thing that kills me, I see kids every day at work who want desperately to grow up, and then after work and on weekends I see grownups who wish they could be kids again.... Enjoy it, seriously.
Ya know what? It doesn't get much easier when you own a bike. You will still want to ride everyday for fun, but can't due to work and other adult commitments. Sorry Bud, you have to pay some kid dues for a while.
Can't talk Dad into a mini bike for now?
lol 3 pay cuts this year no mini bike kinda interesting about your bike wishes when you were a kid i just want one espcialy whith the trails we got out back hehe big back yard
I used to be like that! Got a job in high school and am now the proud owner of a FZ6 at age 18! Thanks to my parents of course for covering my food and shelter costs. :) You will get there! It will seem like foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever though!
My first motorcycle was a 1984 Honda XR80. I went to the dealership with my dad that summer, got the brochure for the XR, and dreamed about it every day until I finally got it for Christmas that year. I never wanted anything so badly as that first bike, and have never wanted a bike that bad since. To this day, I tell my parents that was the greatest gift I have ever received!
I have owned several bikes since then, but there was something special about that old 4-stroke trail bike. That bike and I went through a lot of years together.
Ahhhh... nostalgia.
Grew up in a rural area and rode a 1975 Yamaha 80 Darn near everyday, rode that thing everywhere, escaped death many a time (ahhhh youth is wonderful).

Hang in there man, the day will come, just remember, when it does, BE SAFE :thumbup:
First bike was a 3Hp Briggs & Stratton mini bike. I worked and saved the $99.00 it sold for new at the farm store. We're talking throttle, centrifiugal clutch, no suspension ridgid frame and the brake was a shoe type on the back wheel. Took off the muffler, unhooked the governor and terrorized the neighborhood.
This was in the 6th grade. Went I went to junior high school I told some new friends about my mini bike, a few wanted to see it. When they came over and said they expected to see a real mini bike like a Honda not some crappy thing with a Briggs motor. I was crushed as I it was all I had, not like rich kids who's father bought them a real bike.
Couldn't afford to own another bike untill I was married and in my 30's. Now in my early 50's, worked hard, have 4 bikes and ride 15K+ miles a year all over the western US. Still working or that mile number would be much higher.
Only one of those guys who laughed owns a bike (just a Harley) and rides a few thousand miles a year. Life is what YOU make it, if you are willing to work hard enough for it.
I also had one of those Briggs and Stratton rigs as a kid growing up. It's where I learned about engines and how they worked. Mine didn't have a shut off switch to it, so I'd have to take a screw driver and pull the connection to the spark plug off.. I got zapped more times than I'd like to admit to, but it worked.

After that my Dad came across a Kawi. 75 and a Honda 70. I loved to ride those, they had three gears and no clutch. When I started on those I wasn't strong enough to twist the throttle, so I asked my Dad if there was a way to lighten up the spring or something because it was hard. My Mom over heard and said if I wasn't strong enough to twist it as it was then i wasn't big enough to ride it. So I quit complaining and continued to use two hands to twist the throttle instead... I didn't want to admit to being to small.

I had a moped as soon as I was 15 and could ride it. I would take that everywhere I could and the roads would allow. I always wanted a motorcycle, but it took many years before I finnaly got one. The cool thing is I still feel like a kid when I'm riding my FZ, I don't do anything crazy on it, besides the speeding once in a while.
want to know what I did? I bought a beat up old moped....you know, the one that you have to pedal start? An old 70's Indian. I fixed it up and it kept me busy.

You can sometimes find bikes for free on Craigslist...however, no matter what they say, don't tell your parents the idea came from me!!! Took me 8 years to convince them to let me get a bike and when I was 21...I said screw it.

"I'm going to check out this bike (sent them link). You should come with me because I'm probably bringning it home." - much to my mother's dismay, they both came and my dad rode it home for me. Haven't looked back since. I'm 24 now and enjoying the 3rd bike :)
Hey man, I'm right there with ya. I'm 16 and waiting to get a bike. The way I keep busy is riding my pedal-powered bike a lot and drooling over the local bike craigslists. But I tell ya, if you want a bike, best thing to do is work for it. Find yourself a nice good-paying job where you can still get all your schoolwork done and save like no other. I found some part time work over the summer and managed to scrape together a grand. That was it! So be looking out to make some of your own money, because bikes aren't cheap, and that guy wanting to sell his bike won't give you a discount for wanting it really bad.