When to Downshift into 1st

Do you shift down into 1st before 15 mph

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Here's a question along similar lines... does downshifting to first without releasing the clutch cause any internal problems? I've come to stops without downshifting... (diesel car habit) I find myself more often having to do the dreaded stationary downshift which usually involves rolling the bike back and forth a bit.. which is annoying and looks more like I have to pee as I dance on the bike at the light...

Its a good idea to get out of that habit, if you need to take off fast, ie you can hear brakes screeching behind you, you really don't want to be shifting down into the gear you need. Good rule to always be in the gear you need as sxty8goats said.
I don't know what method they taught for riding either, but we are taught when you come to a stop you have your left foot down, right foot on your rear brake (even if your in nuetral waiting for a light!)
It means you have to shift your weight and balance to swap feet to change a gear.
That being said if I know I'm in for a long light as I come to a stop I actually put it into nuetral before putting my foot down, probably not the safest thing unless you know no one will backend you, but saves time. (if anyone knows if this is risky for other reasons let me know so I can stop)
I used to have the same problem with not being able to change without moving the bike forward, so on my first bike I never put it into nuetral at lights and was ALWAYS in first as I came to a stop, was very embarrasing otherwise :p
To what are you referring? :rolleyes:

Hey I was wondering how many of you guys downshift to first at any speed or if you wait till you get to the 15 mph speed that the Yamaha book states. If you do downshift at higher speeds what speed do you shift at.

I shift down to first while rolling up to a stop light 99% of the time. As has been said elsewhere, it's best to be in the gear you need for the emergency launch at all times.

You can downshift to first at any speed that you can upshift out of it. You have to match the engine RPM to the scenario, and that almost always involves blipping the throttle. Just like an upshift; if you preload the shifter and blip the throttle it will pop into the selected gear. With the clutch disengaging the driveline, you still have to match the shaft speeds to make the shift.

You can do the shift at anything up to 50ish MPH.... I generally down shift to first (on a routine basis ) at aroud 20 MPH. If I am trying to maintain max power, I may do that shift at 30-35.
If im wanting to 'back it in' to a corner then i will. other than that im goin to fast for first and second wheelies way better.
I normally rev match and downshift through the gears - especially if I am coming off the highway. I will be in first around 30mph.

The other night though, I was coming off the highway and downshifting and thought I went down into 2nd at around 45-50mph (on the Capital Beltway 80-85mph is norm for traffic late night). Turns out I went down into first and I let the clutch out and my rear wheel was hopping all over the place. Thankfully I grabbed the clutch and kept it in line.
The tyre on the back of mine (one that came stock) is so bad if the back wheel locks up it just slides, no grip at all. Still bike has great balance so haven't had any issues yet, despite a few real morons walking out infront of me
Unless I'm in 1st I keep my RPM's above 4000, below that the bike has near to no power. I think that equates to about 25 mph / 40 kph in 2nd, but you shouldn't relate gears to road speed it's engine speed that matters.
I'm very rarely under 5000 revs. as for downshifting I come from 3rd down to second at 40 then to first at 20 just enough for it to complain a little and the rear tire does a little kick to the side, but at that point you can nail around the corner, the bike is balanced enough to drift a good 50 60 feet, a little adrenaline in the morning. cops dont like it much so watch out, I got a aftermarket sprocket though, so take into account
Its hard to compare cause its KMs here not miles, but I only really kick it down into first for the tightest corners, you don't want to get stuck in second in really low revs, the bike can handle it but its not fun. Like people said its also sound and feel more than a set speed, especially cornering.
I like to downshift while I'm breaking to help with breaking but also to be ready if I need to go quickly to get out of the way or the light turns green.
It is my opinion that use of engine braking for normal or maximum slow down to full stop has zero value. Approximately 70% to 80% of your stopping power is generated by the front wheel (weight transfer, etc.). The rear brake is fully capable of locking up the rear wheel. The rear brake is far more controllable in keeping the rear tire at the threshold of adhesion then downshifting and controlling the clutch. In addition, brake pads are cheap and easy to replace. Clutches and worn engines are much more expensive. The primary justification for downshifting and engaging each gear would be for immediate traffic conditions. Again, this is just my opinion, and this is for normal everyday street riding. Canyon carving is a different story.

As for shifting gears at a standstill. No need to rock the bike back & forth. With right hand on the front brake, just ease the clutch out slighty to load the transmission input, while placing a little pressure on the shift lever, will enable you to engage any gear up or down. You will feel each gear lock in.

In answer to the original question: If traffic is "clean" and safe, I will coast down staying in whatever gear I'm in, and downshift thru however many gears as I come to a stop. If the light turns green at the last moment, a couple of clicks down on the shift lever is plenty quick enough to pickup and go.
I like to bang the bike down hard into first, pretty early on during a very hard stop...yoiu get lots of extra engine braking, but you do need to "feather" the cluch to avoid the back wheel getting all squirrelly, or chattering, as the bike trys to lock itself up, as the engine compression rises...

can be real good fun too...


It is fun (when controlled and not when its wet). Scares the **** out of whoever is following me in the group when I do it.

Got no clue what speed im doing when shifting to 1st because Im more worried about the actual stop. The aussies will get this joke, 'Youa shift bya feel'
I normally try and avoid anything but coming to a stop in first, or very low speed dribbling through traffic. Second does everything else better.
The bike HATES going down into first at anything but walking pace (it seems)

what he said
I think it depends on what you're trying to accomplish by shifting into first.

Usually when I ride I'm "just riding around", and only downshift into first when I'm coming to a stop at an intersection, so I usually click down to second or so, let that slow me down with a bit of front brake, and then pull in the clutch and click down to first just prior to coming to a stop. I just want to get to first before stopping. Everything's smooth, and the bike seems comfy with that.

If you're shifting into first because you want a certain speed/rpm combo to get a certain power level (e.g. passing, spirited riding, whatever) then yes you would deliberately downshift at much higher speeds.
I'm finding myself unintentionaly downshifting to 1st more often than desired.

Riding by myself, I never downshift to 1st. I'm constantly downshifting to always be on a desired RPM range (I need a lot more practice since I'm having problem matchingn RPMs, gears and speed).
What I always do is As I'm approaching a stop, I select 1st before placing my left foot down.

This weekend was the first time I was riding with my friends after I got my bike (3 different bikes) and as there were more things to pay attention to (not very familiar with the area, keeping an eye on where my friend is going on the bike at front, keepig an eye where my other friend is in the bike behind, traffic, etc) I ended up downshifting to 1st (unintentionaly) a couple of times. Something I had not done before.

Also, this weekend was the very first time I took my bike on the interstate (95) and I saw for the first time 70MPH.
If I'm giving it some,I like to make the back end skip around under engine braking,so I guess I'm one of the one's who could really do with a slipper clutch.....(If they weren't so damn expensive!)
I downshift through the gears as needed EXCEPT first. I find I always get a bit of a clank unless I do it at 10 MPH or less. Either way, I drop into first at 10 MPH.
That ensures enough power if I need it. I think the bike will scoot just fine in second at over 10, especially if you use the clutch.
Well, I don't like not having a gear indicator. I've only ridden my FZ6 a couple of times, but I can say that sometimes (compared to my previous bike) downshfting in to second gear feels like downshifting in to first gear. First gear seems only for very slow speed work.

That being said, I've accidentally shifted in to first gear a number of times because I just have no idea what gear I'm in.... Bleh. Next mod, maybe.
