What's the coldest ride you've been on?


Junior Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Just went out for a New Year’s Day ride (couldn't start the New Year without it!), it's 7:30pm here, sun down and 35 Degrees F. Needless to say that is the coldest ride yet so far this year... I can't feel my fingers! I'm really intrigued as to how cold it has to be for you guys to keep you bike inside? OR If you do take it out when it's cold, what’s the coldest temp you've ridden in? What kind of gear have you hand the best luck with to stay warm?
Coldest ride I did was right around the same temp... 36 degrees. I would not do this again without better winter gear. I like to take the bike out and let it breathe in 40 to 45 degree winter weather. Maybe get out 1 or 2 days a month during winter months, that's it.
I ride year round, as long as it is dry, no ice or snow, that is. The coldest I've that I've rode in is 12 degrees. I was almost frozen when I got to work. This year I'm getting some heated grips and barkbusters hand guards.
I rode to work just before xmas and the building probes were registering -11c
I can gauge how cold it is,by whether its uncomfortable riding,or painful.
That morning,my hands,face and chest felt like they were on fire!
I also had to check my nuts were still there :eek:
Well a little over a year ago in December of 09 I had just been riding for two months and I decided to join my friends at the club and take my little Ninja 250 to look "cool". The trip there was fine, had a mesh jacket, helmet and regular gloves....but the club didn't end till 4am. So here you see a dummy riding at 4 in the morning in 30F temperature with a mesh jacket puting away on the freeway for 35 miles.
1978, 1973 Honda 750, out across the desert on the way to Kingman Az, around 15f, I was cold and stopped in Rice on Hwy 62, the owner was kind enough to open up so I could get some gas and warm my feet by the electric heater. Last time I was by there the place had burned down, must have been that old electric heater:(
I generally won't ride below 40f as the older I get the thinner my skin seems to be:D

Well it's 32 degrees here in Vegas and it didn't stop me. Suppose to get colder too. LOL...the cops even have to ride in this cold weather, and they are bundled up. I don't think they have heated gear like me.
Got stuck going through Yosemite at the end of September about 5 years ago on my VStar 1100. 28 degrees at the east entrance....and I was wearing summer gear no less. Sanded roads and ice, oh my!
I rode year-round 2007-2009. Stopped when I lowsided due to water frozen across the road mid-turn. That was sometime early February '09. Now I'm more of a 9 month rider, last ride was a couple weeks ago, and now it is 14*:( I want to try out my new stuff from the Cycle Gear sale today.
I've been down to 21 F , I think I could go a little colder but not much . I was running about 60 mph for about 15 -20 minutes. I have the barkbuster hand guards and a full set of 6th gear four season stuff ( 6th Gear Motorcycle Apparel ). My favorite thing about the 6th gear stuff is that the pants and jacket each have three different layers that can be added or removed to each ride's temp.

Jacket : Shield - Shield [SWSJ61] - $179.00 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

Pants : Boxer - Boxer [BP72] - $119.00 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce

Gloves : Atlanta - Atlanta Gloves [PART NO: AG 25] - $29.99 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce
About 3 years ago my friend Tom and were riding north of Bishop, CA in Feburary with temps between 19.5 and 30F
Here's a pic I took at our crusing speed of 75mph at 28.5.

I was loving my handguards, electric grips a vest plus the fairing of the FJR.

Finally we stopped when it was above freezing, you can see Tom behind his Beemer sidecar. We never did see any other bikers that morning.
Like Ridgeback, coldest i ever got was coming back from Reserve duty at 36 F for 75 miles, all slab; even a hot bath didn't get me warmed back up!

I can drive to work at 26 F, it's about ten minutes, and it doesn't bother me; any colder, however, and I can't keep my faceshield from frosting over. You guys that have ridden in colder temps, how did you prevent that? :confused: