What Tire Pressure Do you run?


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2013
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Ramona, CA
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I joined in a FZ6 Forum Ride yesterday and learned a great many things. One that stuck out to me the most was a conversation I had on tire Pressure.

I have alway's applied what ever pressure to the tire, that the tire called for. I learned that my bike has manufacture spec's on the side of the bike that recommend it's own pressure's for tires.

I'm riding a 2007 FZ6 and have been riding 42 front 42 back. I will be changing to 36 Front 42 back. I now require a ride to Dudley's and back to see how different things feel.
I joined in a FZ6 Forum Ride yesterday and learned a great many things. One that stuck out to me the most was a conversation I had on tire Pressure.

I have alway's applied what ever pressure to the tire, that the tire called for. I learned that my bike has manufacture spec's on the side of the bike that recommend it's own pressure's for tires.

I'm riding a 2007 FZ6 and have been riding 42 front 42 back. I will be changing to 36 Front 42 back. I now require a ride to Dudley's and back to see how different things feel.

Ill Try to figure out how to send the owners manual and the tech manual on pdf, but im not sure the best way as its a larg file at the top of your screen there is a search key try typing in owner manual as it may be posted in a previous thread.

Those two documents alone will answer many questions as they have vast amounts of knowledge.

or not since i can't figure out how to add files ... im sure someone will chime in with a link i also fail to find anything i look for via search it seems to pull everything else beside what i need
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i think the op was trying to get at the fact that he thought the maximum cold infaltion pressure on the tire was the what the tire pressure should be,

he was informed to use the tire placard is what to follow as he is now follow that :rockon:
I always follow what is posted on the bike, can't remember what it is off hand. I always fill the back up to what is recommended for "high speed riding" or two up riding. Tires lose pressure over time so as it slowly loses air it's still in a range that is safe and recommended by the manufacturer.
Go to the following site...


and search for your year, make, model. A page will come up that will list the Service, Owners, and Spare Parts manual for your year / model. For example, the service manual part number for the '06 was LIT-11616-FZ-61.

Then I went ahead and did a google search for that part number and nothing else.

Every time I seem to enter in this number the 4shares.com website seems to come up with a hit. It is free to sign up for that site, and free to download its files once you are a member.

The direct link for the '06 service manual is as follows...

2006-Service-LIT-11616-FZ-61 - Download - 4shared

I have also tried this with different years, and the 4shared.com website comes up with a hit every time.

Hope this helps other people out in their searches for manuals!

quoted from a previous post by Poot
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I joined in a FZ6 Forum Ride yesterday and learned a great many things. One that stuck out to me the most was a conversation I had on tire Pressure.

I have alway's applied what ever pressure to the tire, that the tire called for. I learned that my bike has manufacture spec's on the side of the bike that recommend it's own pressure's for tires.

I'm riding a 2007 FZ6 and have been riding 42 front 42 back. I will be changing to 36 Front 42 back. I now require a ride to Dudley's and back to see how different things feel.

Bring me back some apple pie!:BLAA:
Went for ride with new pressure. Ride was much smoother, all around. Definatly used up more of the tire. There was a moment where It seemed the back tire was sliding out in a twisty. I stayed on the throttle, and made through just fine. all in all a better ride.