What the hell do I do????????

My suggestions:

- to start, do this to danny: :spank:

- then do this again to danny (for me this time): :spank:

- then have danny go talk to the guy and kindly ask him to vacate the premises because he has not paid yet, and you got a much better offer anyway.

Good luck!
My suggestions:

- to start, do this to danny: :spank:

- then do this again to danny (for me this time): :spank:

- then have danny go talk to the guy and kindly ask him to vacate the premises because he has not paid yet, and you got a much better offer anyway.

Good luck!

I'll definitely follow through with :spank::spank: , but David, #3 is just too nice! Can't you ever be mean??? ;)
Problem solved.

He has a warrant for his arrest

Hello officer. I went back to my house to pick up a coffee pot (ect.) I left behind.
Someone is living in the house. I saw a bunch of cars in and out in the short time I was there. Noone is supposed to be in the house. I saw a man carrying two black long guns in the house.
I agree with Wavex...well the last part anyway. Have Danny talk to him, friendly if possible. If he does not pay then tell him you're going straight to the police station if he doesn't vacate immediately. I would imagine, with a record, that's the last thing he wants done to him. Don't do anything harsh J. He's not worth it. And selfishly, we like you around here with us.
In the Uk for a contract to be valid there must be terms (agreement) and a fee. In this case I don't see a fee (if it was cash you can lie). take possession when they are out and call the cops if they try and move back in.

How many mates do you have in the area? A few years ago I was in a bikers pub one Friday evening. Some guy came round saying he owned a bike training school and gypsies had camped out on his tarmaced training ground and wouldn't move. This was costing him money. The police wouldn't move them on.

The next day 100 bikers turned up, just a show of force - no weapons and started harrassing the gypsies. We had a few baseball bats and stuff but nothing major. Anyway we gave them **** for an hour before the cops turned up. The cops went and spoke to the gypsies and told them it would be in their best interests if they moved on. The morale of the story was that all the authorities want is a quiet time and it was obvious the only way they were going to get it was if they moved the gyppo's cos we looked like we were a touch aggressive, and it was our (well, someone we knew)'s land
Yeah, if he has a warrant, one call should be able to have him thrown in jail for quite a while. And he is not an ex-con, he is a runaway con. Otherwise, with no paperwork, you have every right to change the locks legally, and have him thrown out of your property, as it is still yours and he has no say. Got to love law.

PS, shotgun's are too messy, hire a bunch of us forumies to take him out and put him in cement shoes. I'm sure he would love to swim with the fishies
1st $450 for a house in Cali is firt cheap. It is almost free. I don't see any option other than FORCE to get the ****er out .. .
Easy, its still your house. the agreement was, pay the rent and you can stay, he didnt pay, so the agreement is void. change the locks, put his stuff in the yard, crinkle up a sign that says "30 days to vacate" and tell the cops when they come that you had the sign on there for 30 days. he didnt leave or contact you, so, times up... and if he retaliates, its not your house in 30 days anyway, let him egg it. :Flip:
I would change the locks, and get your money. Ultimately Danny has to work with the guy still. How much crap is this going to cause him at work if things get nasty?

If this was a genuine case of circumstance or timing get a contract drawn up.
This way you both look like you are being totally civilized about the whole thing.

PS not all ex cons are scum bags.

- then have danny go talk to the guy and kindly ask him to vacate the premises because he has not paid yet, and you got a much better offer anyway.

And explain that Mr Corleone wants to move in immediately.

On a more serious note although I don't know too much about US law, isn't drug trafficing a federal offence ? (part of RICO or something)

If it is, maybe make a call and get him arrested.

Hope it works well for you whichever way you go.
I heard about this case on the news:

1) Lady wants to sell her home but doesnt have time to do any of the work or show it to people. She has already moved into her new home in a different city.

2) She signs a contract with another lady who runs a business selling homes for people. She lives in the home and fixes it up and sells it.

3) The lady who moves in is actually an escort and low-budget porn actress. She starts using the home for porno shoots and horny guys answering her ads in the paper for sex.

4) The home-owner gets told by someone who goes to look at the house and tells her it is a mess, etc etc etc.

5) The lady who owns the house tries for a month or two to do everything she can...which is pretty much nothing cuz of the contract she signed.

6) At the time of the news report, the whore was still living in the other lady's house.

Also, the whore was quite unattractive to boot.

The homeowner was pissssssssssed.

As for your situation, I dont know. I would remove them via eviction notices and all that. If he didnt sign a lease, then you can call the cops. If he did sign a lease....well he hasnt fulfilled his end of the agreement in paying for the place. I dont see why the cops wouldnt do anything.
Take the shotgun, ask nicely and then when he resists, shoot his ass. Make sure it is inside. Dead men can't talk. He broke in, you protected yourself. :D

What's a firt?
Just ask yourself...

What Would Uncle Jesse Do?

Seriously though, hope you get it figured out. Any updates?