What did this guy do wrong in this corner??

Looks like he just went into the corner too hot for his experience or once he saw the car in his line decided not to continue but that was some real quick thinking on his part to be able to avoid going head on like that

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Panic, would be my guess.
I'd also guess he was going way too fast for that kind of road surface... :spank:
So if just threw the bike over as far as he could and accelerated he would have gone through his line with no problems?
Tar snakes + blind corners + riding way too fast.. someone's not gonna be around very long. Yes, he absolutely would have been fine if he leaned the bike over correctly and stayed on throttle.
He also should have pulled over after that to check his mental state.. and his underwear state.
All of the above + piss poor choice of line going into the turn.. he came in too hot, and instead of gassing it and leaning further (easier said than done when you're having a "oh s**t" moment) to try to make the turn, he stood up and braked..
at least luck was on his side..
It blew my line several times as a beginner going into corners too hot and finding myself having to think about leaning.. not good. A gentle brake and decel brought me back in line. But this guy was riding way to fast. I almost crapped myself when I saw him go on the wrong side of the road. :confused:
He slowed in the turn. You can hear him come off throttle and he may have also applied braking. This will stand the bike up and you will be out of the turn.

It's a very human response and it is covered in Keith Code's books. He talks about Survival Reaction (SR)

This video probably shows the most common SR that will cause you problems.

This could have been really bad! :eek:
Exactly what Motogiro said. He went in too fast for his ability, and began slowing. Then he saw oncoming cars and backed off the throttle even more.

And I suspect that target fixation and panic played a factor. The bike will go where you look, and he was looking at the car coming at him.

yeah, he definitely could have leaned a lot more (and if he wasn't hanging off the bike that can help tighten it up more)

i don't really like pushing it that hard on the road, too much that can go wrong
I've gone over the double yellow on Angeles Crest Highway exactly like this several times but have been lucky enough to not have oncoming traffic to deal with when it happened. The cause was always the same for me: going too fast. I've learned to read the roadway better and maintain the proper speed to prevent this.

Looks to me like he made the right move to cross over to the extreme left to avoid the cars, but good thing they didn't pull over as well. In my situations, I feared that the bike was about ready to slide out if I tried to pull back into my lane any harder. But I don't race, and don't want to push the limits to find out where they are.

Glad that this was no more than a learning opportunity for you.
Seemed like he lost focus and totally blew the entrance, granted the snakes were bad but the earlier guidance mistake (not speed IMO) got him into dbl yellow.

Am I missing something - wasn't that hit and run? I mean it sounded like he clipped the cage.

On the flip slide he kept his wits, kept it up, steered and brake well missing death by fraction of a second.
I know he was going too fast but it seemed like the riders in front of him were taking it even faster then he tried. Crazy stuff, i want to save up for a nice and slow track day :)
I know he was going too fast but it seemed like the riders in front of him were taking it even faster then he tried. Crazy stuff, i want to save up for a nice and slow track day :)

Too fast for his skill but the corrner im sure could be taken way faster by a skillled rider

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Very scary, glad he's OK and thanks for posting the video so we can learn from it.

Too fast for his skill. Have seen novice WERA riders make mistakes and go down at speeds well below what can be done by more experienced riders.

How many times have you heard about the inexperienced rider trying to keep up with more experience riders only to go down in a tricky section. Know your limits and have the courage to ease up and let the others go when you get in over your head - easy to say but hard to do.

Following a car the other day when they went into a curve too fast, they were trying to go quickly (mom type Volvo wagon) and I went into the corner hotter than expecting - and I know the road! Had to counter steer move off the seat a little bit etc. Not bad but used techniques I've practiced and read about. I think the guy driving the Volvo received an earfull from the Mrs!!! He was not going that fast but took a tighter corner at the same speed he had been taking the other corners. That section of road has several sweepers that are similar and then one which is noticable tighter. I was chilled out and just loafing behind him. I have seen a couple of bikes down on that curve. Not a bad place to go off but off is off. In the past I have gone into a corner faster than I was comfortable, panicked got on the brakes and fixated a little. Often ask myself what would I have done?
During the first part of the video you can tell that he is trying to keep up with the people ahead of him. He turned in too early and it went downhill from there.