What did this guy do wrong in this corner??

Exactly what Motogiro said. He went in too fast for his ability, and began slowing. Then he saw oncoming cars and backed off the throttle even more.

And I suspect that target fixation and panic played a factor. The bike will go where you look, and he was looking at the car coming at him.


I agree, he fixated on the car. Can you imagine how the auto drivers felt??? No wonder motorcyclists have a bad name...
What did he do wrong? Riding like an idiot on the street comes to mind... He is one lucky dude in spite of himself... Keep riding like that on the street and his luck is going to run out eventually...
This guy is super lucky. He dodged 3 on coming cars. Yes he touched 100 MPH ,its too fast on that road for me. As mentioned above keeping up with fast buddies is not good idea.
Couple of months back we had a incident in one of my group rides. The guy was chasing fast buddy, both over took a van before the turn and he was too fast in turn. bike & rider went into ditch missing tree& pole. Bike had to be towed. My buddy was OK as he was ATGATT. Later he rode pillion on my bike for rest of the ride home(1 hr) and later I dropped him to his house by car. All action caught on cam! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHwJ-A_LlGQ]Sudha's Crash - YouTube[/ame]
I think riding is mostly mental ability. Ride safe guys.
This guy is super lucky. He dodged 3 on coming cars. Yes he touched 100 MPH ,its too fast on that road for me. As mentioned above keeping up with fast buddies is not good idea.
Couple of months back we had a incident in one of my group rides. The guy was chasing fast buddy, both over took a van before the turn and he was too fast in turn. bike & rider went into ditch missing tree& pole. Bike had to be towed. My buddy was OK as he was ATGATT. Later he rode pillion on my bike for rest of the ride home(1 hr) and later I dropped him to his house by car. All action caught on cam! Sudha's Crash - YouTube
I think riding is mostly mental ability. Ride safe guys.

See is this example it looked like the first rider was going just as fast into the turn but the other guy just ate it. Luckily there wasnt a cliff like some of the mountains here everyone rides.
See is this example it looked like the first rider was going just as fast into the turn but the other guy just ate it. Luckily there wasnt a cliff like some of the mountains here everyone rides.


Is it just me or is he completely fixated on the pole instead of the turn?
Looks like he is even leaning(unintentionally) over to the other side to see if he is going to miss it, instead of focusing on the turn.
Wow! Yeah, a lot of different variables going on in the vid. All of which have been already posted. When it comes down to it, just ride your own ride, don't worry about catching up to the other guys, and be careful and aware. It's ok to test your limits from time to time, but to overstep them can be bad news.
In the OP's video, as others have said he committed two major errors:

1) his line was completely wrong - he entered the turn from the inside. You have to be going the speed limit to pull that line off effectively!

2) I hate to be Captain Safety A$$hole here, but goddammit, the speed limit is either 45 or 55 (likely 55) if it's ACH. And you know what - you really shouldn't be DOUBLING the speed limit on a public road, including ACH.

Yes I sometime exceed the speed limit, but not by that much and certainly not by that much on ACH (a local, mountainous road which winds through the mountains that form the northern border of the Los Angeles basin).

I love riding ACH but there are so many guys who take, IMO, unacceptable risks by riding so quickly up there. I have nearly wrecked from trying to stay out of the way as some of these guys have gone flying by me, in a turn, coming up on traffic ahead. Just crazy man.
I know this part of the Crest very well as I've done about 12K miles on La Canada/ACH to AFH (Angeles Forest Highway)/Palmdale Route, Sunland/Tujunga/Big Tujunga Canyon Road to AFH Palmdale, and La Canada/ACH to Newcomb's Ranch Inn on my motorcycles and about another 50K in various cars and trucks (05 Tundra, 01 Saturn SL2, 08 Elantra, 03 Tahoe, Smart Car, 04 Acura RL, a U-Haul 12' van) as both a driver and passenger. It's a quarter or mile or so past the double passing lane at the AFH-ACH 3-way point. Most of ACH/AFH/Big Tujunga is 55MPH but the particular turn is a much tighter, narrower area. I normally run this turn at 35-45MPH in just any vehicle but the S-turn sign at 0:21 say its a 25MPH. I've even done the turn at 55MPH. But I don't recommend that. The pavement is rough and it was one of those areas where the road slid down the mountain in a 6'x15' patch on the NB side 18 months ago. Definitely one of the scarier corners if you decide to approach it at 80+MPH like this guy.
He did one thing very wrong and everything else pretty perfectly lol

The wrong thing is his riding. Line, setup, corner entry... are all lacking. Reminds me of me not too long ago (before a bunch of track days!).

Once he realized he screwed up, he nailed the rest tho... props to him for that move, even tho a lot of luck was involved :)
I love riding ACH but there are so many guys who take, IMO, unacceptable risks by riding so quickly up there. I have nearly wrecked from trying to stay out of the way as some of these guys have gone flying by me, in a turn, coming up on traffic ahead. Just crazy man.

says the guys with the pic of a cop writing him a ticket for hauling ass on public roads in his avatar. :rockon:

oh and 80mph for that corner is just fiiiiiiine :Flip: :D
Looked to me like he got it into his head that he'd overcooked it, and braked hard enough before entry that he lifted the rear, then pannicked, then had trouble letting the brake go, then target fixated, then saved his bacon pretty well.

As for video 2....why on earth did he go so slowly past the car he was overtaking, and then speed up after he noticed the rapidly approaching corner. I don't ever p1$$ around on the wrong side of the road. Get that overtaking move finished FFS.
And a little off topic, but did anyone see this one when looking at the first video:eek:.....I haven't laughed so hard for ages...does laughing while waiting for someone to die doing stupid stuff for my entertainment make me a bad person?:BLAA:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2eWdGSaxUw&feature=related]Close Call - YouTube[/ame]
I'm going with target fixation AND panic braking. Letting off the throttle should have improved his turn in. He looked at the car rather than focusing on his line. The bike goes where your eyes look.

I've taught young kids how to turn on downhill skis just by looking in the direction they want to go. No need to teach them the mechanics of turning. Just teach them to turn their head and the skis will follow.
Where you look is where you go! He had maintianed a consistent pace without a problem until his moment of hesitation. He saw the car and instead of looking through the turn, he looked at the car, Said "****" and headed straight for it. Very lucky to not collide with cars!
When I was learning to fly hang gliders my instructor hammered this to me..."there are no old, bold pilots". I know the same philosophy applies to motorcycles. Flying hang gliders really isn't all that dangerous IF you know, and respect, your limits. Same again with bikes.

probably been said plenty here but i dont want to read lol:

1) trying to keep up with his friends so he was heavy on the throttle (for him anyway) trying to catch up and keep a high entry speed into the corner which was too fast for his comfort level
2) bad line of entry to the corner made him lean further than he wanted to
3) tensed up when he should have relaxed and dove in
4) probably has terrible body position which prevented #3

so in summary......

he is riding above his own personal limit. he wasn't even going that quick from the looks of it.