What a day!


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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Hillsboro, NH
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So, I have had a couple days in a row now that have been super busy. Tuesday, I had to go to my internship site, and then go back that night for a parent-info night. Then, yesterday, I was at my internship all day and then went straight to class.

Basically both days were about 13 hours long, not counting driving, and ridiculously busy for those 13 hours between tasks, students, and homework.

So, today I was not really all that psyched to go to my "real" job (I substitute teach at the local high school a few days a month...not really enough to make a living, but it keeps the kitchen stocked). But it's only from 7 to 2, so it isn't long, and subbing is, by definition, not very difficult. So, I get there, and I am told I am subbing for a teacher who I subbed for a couple weeks ago. Cool, I know her students already. They are all AP and CP (advanced placement and college prep) kids. Even cooler, they are invested in doing well, which means very little prompting for me. Plus, she had first block planning period, so I had 1.5 hours when I got in to fart around, do some homework, and get myself ready for the day.

So, I'm feeling pretty good when the day ends (a few minutes early, no less, due to a last-minute junior-class meeting at the end of the day) - the kids were great for me, I got a lot done, and we got through the sub plans in a successful manner. I decide to go to the grocery store to pick up some stuff we're running low on, and by the time I make it to the checkout line, i am behind a gentleman who has a few items on the belt. Two orders. Both on EBT. and the second one, he puts in the wrong PIN and then proceeds to yell at the cashier, saying it's her computer that is screwing up, not him. I'm just kind of chuckling, because I spent long enough working in retail (including cashiering in a grocery store) to know that this is pretty standard fare for many days. So, he's going on and on, and I'm trying not to laugh and the cashier is trying to be polite but you can tell she just wants to punch him. The manager comes over to bag and he tries calming the guy down, finally they get him out of the store and she apologizes to me, to which I'm all "Oh that's ok, it happens, I'm in no rush". So she thanks me, and I thank her and head home.

Then, right after I get done putting the groceries away and taking the dog out (and letting him play 'cause it is finally somewhat nice out), I come back in feeling all good about my day and in a cheery mood and then I stub my flipping toe!!!:Flip: Grr...... Oh well, at least the snow is melting....
There is always tomorrow..........to deal with more idiots. :(

I would say you deserve a beer but we know that is a no-no.
There is always tomorrow..........to deal with more idiots. :(

I would say you deserve a beer but we know that is a no-no.

Actually, it has been a fantastic day, but now my toe hurts :( Have a beer for me? Had I known I was gonna hurt myself, I would have grabbed a 6-pack for Rob while I was out, but I didn't so you'll have to have one for him too.

Anyone else wanna help? :cheer:
Actually, it has been a fantastic day, but now my toe hurts :( Have a beer for me? Had I known I was gonna hurt myself, I would have grabbed a 6-pack for Rob while I was out, but I didn't so you'll have to have one for him too.

Anyone else wanna help? :cheer:

I'll help out! I was actually trying to think of an excuse for having a beer just now... Thanks!:thumbup:
Maybe not a beer, but the Dr. says it is ok to have a glass of wine every now and then (well my wife's Dr. said that). Help everyone sleep:D.

Oh and also, no beer for me, but would a Whiskey sour count for the cause. If so, I'm you guy.
I've just had some Cider, ooo arrr. :D

Which toe?

Cider works....

I hit my pinky toe on the corner of a doorframe, so it hit not just the pinky toe but also the one right next to it. Still hurts, but doesn't appear to be broken ;)