Website ideas for telling of my adventures


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May 24, 2012
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Im trying to design a webpage to document my roadtrips. Something I can go back to and see where I have been, look over the pictures and share with to tell a story to those who were not there. Im trying to start out with my trip from last summer as a base to build the website off of (plus the 1400 photos I took while I was on the road, yes quite a few are doubles, it was 1700 photos originally and I still have more to delete) but ultimately want something I can go back to each night (or each night that I am able to) while on the road and update as I go. Then just clean it up at the end when that particular trip is over.

I started out thinking just make it a traditional blog, and while I may still do that, or similar (I've already installed wordpress to my server) I want to be able to have it a bit more organized than your ordinary blog so you can go back to each individual trip as well as a gallery of photos integrated in with it somehow. Plus I was also playing with the idea of having a map with approximate locations of where each pic was taken (by next trip I should have a proper camera with GPS built in) as well as coordinate updates the whole time showing where Ive been. Last summers trip I had Google Latitude running for most of the trip so using the location history on that would be the easiest way I think...

Anyway the point of my posting here is to ask if anyone has any example websites that they could please show me. Anything that they either did themselves or may fit what Im looking for. Im going by a mystical idea in my head for now that I can barely get out for myself and with my S.O., who has a lot more website design experience than me (I'm a true geek and can usually figure out how to get what I want to work, but don't have as much in the way of website design experience. Then again I do go way back to Geocities WYSIWYG design tool if anyone remembers that haha), helping it would be nice to have something to point at and say "Thats what Im looking for!"

Thanks everyone!
First thing that popped into my head was that if you have a Google account, you could try creating a site with them. It's free. Also, I've uploaded many photos to Google+/Picasa (which is part of google), and the picture locations show up on a map.

I don't know if all that can be intertwined into one place, though. I haven't tried.

Just found this: Looks like the pictures are linked to Picasa. I'm sure you could easily update it from a mobile device too when traveling.

Edit: another for idea
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It may just be me, but sometimes if the trip report is too lengthy or if a video is tooooo long, I will either fast forward or scroll real quickly rather than taking my time, because I don't have the time.

An abbreviated trip report containing like 20-40 pictures would be nice on this forum.
First thing that popped into my head was that if you have a Google account, you could try creating a site with them. It's free. Also, I've uploaded many photos to Google+/Picasa (which is part of google), and the picture locations show up on a map.

I don't know if all that can be intertwined into one place, though. I haven't tried.

Just found this: Looks like the pictures are linked to Picasa. I'm sure you could easily update it from a mobile device too when traveling.

Edit: another for idea

Thanks for the input!

I use Google for a LOT of things but the one thing I know for sure is I want everything hosted on my server/domain (that Im already paying for anyway, so I may as well, heh) so using that template is out. While I could sign up for a new Google Account just for the sake of this website, Im also trying to do it semi-anonymous which my Google account is very much not. I actually started going through and making a Blogger (also done through Google) and before I even finished with my first post, seeing my name there up for the world to see gave me pause and about 10 minutes later I found myself purchasing a new domain to go with the host I already have. (Good thing domains are only $10 as this was another of my infamous late night purchases, heh)

Both links you gave me have good ideas to start with though so absolutely thanks for them :) I have everything timebased in my head and seeing that first one organized by country and nothing else felt strange. Always good to see different ways of doing things however :)

It may just be me, but sometimes if the trip report is too lengthy or if a video is tooooo long, I will either fast forward or scroll real quickly rather than taking my time, because I don't have the time.

An abbreviated trip report containing like 20-40 pictures would be nice on this forum.

Said website is being made with the idea that I do want something quite detailed because it will be for myself to look back on and close friends/family first, those that care about me as more than just a friendly chick on a forum... but at the same time I do understand what your saying and I do want others to want to read it too. I find myself doing the same thing and scrolling through with other peoples rides if its too long so I know that especially when it comes to my taking a million pictures highlighting the more important ones while having a side gallery for those who want to take the time and go through everything is a very good idea.

Everything is quite scrambled in my head at the moment (like things usually are in the pre-planning, Im very excited about an idea, stages) so Ill have a better idea of what Im going for as Im going along.
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