Wear the gear!!


Junior Member
Mar 24, 2010
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Rolla, MO
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Well, had my first major wreck. Was riding my 06 FZ6 to class when a 96 skylark parked on the side of the street pulled into me as I was going past. Destroyed his driver side door and front fender, then ricocheted off his car and bike and I then crashed into a parked Fedex van. Dislocated shoulder and sprained foot that I have to stay off of for a while. My baby FZ is totalled, already trying to find another one, I loved that thing. Had over 30000 miles on her. My point here is I had on a Snell approved full face, First Gear Kilimanjaro jacket, good Firstgear gloves, and the Firstgear riding boots. Smashed my leg between the bike and the car which caused the sprain, and I think bouncing of the Fedex van dislocated my shoulder. So those of you that just get by with a helmet or not even that, I would seriously think about changing that mindset. I don't have the slightest roadrash or headache or anything other than the sore shoulder and foot. Here's my thought. If it's too hot or too uncomfortable to wear full gear, take your car.
And also, saying your riding town and not going far is NOT an excuse. I was on my daily 2 mile drive through town to class.
Glad you're relatively alright and already looking for a new bike LOL!

Totally agree with gearing up! :rockon:
Had or will you also consider wearing riding pants with armour?

Parked cars is one of the major hazards between intersections. How many lanes were there going in your direction?

I'm not too fond of riding in the right lanes, for one of these reasons. If there is only one lane, I tend to favor the left side and always expecting the worst case scenario, like a parked car pulling out. I'm probably one of the few who rides covering the horn most of the time. I had two people cut into my lane today, one went back into their lane after I hit my horn. The other moron just continued to make a bad lane change, but I made sure he knew it. After hearing my horn, the front passenger was looking back out the side window and realized what the driver just did.

No I did not get upset, made any gestures. They knew they F'd up, because they heard my horn. That's all I care about. It's not the first time that I got cut off nor will it be the last. It's part of riding a bike, try to anitcipate what the morons will do the best you can.

Thanks for posting and hope you get another bike soon. That's what I like to hear, get back on that saddle.
First, yes, I've got Firstgear TPG pants. I didn't have them on I feel jeans are a good covering at least decent. (I didn't get scraped up on my legs, did get some tears in the jeans though) Anytime it's raining or really cold or I'm doing any type of rides I have the pants on also. Probably should wear them all the time as well. :)

One lane going my direction. Here was the problem, I usually ride toward the left side of the lane. It was a one lane in either direction with parking on both sides. The problem was a Fedex truck was delivering in oncoming traffic so the lane was now down to one narrow lane between the truck and the parked cars. It was a whole bunch of things gone wrong.

And I agree, I ride with a thumb over the horn when I'm coming up to any intersection.
Jeans suck. Only time I've crashed on jeans was on a rainy day. The leg seams burst on the outside on a slick road. If the road would have been dry they would have shredded.

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