Warm up time

I wait till the display shows a temp and not "low" I play it low-key and safe until 160 degrees and then feel free to open it up. :D
Im not much for sitting and idleing for a long time. I usually just fire mine up, slip the lid and glove on and ease out.

What scares me are, and I hope you are joking, those that say they fire up and haul ass. Everyone keeps mentioning the coolant temps being up but what it seems everyone is over looking is the most vital part of the engine, oil, and it has an operating temp as well.

Oil heats up inside the engine at a much slower rate than the coolant. This is part to the amount of each fluid exposed to the compustion areas. The passages that the oil moves through out the motor are very small and untill the oil as warmed up and thined out, it will take longer for that oil to get to where it needs to be, espicially on these high reving motors.

Hellgate and who ever else spoke of easing out is correct, its quicker to heat up the motor by easing around and putting load on it. But I would highly suggest not "ripping" on it till a good 10 mins, AFTER the coolant is up to temp.

Just my .02

An automobile magazine says that the best way for the heating the engine is starting engine and moving in very low rpms until the engine oil reached every part. That differs from the oil to oil. If you use low "W" graded oil it becomes thinner more quicker than the high graded ones.
A minute with the engine running until I'm out of the driveway and the garage door is closed. Then I proceed very slowly for the next five minutes with about a quarter throttle and only about 5000 revs until I'm a fair distance from home and through the worst intersections. At this point the 'blinker' stops blinking advising me that the engine has reached operation temperature. Now the revs climb...:rockon:
I think like most, I start it up then zip up my jacket, put on my gloves and helmet then ride. I try to keep it under 7000 RPM until I'm above 70c.
Even on the racetrack at trackday. When I go out onto the track the bike is cold as is my attitude. It takes a few laps of tiptoeing around the track very carefully until the tyres as well as the engine,oil,shocks,brakes and my mind have all warmed up sufficiently and I gradually decrease my laptimes. :thumbup:
Upon a cold start, I rev the motor to 14K, keep it there for 5 minutes while I'm sitting in neutral. No, seriously, I baby the Z the first mile or so after a cold start, keep it under 4K or so (unless maybe, I hafta outrun a runaway semi-truck or something chasing me as soon as I exit driveway?).
I wait till the flashing first block on the RPM's tachometer stops blinking.

I generally do this also. I start it up, put on all my stuff, and it's usually got two bars on the temp gauge by then. Here in the summer it gets 100+ so sometimes I start it up and it's already warm :p
I was going to ask this question this morning when I got in, but here it already was.

In the morning I go out and take the cover off and start it, walk back inside put the cover away so the mrs don't yell, gear up and get on. I only go about half of a mile before I may need to go go go to merge into traffic.

In the evening I start it do my domepiece and gloves then coast out of the parking lot and sit in traffic until i can get to HOV lanes.
i do about the same as most on here.. i start it put my gear on and head out easy moderate (no more than about 5-6k) if the temp is not up yet (ussually is by the time i get my stuff on and on the road about 120*) then for a few miles ride "normal" till the temp is in the "operating" range which also lets the tires heat a little by the time it gets around 200 game on .. i ride how i feel..
I leave for work way early in the morning. Since my bike is parked quite close to the be bedroom window, I don't have the luxury of starting it and letting it warm up before I leave for work, otherwise, I would wake the wife. I generally gear up, back the bike to the curb, and then start up. I then ride casually ( < 4k-5k RPMs), until the blinky thing on my RPM gauge stops blinking. At that point, I can then let loose, but I'm usually almost at work at that time.
