VIDEO: Front tire blows causing a nasty motorcycle crash

The Dude

May 18, 2010
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South Central PA
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I thought this video was interesting. The slow motion portion reminded me of the Allstate commercial with the motorcycles crashing without a rider.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Front tire blows causing a nasty motorcycle crash‬‏[/ame]

When I first watched it, I was a little skeptical that the front tire actually blew out. You can see what looks like some smoke behind the bike before it goes down, so I was wondering if the rider actually locked up a brake. He doesn't fishtail, so I don't think it could have been the rear brake. Something had to happen lock up the front wheel to go down that fast, so I guess it could be from a blowout. The front tire still looks to be holding a good shape as it goes by, but maybe that's just because it's still spinning and isn't carrying the rider's weight anymore. I dunno, I guess I just expected to see the front end drop down if the tire blew out. Thankfully, I don't have any experience with blow outs.

Regardless of what caused it, he went down quick. Looks like the next rider in line locked up his front brake in a panic and went down just as quick. The sweep rider keeps his head on straight and makes it look easy. Guess those guys will wear gloves next time! Hope they didn't suffer any serious injuries.
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And once again a biker dude goes down because he was following to close to the bike in front of him. Why do these guys not space themselves out more?!

I think that the moral of this video is keep your distance. Oh and check your tire pressure with a GUAGE.
Looks to me like his left foot slipped and he was stiff arming it. The result is that he pushed hard on the right handgrip and the motorcycle did what it was told. It leaned over to the right really, really fast.

The guy behind him said, "Oh sh**" and locked up the rear while trying to turn left.

The sweeper said, "Stupid posers" and kept riding.
Looks like this guy lost his front wheel too....:spank:

[ame=]YouTube - Scary wheelie crash[/ame]
Oh you must mean the dead guy (squid) in the video. Could be the front tire or just everything that was wrong with that scenario. Which was in fact... well... eveything. huh...
And once again a biker dude goes down because he was following to close to the bike in front of him. Why do these guys not space themselves out more?!

I think that the moral of this video is keep your distance. Oh and check your tire pressure with a GUAGE.
He was a little close, but I think it was his inability to preform an emergency stop/swerve that caused him to lock the front brake when he saw the first guy dump it and panicked. The sweep rider had about the same spacing and had to dodge two bikes and riders, not just one. He knew what to do and did it. I don't advise riding like a squid, but at the same time, if you never push your limits (or that of the bike) you probably won't preform as well as you could in an emergency.
Looks to me like his left foot slipped and he was stiff arming it. The result is that he pushed hard on the right handgrip and the motorcycle did what it was told. It leaned over to the right really, really fast.

The guy behind him said, "Oh sh**" and locked up the rear while trying to turn left.

The sweeper said, "Stupid posers" and kept riding.

Whatever caused his front wheel to lock happened first. Then he put his left foot down as the bike was falling. I've never ridden a cruiser with crash bars/engine guards, but I would think your best bet would be to keep your foot on the peg/floorboard. Then once you lowside, you'd probably want to let go and separate from the bike to avoid the risk of a highside.

I wonder what the second rider did? It looks like he may have locked the rear, but he went down so fast I suspect it may have been the front brake that he locked. I'm sure his narrative would be, "The guy in front of me had his front tire blow out and went down, so I had to lay her down to keep from hitting him."
Stumbled across this video today... turns out someone already deconstructed this wreck. They claim it was caused by waving! Sounds strange but I did read about another rider going down due to waving recently. So be careful when you wave!

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Tragic motorcycle crash in front of camera analyzed and solved‬‏[/ame]
The best part is the typical cruiser response of "insta-lay-it-down"......the guy coming from behind launches his bike at his friend when he could have just swerved.

A lot of retardedness in these videos.
In the video the front rider's bike wheel was NOT flat, looked fine as the bike stumbled past. Bloke behind him looks like he locked his back.

I saw another video where a guy lifted his hand to wave and hit the tar a second later, so there's something happening there (?)

A very good video to educate people as to WHY to wear their gear.