Unscheduled “forced” bike wash as I was riding it!!!


Junior Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Cocoa, FL - USA
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After about a year and three quarters of owning my bike and well over 12K miles ridden, yesterday I went through a wall of rain, which left me soaked!!!!! There were scattered showers and I had to go through an area with heavy rain which I was able to see when I left work (which promped me to store my phone and wallet inside the tail-bag :thumbup:). I have seen the same image before but many times it was further away than the area I was riding through.

I take my bike to work mostly everyday unless I need to:
• Transport something big enough I can not fit inside a backpack or the tail-bag
• It is raining as I’m leaving my house
• I’ll be heading over a gathering after work where there will be drinks
• I have to dress up

I have been caught before in the rain while riding the bike but it has never been really HEAVY rain.
Since I do not have rain gear, I’m only concern not to get wet on my way to work. If I get wet on my way back (like yesterday) then all I have to do is change after I get home!!!!

It was an interesting experience since even inside the helmet was getting wet; when I realized the vents were open it was too late.

I do have to say the visibility was bad but it was actually not as bad as on other occasions were I have been riding under light rain.
I have the opposite problem to you. I mainly get to ride in the rain, and have on occasion been caught out in my wet gear in fantastic sun shine lol.

I was interested to see your happy to drink and drive but not drink and ride:spank:?
Just ribbing you:BLAA:. I am sure your very safe:cheer:.

Consider yourself lucky that you got to change after the soaking!

I was not so lucky this September on my 1,800 miles annual camping ride!

About 200 miles out from our campground we came through what looked like a small shower so we did not stop to put on our rain gear! No sooner had the rain looked to be stopping when we hit a massive thunderstorm with no safe pull off spots...determined to press on until we found an overpass we ended up riding for 15 minutes in a monsoon! Finally found a gas station overhang but I was soaked, even my socks and underwear. :spank:

I was wet like that riding for the final 200 miles to our campground and we ended up stringing up our clothes around the fire to dry...my feet looked like raisins. Next time I'll sweat in the rain suit if it looks like rain! :rolleyes:
I have the opposite problem to you. I mainly get to ride in the rain, and have on occasion been caught out in my wet gear in fantastic sun shine lol.

I was interested to see your happy to drink and drive but not drink and ride:spank:?
Just ribbing you:BLAA:. I am sure your very safe:cheer:.

You got me there !!!!!! :)
During my teenager years I do remember a lot of drinking and driving :spank: which was extremely irresponsible, but why are we teenagers!!!!!!!
Indeed I do not got out to drink a lot, just the necessary :) ah ah ah
Of course, not to promote drinking and driving, but now we drink less, talk more and eat plenty (before all the money went to buy alcohol and no money left to eat ah ah ah)

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Consider yourself lucky that you got to change after the soaking!

I was not so lucky this September on my 1,800 miles annual camping ride!

About 200 miles out from our campground we came through what looked like a small shower so we did not stop to put on our rain gear! No sooner had the rain looked to be stopping when we hit a massive thunderstorm with no safe pull off spots...determined to press on until we found an overpass we ended up riding for 15 minutes in a monsoon! Finally found a gas station overhang but I was soaked, even my socks and underwear. :spank:

I was wet like that riding for the final 200 miles to our campground and we ended up stringing up our clothes around the fire to dry...my feet looked like raisins. Next time I'll sweat in the rain suit if it looks like rain! :rolleyes:

That is uncomfortable!!!!!!
Of course I have not done a trip that long yet, so far I've only done less than 500 miles in a weekend and on our way back we got rain on and off for about 80 miles or so, but we avoided the worst part at the begining as we stopped to remove the GPS (not waterproof), put gas and decided to eat something.
This time we got wet but not soaking wet.

Yesterday it took less than 5 minutes to feel my feet swimming inside the boots ah ah ah

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Been there.. good times! :BLAA:

The trick is to not stop riding! If you can finish the ride with 15 minutes of dry riding there's a very good chance you'll be mostly dry by the time you get to your destination :thumbup:

Oh and get some rain gear!! My 2-piece suit only cost about $60 and it works quite well.
Oh and get some rain gear!! My 2-piece suit only cost about $60 and it works quite well.

Indeed I will, eventually. First I need to get some saddle bags so I can carry it.

So far all my trips have been pretty much local and with good weather. I'd like to add more storage to the bike as I'd like to ride further away.

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I got caught in the rain once, but one of the guys had a spare rain suit. It wasn't really my size. Picture a bright yellow Michelin man on a bike, lol. Now I have my own rain gear. It's black, but it has reflective stripes. I haven't had a chance to use it in the rain yet, but it sure works great to keep me warm on cold days.

Man, I miss riding, and my bike has been parked for the winter for less than a month. :(
Rain happens, and is the only way my bike ever gets washed. Getting caught in a hailstorm is what really sucks.

Then you start noticing the seams on your waterproof pants are failing, and that pooling in your crotch is seeping in, and you're still an hour from home.

Rain happens, and is the only way my bike ever gets washed. Getting caught in a hailstorm is what really sucks.

Then you start noticing the seams on your waterproof pants are failing, and that pooling in your crotch is seeping in, and you're still an hour from home.

That 2nd pic made me laugh out loud!!!!!

I rode into work 2 months ago (cloudy out), two miles after I left the house it DOWN POURED!!! After taking off my riding gear at work, I realized I had been soaked in the crotch area. Im in the U.S.C.G., so standing at muster in the morning I got quite the look from a few people. I just said " It's the life style, ok!":BLAA:
I got caught in the rain once, but one of the guys had a spare rain suit. It wasn't really my size. Picture a bright yellow Michelin man on a bike, lol. Now I have my own rain gear. It's black, but it has reflective stripes. I haven't had a chance to use it in the rain yet, but it sure works great to keep me warm on cold days.

Man, I miss riding, and my bike has been parked for the winter for less than a month. :(

At least your bike is parked due to the winter...

mine has been parked because I have TONS and TONS of work, I went to the university to become a ****ing slave later, brilliant :spank::spank:
Riding in the rain is just another test of your motorcycling proficiency :D I rode 40+ days in the straight rain to start this season off, when I was living in Halifax, N.S. I remember riding to work one morning, and skimming across a massive puddle on the highway. I flung up so much water on the engine, that the temp gauge on my '05 dropped from 4 temp bars to one, and flashing (meaning it was not at optimal operating temp). Luckily, I have very good Joe Rocket riding gear, and it's waterproof.

As previously mentioned, a slip on two piece rainsuit is pretty cheap, and it will probably fit under the seat...
After about a year and three quarters of owning my bike and well over 12K miles ridden, yesterday I went through a wall of rain, which left me soaked!!!!! There were scattered showers and I had to go through an area with heavy rain which I was able to see when I left work (which promped me to store my phone and wallet inside the tail-bag :thumbup:). I have seen the same image before but many times it was further away than the area I was riding through.

I take my bike to work mostly everyday unless I need to:
• Transport something big enough I can not fit inside a backpack or the tail-bag
• It is raining as I’m leaving my house
• I’ll be heading over a gathering after work where there will be drinks
• I have to dress up

I have been caught before in the rain while riding the bike but it has never been really HEAVY rain.
Since I do not have rain gear, I’m only concern not to get wet on my way to work. If I get wet on my way back (like yesterday) then all I have to do is change after I get home!!!!

It was an interesting experience since even inside the helmet was getting wet; when I realized the vents were open it was too late.

I do have to say the visibility was bad but it was actually not as bad as on other occasions were I have been riding under light rain.

You obviously don't live in the Pacific Northwest. :D That can be an almost daily occurrence.
You obviously don't live in the Pacific Northwest. :D That can be an almost daily occurrence.

Well, summer time is different here, it is almost certain that everyday we'll have a thunderstorm but normally they would last a just couple of hours at the most, so normally by the time I leave work the rain is gone