Unleashed my inner squid today


Clutched wheelie - release clutch and roll on throttle to 4K
Power Wheelie - Get to 8K in any gear 1-2 then drop rpms to 4K and then roll on quickly to 10K
I did the "roll off, roll on" method, it's really easy and more predictable and a clutch wheelie.

Cruise along in first gear at 8,000rpm~, and quickly roll off the throttle and then grab a handful, the front end pops up and it feels great.

If you want to keep it going, you can shift into second.
I only kept it up for a couple seconds because it scared the **** out of me.

Wish I had pics or videos but I was alone
I want to do one so bad. I have been practicing clutching, but I always get scared when the front comes up because I tend to pull on the throttle side of the handlebars. I want to get this accomplished by summer. everyone makes it sound so easy.
I want to do one so bad. I have been practicing clutching, but I always get scared when the front comes up because I tend to pull on the throttle side of the handlebars. I want to get this accomplished by summer. everyone makes it sound so easy.

The problem here is that as biker you have the reflex to close the throttle when the bike comes up. You didn't want it to close but you do it.
A good way on the FZ6 to practise is to play with the gas between 4-6krpm and when the rpm just wents up from 4-6k let the clutch in and in parallel give _full_ throttle.
The positive on that is the wheelie is much slower than a gas wheelie.
And before each try check: Foot on rear brake that you can get it down anytime and only clutch with 2 fingers that you have the other 2 fingers at the grip/handlebar.

BR Rob
will this be the same thread that'll be used to describe the drops when they happen?

If so I want to subscribe to it.:cheer:
will this be the same thread that'll be used to describe the drops when they happen?

If so I want to subscribe to it.:cheer:

Haha, no
I'm not that :squid:

It's actually good practice for when I change my gearing, I have a feeling the front wheel is going to go skyward more often.
I dunno I clutch wheelies up all the time, it's very easy to me. The fz6 doesn't have enough torque to loop it easily. I start from rolling at about 15mph clutch in throttleup to about 5k and let the clutch out smoothly and quickly I don't dump it. As the front comes up I back off the throttle a tiny bit if I need to but then add more once I reach a comfortable angle. It comes up smooth, but quickly, continue adding throttle all the way to redline to keep it up, at around 80mph it'll start bounching off the limiter, I cluthless shift into second and it comes down pretty easily. I can't keep the bike up in second just not enough power with stock gearing. All in all it's good fun in a empty parking lot or long private streeet. Usually run for about 1/4 a mile.. sometimes I can milk it to 1/2mile. Just don't grab a handful of break after you set it down or you're goin to have a bad tank slapper kind of day.

Stoppies on the otherhand, those I haven't been able to figure out..

G'luck and don't be afraid, like I said unless you pull the clutch in and wind her all the way up and dump the clutch it's going to be pretty hard to loop it. Go in steps, just learn how to get the wheel up before you worry about riding them out. :thumbup:
I dunno I clutch wheelies up all the time, it's very easy to me. The fz6 doesn't have enough torque to loop it easily. I start from rolling at about 15mph clutch in throttleup to about 5k and let the clutch out smoothly and quickly I don't dump it. As the front comes up I back off the throttle a tiny bit if I need to but then add more once I reach a comfortable angle. It comes up smooth, but quickly, continue adding throttle all the way to redline to keep it up, at around 80mph it'll start bounching off the limiter, I cluthless shift into second and it comes down pretty easily. I can't keep the bike up in second just not enough power with stock gearing. All in all it's good fun in a empty parking lot or long private streeet. Usually run for about 1/4 a mile.. sometimes I can milk it to 1/2mile. Just don't grab a handful of break after you set it down or you're goin to have a bad tank slapper kind of day.

Stoppies on the otherhand, those I haven't been able to figure out..

G'luck and don't be afraid, like I said unless you pull the clutch in and wind her all the way up and dump the clutch it's going to be pretty hard to loop it. Go in steps, just learn how to get the wheel up before you worry about riding them out. :thumbup:

That's the info I needed. I do the gas wheelies a bit, but have always been too scared to try it by clutching...Too much more that can go wrong :eek: