To all our American friends, look after yourselves

just got a FB post from a mate of mine in Far Rockaway, 3 feet of water outside and 2 feet inside
hope you are doing better
fingers crossed for you all
Even if it sounds dumb please always use common sense!!!!!

I have experienced several hurricanes here in Florida and many times lack of judgment and common sense results in avoidable problems, damage, injury or even death.

Keep yourself safe!!!

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Power is out, but I can still reach the forum!! Wind has died down to almost nothing now. I know further south it's a mess.. Stay safe everyone!!
I'm on the west coast of Florida and we arnt getting it at all here right now. I can't say the same for the east. I hope everyone over there is ok
The eye of the storm passed over my house an hour or so ago. It's still raining and windy and my work closed today and I'm convinced that wouldn't happen if there were actual zombies. The power didn't even flicker at the house though. Everyone's fine nothing to worry about. I've ridden in worse than this.
Still without power but thankfully we still have running water.
My tree survived and so did my kids without TV or Internet.
Going to work later, as a nurse we're essential personnel and must report to work.
Still without power but thankfully we still have running water.
My tree survived and so did my kids without TV or Internet.
Going to work later, as a nurse we're essential personnel and must report to work.

Pleased to hear that it's not too bad, bar the power of course, also happy to hear your kids survived without TV and internet ;)
Take it easy on the way to work you never know what's lying around after a storm :eek:
One thing we should learn from our ex colonial English masters is to keep stiff upper lip.

All the paranoia in the media doesn't help people acting like sheeple.

don't worry, we know how to panic buy during xmas, new years, and easter
I'm on the west coast of Florida and we arnt getting it at all here right now. I can't say the same for the east. I hope everyone over there is ok

I'm on the east-central coast of Florida. We got some rain on Thursday, lots of rain and moderated winds on Friday, milder winds on Saturday, Sunday was a beautiful day and since Monday the cold front is in full swing (minimum of high-40's to low-50's).

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Never would have guessed a hurricane went by Northern Virginia....there is some minor flooding in low lying areas and some power outages but the derecho storm we had back in June 2012 was MUCH (100X) worse.

Hope our friends in the Northeast are fairing well.
Lost power a bunch of times, yesterday, but never for more than a minute!! :D

Strong wind is over with, but now there's about 24 hours of rain in the forecast.

The place where I used to live before I bought this house did not fair nearly as well :( ..
