To all our American friends, look after yourselves


Euro Mod
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Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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After seeing all the reports on the news, about hurricane Sandy, I wish our American friends on the East coast all the best for the coming time :eek:. Hope it doesn't effect you all too much, and hope you and your families stay safe from the storm :thumbup:.
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After seeing all the reports on the news, about hurricane Sandy, I wish our American friends on the East coast all the best for the coming time :eek:. Hope it doesn't effect you all too much, and hope you and your families stay safe from the storm :thumbup:.

Mehh.... I feel pretty safe here in NYC.

You guys should have seen the paranoia in stores yesterday.

We had known about this hurricane for more than a week and you would have thought that people would have stocked up on food, water etc. Not a fat chance.

I feel sorry for peeps living in low lands and shore areas. They are in the real danger.

stay safe folks.

One thing we should learn from our ex colonial English masters is to keep stiff upper lip.

All the paranoia in the media doesn't help people acting like sheeple.
Thanks Cloggy!
Unfortunately, the area I live in is dead in the path of the storm. I'm stocked with supplies and a couple generators, we should make it thru ok. Just glad I'm not at my former unit, I would be re-aligning nearly 300 buoys after this storm:eek:

As we speak the lights are starting to flicker.......Prob not much longer til we lose power.
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Mehh.... I feel pretty safe here in NYC.

You guys should have seen the paranoia in stores yesterday.

jeez tell me about it, even the McDonalds down the street here in Harrisburg, PA is closed. in the southeast they call this a big thunderstorm here its the apocalypse. its a friggin cat 1 storm. i would still swim in the ocean in one of these if i was still in FL.
Mehh.... I feel pretty safe here in NYC.

You guys should have seen the paranoia in stores yesterday.

We had known about this hurricane for more than a week and you would have thought that people would have stocked up on food, water etc. Not a fat chance.

I feel sorry for peeps living in low lands and shore areas. They are in the real danger.

stay safe folks.

One thing we should learn from our ex colonial English masters is to keep stiff upper lip.

All the paranoia in the media doesn't help people acting like sheeple.

Keep calm and carry on ;)
Well I know if I was there I would be anything but :eek:

Thanks Cloggy!
Unfortunately, the area I live in is dead in the path of the storm. I'm stocked with supplies and a couple generators, we should make it thru ok. Just glad I'm not at my former unit, I would be re-aligning nearly 300 buoys after this storm:eek:

As we speak the lights are starting to flicker.......Prob not much longer til we lose power.

Hope you don't lose power and get through this reasonably unscathed :thumbup:

jeez tell me about it, even the McDonalds down the street here in Harrisburg, PA is closed. in the southeast they call this a big thunderstorm here its the apocalypse. its a friggin cat 1 storm. i would still swim in the ocean in one of these if i was still in FL.

Yeah but in Florida everyone is used to it, my first ever visit to America (Florida) was a couple of days after a hurricane and I was surprised at the destruction I saw (complete houses lying on their side) , but i guess everyone was just getting on with their lives (the people who had already returned at least).

Well look after yourselves, hope it blows over soon :thumbup:
Thanks Cloggy.. nothing but a bit of wind here.. saw the neighbors fence blow over, but that was at the start of nothing.. i know its gearing up for some intense wind, but otherwise the power is still on and i can still get to the forum :thumbup:
Thanks, Cloggy! First time I've ever seen "squalls" in the forecast.
Howling pretty good here right now.
Thank you Martin!

My sister and her husband are set up with their emergency generator to power theirs and the neighbor's house.

One of my brothers told one of his single girl neighbors, we've known since kids that he would keep her safe and warm! :hug: LOL!

I've been through a few hurricanes in my time back east and I worked with different departments in emergency and municipal services. I've see big trees take out the second floor in structures. I believe the eye of the storm will be in central Jersey and Penna about 2 am. Before and after that could be the fiercest winds.

Batten down the hatches and stay safe my friends, here comes Frankenstorm! :eek:

And yes keep in mind that most of the people and their cohorts, reporting the news only possess enough skills to hammer a thumb to a wall and sell soap in the media :thumbup: :BLAA:
Thank you Martin!

My sister and her husband are set up with their emergency generator to power theirs and the neighbor's house.

One of my brothers told one of his single girl neighbors, we've known since kids that he would keep her safe and warm! :hug: LOL!

I've been through a few hurricanes in my time back east and I worked with different departments in emergency and municipal services. I've see big trees take out the second floor in structures. I believe the eye of the storm will be in central Jersey and Penna about 2 am. Before and after that could be the fiercest winds.

Batten down the hatches and stay safe my friends, here comes Frankenstorm! :eek:

And yes keep in mind that most of the people and their cohorts, reporting the news only possess enough skills to hammer a thumb to a wall and sell soap in the media :thumbup: :BLAA:

Its making landfall pretty much in somers point, exactly where I live:eek:
In about an hour or so.....actually, I think we are in the eye right now.
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Thanks, Cloggy! First time I've ever seen "squalls" in the forecast.
Howling pretty good here right now.

Hope it doesn't get too bad Eric.

Thank you Martin!

My sister and her husband are set up with their emergency generator to power theirs and the neighbor's house.

One of my brothers told one of his single girl neighbors, we've known since kids that he would keep her safe and warm! :hug: LOL!

I've been through a few hurricanes in my time back east and I worked with different departments in emergency and municipal services. I've see big trees take out the second floor in structures. I believe the eye of the storm will be in central Jersey and Penna about 2 am. Before and after that could be the fiercest winds.

Batten down the hatches and stay safe my friends, here comes Frankenstorm! :eek:

And yes keep in mind that most of the people and their cohorts, reporting the news only possess enough skills to hammer a thumb to a wall and sell soap in the media :thumbup: :BLAA:

Cliff, Hope your family stays safe huddling with their neighbours ;)

Its making landfall pretty much in somers point, exactly where I live:eek:
In about an hour or so.....actually, I think we are in the eye right now.

Good luck Joe, and as Cliff said, batten down the hatches :thumbup:
It was 85 degrees here Friday and as of last night it has been snowing and we are supposed to get over 2 feet of snow and 49mph winds. Lots of fun.
Thoughts and prayers are with you east coasters tonight. Stay safe, bring your bikes inside ;)

Yep, shes tucked in the garage with mirrors folded back looking sad. Whats that? Yes love, I'll take you to work thursday. Geeez, shes SO demanding!
Got everything tied down here.
I'm more worried about my tree outside, last hurricane several houses suffered damages from downed trees.
Despite all this I saw an IDIOT on the local news rode in by the shore on his cruiser and a salad bowl for a helmet. He seemed amused at himself for braving the storm. People would do anything for a few seconds of idiocy/fame.