Tips for riding 2 up?


Junior Member
May 9, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
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I have never rode 2 up before, and I have only been riding a full size bike for about 2 months now (I have been riding dirt bikes and scooters for years now). But me and the misses have planned out a day long road trip around the state and where going to drive and she surprised me and came home with a new helmet and said let take the bike. I am not against it, but I have never rode 2 up before and it somewhat concerns me (more for her safety than mine of coarse). Does any one have any pointers to help ensure we have a smooth trip??

I plan on just riding around the neighborhood first to get a good feel and make sure I feel comfortable with the extra weight and new balancing and such...

For anyone familiar with the WA area, we are going to do the 101 loop starting/ending in Tacoma...
If you havent already go ahead and max out the shock preload adjuster. (Not saying anything against your lady, but any added weight behind you really changes things. Your subframe becomes a moment arm)

Start short like you said. Before she gets on, practice shifting slower and smoother that way you dont get the helmet kiss when she gets on. Same with braking.

Not sure what she has rode in the past (Horses and such) but when cornering she should stay stiff as a board, unless she knows how to lean and is experienced.

Mainly it will take communication. Small trips first, make suggestions as needed but keep possitive. I love it when my girlfriend rides with me and I do my best to make as comfortable for her as possible.

Oh and have fun.

I'll add, have her keep her head behind yours while sight seeing(turn the neck) not the body, LOOK over your inside shoulder while cornering, not lean too much, you'll get the feel very quickly:thumbup:
I'll add, have her keep her head behind yours while sight seeing(turn the neck) not the body, LOOK over your inside shoulder while cornering, not lean too much, you'll get the feel very quickly:thumbup:

Yeah, I actually tell new passengers to put their chinbar on my inside shoulder in a turn. Seems to keep them positioned about right. Also on steep downhills and/or braking, they can support their weight some by bracing against the tank with one hand.
One trick I've learned is to use the rear brake much more with a pillion rider. It really helps with 'helmet bonk' and it makes it a much nicer ride for the pillion.

I'm not saying don't use the front brake. Just start off with the rear and then slowly add the front (under normal braking circumstances). Emergency braking undertake as usual.
An important thing to do is explain about leaning. Tell your pillion to become part of the bike. First time or inexperienced passengers tend to try and counterbalance in turns and that can be tricky to deal with depending on the situation. My beautiful wife would also scootch around on the back as I was just coming to a stop. With slow turning gyro's, tell your pillion to try and remain stationary till you stop.

Take your time. Get to know each other on this realm. Also there are times that it's a lot more physical stress for the passenger because they are trying to keep their weight off of you so be considerate of this. Give them frequent breaks in the beginning. Also I like my baby to mount and dismount from the left after I'm situated and have the K-stand down for safety.

Have fun out there!
Two months is kinda soon, but I started riding 2-up really early too. Just make sure you stay patient with her! have her drive to a parking lot ( you ride). then at the parking lot get some practice in. practice low speed manuevers and braking. Remember that you will stop slower, and you are probably going to go in to hot on your first turn. ( I did anyway). Take it slow, and remember that you cannot suprise her with the throttle, or with turns. try to keep the ride as predictable as possible. Prepare yourself for her to lean to far or lean in the wrong direction, so she wont surprise you and trigger a survival reaction. check your tire pressure, and make sure your chain and brakes are cool. TAKE IT SLOW! Its real fun and she will love it.