Those that have been off. Those that will. I joined the latter club today.

Spoke to her insurance company. She basically described it exactly how it happened! She saw both of us, and assumed we both went. Sun glare, blah blah blah. Now just gotta get a shop to fully inspect and have an adjuster review it.

Funny to note - my buddy has a 1200 Buell with exhaust (think slightly synchronized agitated thunder) and I'm running stock still. I know she must have heard him go, and all that was left was my purring kitty cat. I wonder if in this case, would loud pipes have really saved lives... er... sides? ;)

For those interested, I was on Westtown Rd, making a left on Paoli/Gay/W Chester Pike.

Google Maps

Street view (I would be to the left and slightly behind the van when she crept up and turned into me):
Google Maps

Oh - and I did find a scuff on my boot. Nothing I'm going to complain about... just wanted to say that I'm happy to report that gear did play a role.

And yes, Red Wasp, et al, are correct. At the end of the day, nobody go hurt and that's all that really matters.
I didn't wanna upset pook by saying this, but I agree 100% :(
ALWAYS call the police in this type of situation. Be sure police report is filled out and you'll never have to worry about getting your damages paid for.

I sincerely hope this girl doesn't jerk you around now.

I believe you have some time (24-48hrs, perhaps) to still file a police report. It may vary depending on jurisdiction. Of course, since you are no longer at the scene with the other party or other witnesses, it may detract from its perceived value. Always good practice to get it to cover your a$$, no matter how small the accident. Anyway, glad it wasn't worse. Get the bike fixed up and ride out the season!
Spoke to her insurance company. She basically described it exactly how it happened! She saw both of us, and assumed we both went. Sun glare, blah blah blah. Now just gotta get a shop to fully inspect and have an adjuster review it.

Funny to note - my buddy has a 1200 Buell with exhaust (think slightly synchronized agitated thunder) and I'm running stock still. I know she must have heard him go, and all that was left was my purring kitty cat. I wonder if in this case, would loud pipes have really saved lives... er... sides? ;)

For those interested, I was on Westtown Rd, making a left on Paoli/Gay/W Chester Pike.

Google Maps

Street view (I would be to the left and slightly behind the van when she crept up and turned into me):
Google Maps

Oh - and I did find a scuff on my boot. Nothing I'm going to complain about... just wanted to say that I'm happy to report that gear did play a role.

And yes, Red Wasp, et al, are correct. At the end of the day, nobody go hurt and that's all that really matters.

I don't know about the pipes.

Maybe if you wouldn't have a a muffler at all somebody would hear you.

Even loud bikes when idling at a stop don't really sound that loud.

Just my experience.
Thats's true to a degree, but I can hear his 1.2 liter twin thump even while idling in my house. Plus if I did have loud pipes, I'd be revving the crap out it while waiting so everyone within a 50 yard radius knew how big my johnson was. :D
Good idea to call the cops, however my daughter, when she was in high school, ran into the back of another car! Messed up the front of her car but very little damage to the other car. Driving the other car was one of her very good friends who held her while she cried!!!!!

I always try to be on the left side of the lane - had a driver drive up beside me IN MY LANE - I was on the right side and I think he was trying to mover into the left lane and didn't see me.
Aaaand the number IS? $1,664 plus sliders (they didn't have a number for Motivation sliders).

Wow - I was first thinking 400-600. Then after the inspection I was thinking 800-1200. Over 1700? It's absolutely astonishing how much less an assembled machine is over the sum of its parts.

I really hope they cut me a check. I really don't want the shop to do everything.
Aaaand the number IS? $1,664 plus sliders (they didn't have a number for Motivation sliders).

Wow - I was first thinking 400-600. Then after the inspection I was thinking 800-1200. Over 1700? It's absolutely astonishing how much less an assembled machine is over the sum of its parts.

I really hope they cut me a check. I really don't want the shop to do everything.

I really hope they will just give you the check too.

For that amount of money I would consider doing a naked conversion and pocketing the rest of money for a future upgrade to different bike.


outside of the aesthetics of the bike ie fairings etc, did they find anything else wrong with it?
The amount of damage visible at 20 feet is zero. 10 feet? Only the slider. Think of the damage that essentially amounts from a tip over. Lots of little nicks here and there.

I'd like the check so I can:

A) Replace the stuff myself... I don't mind.
B) Fix at my own pace (will have more and more downtime now that winter is upon us)
C) Clean in and around stuff as I go.
D) Not do a couple items and put the cash towards gear.

The peg feeler broke the nut/socket/collar in the foot peg (feeler sill in there). The rest is cosmetic.

Finally got a call from the adjuster. I was expecting to get haggling on the repair estimate but got the opposite. He talked it over with the estimating shop and the price went up on a couple parts so the amount was increased. I then mentioned the sliders that weren't in the original estimated because the shop couldn't quote the particular aftermarket brand. We simultaneously went online to and priced them out, and he added it to the total.

So the final amount came out to be $1,851 with a check being mailed to me. Gotta pay the shop 42 bucks for the estimate and the rest is mine to decide how I want to proceed.

Oh, and I did end up mentioning the scuffs on my boot. Sent some pics and a copy of the receipt and boom. Getting reimbursed for them too.

All things considered, the process has gone very smooth. AllState has been really good to work with.
(a little off topic but) exactly why I don't "split" - drivers see mcyclists "splitting"/sharing lanes, they assume they (eventually) assume they can too. I have had cages "share the lane" at these types of intersections before and have gotten in the habit of making sure I'm slightly to the right of center when stopped. That way, if the cager decides they're going to try and "share", they're going to have to hit me BEFORE they do anything else. If human behavior follows form, it's a "follow the dumb a#$ leader" world now.

Sad...glad to hear/see you made it out ok relatively speaking - THIS time.
True. I didn't do anything wrong here but if there's one thing I've learned, it's to occupy as much of the center lane position as possible at stops. Keeping an eye out for oil and road crap of course.
I can just about understand how we might be hit on the drivers blind side.
WTF was she doing? Do you wear invisible leathers? Was your bike in "Cloaking" mode at the time of the accident.
I'm glad your otherwise unscathed. I would put it through the insurance and be done with it. Sadly a conscience only lasts a few days if your lucky.

Good luck