Thinking of selling FZ6...what would you do?


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Aug 16, 2012
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Washington, DC
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Alright folks, so here's the deal...

I've had my 2008 FZ6 since August 2012. It's only my 2nd bike ever (started on a beat-to-hell '95 Ninja 250) and since I've been lucky enough to have a garage where I've lived so far since I've owned it. This has been important because as a more casual rider taking it out on weekends and Fridays when the weather is cooperating, I may go weeks (no more than 5-6) without starting it up. As I've gathered from this forum and my own experience, the FZ6 is a perfect bike for this type of use because it is reliable as hell. I can't tell you the number of times I've been sure THIS is the time bike won't start up when I try to go for a ride after leaving it sitting for a couple weeks. But every time it fires up without a hitch, so I've been extremely satisfied with it.

The problem is, in a few weeks, I'm going to move to a place without a good garage storage spot for when I'm not riding it. I'm considering the following options:

- Buy a bike cover and park it outside during the summer, then rent a storage unit for it when the weather finally turns. The downside here is that when I need to take it for a maintenance ride during the winter, it won't be as easy as bundling up and going downstairs. I'm concerned I won't ride it enough and mechanically things are going to start going downhill.

- Keep it for the summer (still using a bike cover) but sell it come fall. I don't need the money but I'm worried about it turning into a liability. One way this option could branch out results in me trading for or buying an MX-5 with the cash I fetch for the bike. I'm thinking the mazda would offer a lot of what I love about the bike but with a lot more practicality. Between our unpredictable winters and our hot, humid summers, it's hard for me to justify having a bike, and I could actually drive the mazda a bit more than I'm comfortable with on the bike. The FZ6 is an 08 with only 5200 miles on it so I'm pretty sure I can get a good price for it.

So anyway, I'm kind of at a crossroads here, and not sure what to do. I love getting out and riding but it's kind of a question between having money sitting in a potentially volatile pile in a parking lot/storage unit or someplace boring like a savings/investment account. Will the bike hold up to rougher treatment than I give it now? Will an MZ-5 be more trouble than the bike? I know I've only had the FZ-6 for a short time but it already feels like it's a part of my background, who I am and what I enjoy doing. I feel like I'm having a mini mid-life crisis :blah:
The bike will be fine outside with a cover. Just put it away in the off season with proper storage methods and don't worry about it until spring. ;)
What I can tell you from my experience is that storing it outside, covered up, hasn't been a problem for me. It isn't quite the same, being in my yard and not in a parking lot, but with similar weather to what you have not a problem. So don't let that much be a factor.

I have an obvious bias, and therefore say keep the bike, because I don't see a car coming close to the same experience as a bike. :D That said, it's up to you, dude. You'll know what's best for you. I may be in the market for a car soon an account of needing one for carting the pet to vet visits, etc., but the bike isn't going anywhere. :D
As an owner of a Miata for the past 14 years, and an FZ6 rider for the past year and a half, I can say as much as I love the Miata, it's no bike, even though I've done a lot to the car. That said, there's a lot to be said about having your cake and eating it too with the Miata. I drop the top if the sky is clear and the temperature is above 40, and it's nice to enjoy the elements without gearing up. Most females prefer the convertible too. ;)

Your bike will be fine if stored in the winter. I didn't take mine out at all this winter. It sat for 5+ months and fired right up a few weeks ago. :)
i am more concerened about theives rather than the bike not firing up. if you are going to store it in the street, you would have to secure it well.
My buddy lives in a condo in D.C., no garage. Keeps his FZ6 parked on the street outside year round, covered in the winter months. You should be okay, but obviously you have to make that call.
Agreed with all the above... Just make sure you get a breathable cover and as noted, try to secure the bike to an immovable object and slow down any theives.

An audible disc lock or regular alarm won't hurt either.

Make sure you have insurance should the thieves succeed ..

(I personally couldn't live without having a bike-mentally). The MPG's and fun factor even more so...
The downside here is that when I need to take it for a maintenance ride during the winter, it won't be as easy as bundling up and going downstairs.

A winter "maintenance ride" is only necessary if you need to maintain your sanity during the winter months by taking it out on a nice 40 degree day.

The bike itself doesn't need any winter "maintenance rides"
Maybe someone can help me with this, there is a shell type storage made for this exact problem. I can't think of the name of it at the moment. I'll try to find it.
Geez. For the price of that CycleShell, I could buy a nice tent, park the bike in there and still have room for a lawn mower, weed-eater, and a gas grill....
Thanks to everyone who has responded. I think I'm going to see how this winter goes with the bike in storage. For those of you that mentioned it, I'm fully insured so theft isn't as big of a worry to me. Now I've just got to start shopping for covers and looking into what I need to do to put it up for the winter...anyone got some advice??? :D