They took my Job!


Pastry Chef
Elite Member
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
Northwest of Boston MA
just got called into work on my day off to find out I've been laid off, last week my boss told my department that her request for an Assistant Pastry Chef went through the big bosses, I was the pastry supervisor. So I kind of saw it coming but it still is pretty crappy. Now I'm in the process of finding a new job.. hooray! I guess I may have to limit my spending a little more for a while. It's a good thing I gave my notice on my apartment and my parents have extra room at their house, what 25 yr old guy doesn't want to move back in with mommy and daddy! I doubt things can get much worse at this point so I should be positive cause things can only get better from here on out. ok my rant is over.

side note.. I got home that night and my xbox360 got "red rings" so I'm without it for 2-3 weeks while its in Texas getting repaired
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I went back to mom's basement for like 6 months at 25. I think it just happens. Make sure you do the dishes and stuff...
sucks about your job dude! keep your chin up and you will get something else soon i am sure, people always gotta eat!
Hey, sorry to hear this. Please ensure you understand the "unable to communicate" thing really well because in the next job, interviewers will ask. Plus if someone asks for references, you'll need a good story for what happened.

You're already out of there so keep things nice, cool, and professional -- and see if you can find out from a reliable source (perhaps the HR dude) what happened and try to be constructive about it to both you and your old boss.

Don't worry about living with parents for a while -- good parents are there for their kids. Just don't overstay your welcome and treat it like a rental setup -- e.g., as cap'n said, "do the dishes" and other stuff. I'm sure your parents will appreciate the help and maybe they can feel better about you being there. I've seen too many times that kids move back in only to go backward 2 steps and become sloppy, spoil teenagers again who just suck parents out of resources. Parents keep feeding them and they won't leave. I've heard a saying from parents in this situation -- "don't feed the bears" and soon they will leave.

Good luck out there.

You'll be fine! You're young, got a crib and prolly really great parents. Besides, if things get really tuff we'll start the "FZ6 Forum Cup Cake Drive"! Man I love cake!!!!
Phat Bastard
Sorry to hear this! Listen to Dennis as his advice is solid.

You need to extract all you can from this experience and apply that knowledge to the next job. Remain positive and upbeat becuase it really shows through to everyone around you.

For every bad situation I've been through (and I'm OLD!), with that positive attitude, I've always managed to better my position in life.

You'll do just fine. You've already got yourself in a favorable position for starting over. You're VERY fortunate.
Well this just might be the opportunity you needed.....this is from another thread:

I'm a pastry chef for my own online business which I'm planning to expand to a retail location within the next 5 years. My full time gig is a pastry supervisor for a Luxury Hotel in Boston. They pay me to play with food.... it's AWESOME!!

Good Luck, I wish you all the best with your new business!
BH, sounds like you're ramping up the positive attitude already, keep it up and you'll do fine!
I've always believed that when one door closes, another one opens, but the hallways can be a bitch sometimes...
I'm no expert when it comes to food except for eating it, but I would imagine that there would be some demand for your area of expertise.

Plenty of local hotels & resorts that have a pastry & bakery departments here in Vegas, I would think that they are always looking for experienced people like yourself rather than somebody right out fo culinary school.

Sometimes, you have to look outside of your local area.

Good luck.
sucks.. but hey, at least you "can" go back to your parents.. i know the feelinbg of not really wanting to, but at least you have options.. good luck with the job search.. :)
Thanks for the encouraging words, I'm glad to know the "seasoned" members, (not old), have made it through the rough times and there are good things coming. I took the bike out today to get my inspection sticker finally so I won't be ticketed if caught without it. Hopefully I'll have a few job interviews within the next 2 weeks. I've been thinking about going to vegas to work and I may consider it again. And ya I totally agree that I wouldn't want to mooch. My dad and I are very similar so we get along great, hopefully we won't annoy my mom too much. Good thing I have a nice motorcycle to get me out of their house for a bit this summer:D
Sorry to hear dude i lost mine 3 1/2 months ago for very similar reasons but made a effort and got another job in 2 weeks, as has been said stay positive get on with it and you will be ok.
Im waiting to hear the out come of my job in the next couple of weeks too. I work on a military base for a private security company, and in the next few weeks we are turning into a federal gs paying job. The thing that has us afraid is we all have to apply for our jobs again online and veterans have preferance. Nothing against vets, but why should they have more preferance doing the same job federally that I have done for 3 years as a supervisor? this is really not fair at all :/
im almost 24 and still live at my parents :p my clothes are being washed, my dinner cooked, and the house cleaned. things could be worse, if I had no legs at all I wouldn't be able to ride my fz6 :D

(just to clarify, I don't want to rent, I believe its throwing money away, and I have a 2 year contract and im not sure if I'll get a new contract next february so I'm not gonna risk getting a mortgage for a house I can't afford in a year)
just got called into work on my day off to find out I've been terminated, my HR guy informed me it was because my boss didn't feel we could successfully communicate but I have a feeling there's more to it. Last week my boss told my department that her request for an Assistant Pastry Chef went through the big bosses, I was the pastry supervisor. So I kind of saw it coming but it still is pretty crappy. Now I'm in the process of finding a new job.. hooray! I guess I may have to limit my spending a little more for a while. It's a good thing I gave my notice on my apartment and my parents have extra room at their house, what 25 yr old guy doesn't want to move back in with mommy and daddy! I doubt things can get much worse at this point so I should be positive cause things can only get better from here on out. ok my rant is over.
Sorry to here your news, at least you have a family that loves you enough to support you. Good luck.

Got great news today, I interviewed with a few places this week and got an offer from a place that I really like. I start my new job on Monday. Woot!:D:D:D:D:D

WOW! Congrats!!! That is AWESOME! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: