The FZ6 is no longer offered for 2010

OK, I think I'm over my reaction to that FZ1 exhaust, take a look at this thing,
XT660 dual sport single, not sold in NA...I couldn't believe it, there's 2 of those
freakin' monstrosities on it, one on each side...but it's a single ??

I'd like to see a pair of soft bags on that thing, bets on how long 'til there's a fire?
Dealership guy told me yesterday that the "FZ6 hasn't gone away, they just changed the name to FZ6r and gave it a faring". Is that the spin that Yamaha's going to put on this? Cause my FZ6 "ain't no" FZ6r. Everything about them is different. I'm just glad that I purchased my '09 before the big mistake. They need to learn from others' mistakes as well. Has anyone seen a Gladius on the street? Not me, but we all know that the SV650 was one of the most popular bikes on the market. Good luck to them and theirs. I'll continue enjoying the most understated, under-estimated bike on the market. And I'll continue to eat SVs, Ninjas, and Hornets for breakfast....

If I bought a helo they would quit making them! (It's always been that way) It's just not a factor to me. I love my FZ and I plan to keep it for a long, long time. I like what I like, whether it's the most popular toy on the block or not. (I guess Yamaha will be selling me a lot of parts - for as long as there are parts)
Wow that looks great!
Isn't the FZ6r the same as the XJ6 here? Ie an FZ6 with no power? I'm suprised they don't come with training wheels... That being said maybe in 2010....
Wow that looks great!
Isn't the FZ6r the same as the XJ6 here? Ie an FZ6 with no power? I'm suprised they don't come with training wheels... That being said maybe in 2010....

The FZ6R is a full faired version of what Yamaha call an XJ6N (Naked version ) or XJ6S Diversion (the half faired version) in Australia, and i think, Europe as well...

Engine, suspension, frame, brakes, etc, are all identical on all 3 models.

don't think I could ever get over that ridiculous exhaust can on the FZ1,
there was one just recently here for sale, great deal, couldn't take my eyes
off that pipe, it's like a car wreck, you don't want to stare, but.........
yeah, but with the Micron GP it looks awesome.

Defense Exhibit A.
So with the FZ6 now discontinued (for now), would that make our bikes more "valuable" and possibly sot after, or make them harder to sell becasue they are discontinued?

Will this have any effect "trade in" value of the bike with a dealership?
So with the FZ6 now discontinued (for now), would that make our bikes more "valuable" and possibly sot after, or make them harder to sell becasue they are discontinued?

Will this have any effect "trade in" value of the bike with a dealership?

They aren't really discontinued, just no longer sent to N. America. I suspect the trade-in value will be poor as they did not sell well here when new. Cruisers and super-sports are wut 'mericans want.

They aren't really discontinued, just no longer sent to N. America. I suspect the trade-in value will be poor as they did not sell well here when new. Cruisers and super-sports are wut 'mericans want.


But I'm Canadian!! :cheer: Guess we'll see what I get for it when I get my new dog sled this fall..... ;)
It's pretty cheap to replace the stock can on the FZ1... you don't have to buy TWO!

What the heck... here's mine!
