The ancient art of sledging

One last thing.....can someone please tell the Barmy Army that chanting "Barmy Army" all day is about as entertaining as watching Geoff Boycott bat...and almost as annoying! And as for the trumpet blower that was going off all day yesterday, i could think of a few places where i would like to shove that bugle......and the sun does not shine in my first choice!

Can't argue with that. There is a big distinction between patriotic fervour and irritating tedium.
If the next four tests are as good as that one, we are in for a bumper series!

It's the oldest rivalry in cricket, and IMHO still the strongest....

Both teams always seem to rise to the occasion, no matter what's been happening before the series, and very rarely is there a bad contest....guess that's why the ashes are knicknamed "The Bashes" these days....

To me, Collingwood epitomised everything that is good about cricket today...would have him in my side anyday...

Thought the English Physio coming out on the field for no reason other than to soak up a bit of time with about 10 minutes to go, was a bit off though.....

But hey, The Aussies have been guilty of similar ploys in the past!

Experience. We also play cricket against you lot and I have sat and cringed through it on tv.

Shouldn't you be in bed???

Lol....think the same about South African commentators, but just turn the sound down on TV, and listen to Aussie radio commentators, which are much better than the Aussie commentators on TV....

As for being in bed...i dont sleep...well not very much anyway.

Benaud is great, hugely knowledgeable and the only impartial commentator out there. Unfortunately he is in the minority...

+1, but i suppose you gotta look at it like this, Commentators from each country just about always patriotic to their own country of birth...i suppose it's natural, not that professional, but definitely the norm...

I like Michael Holding too...he talks a lot of sense.

+1, but i suppose you gotta look at it like this, Commentators from each country just about always patriotic to their own country of birth...i suppose it's natural, not that professional, but definitely the norm...

I like Michael Holding too...he talks a lot of sense.


Most of the comentator's have played for their country,so they cant help it :Flash:
Well it's day 2 of the 2nd test and I sit here 25 miles from Lords looking at the kind rain that Moses was preparing for.

It seems cruel after the efforts of Strauss and Cook dishing out our highest opening ashes stand since 1991.
Well it's day 2 of the 2nd test and I sit here 25 miles from Lords looking at the kind rain that Moses was preparing for.

It seems cruel after the efforts of Strauss and Cook dishing out our highest opening ashes stand since 1991.

Playing cricket in an English summer ....................what where they thinking ! ;)
Playing cricket in an English summer ....................what where they thinking ! ;)

English summer rain; It never fails to arrive and somehow never fails to surprise.

It must be our perennialy optimistic nature. The same one that has us thinking we will win the world cup every 4 years.
10 - 2 I'm gobsmacked. Let's watch as we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Gotta say though it's a pretty promising start.
NIIIIIIIIIIICE ONE SHANNNNE, sorry wrong side. Looks like the Aussie boys have been using our batting coach:spank:.
