That Was Close!

I hope MP's OK. It's different when you are not in control of the vehicle you are in/on.

Still up for tomorrow? They're all going to be out in force

MP is fine....was cool about it straght after it happened, and we still had fun in the twisties after!

As for tomorrow, just found i have Aidin till 12, so i will be either going for a very gentle blat with him on the back, or waiting for MP to get back from a family lunch, and going in the afternoon instead, or as well...Wanna do the D road, so it may have to be in the arvo!


Ain't that the truth,should have seen my wife on her first plane trip back to Tassie,I still got the fingernail marks in my thigh and it wasn't even close to crashing !

Now there is so many comments i could insert here....but alas , it's a family show!

MP is fine....was cool about it straght after it happened, and we still had fun in the twisties after!

As for tomorrow, just found i have Aidin till 12, so i will be either going for a very gentle blat with him on the back, or waiting for MP to get back from a family lunch, and going in the afternoon instead, or as well...Wanna do the D road, so it may have to be in the arvo!



Whatever time is good for me. If you're 'D' roading it you guys could pick me up on the way. That way I don't have to ride all that way, through the twisties.........maybe I'll meet you up there...LMAO:D
:eek: OUCH!!! That really sucks.

it does make you respect, just how hard cars are when you hit them, especially when they are stationary.

The way you said that last line made me laugh... and here I thought crumple-zone equipped cars would be nice and plush compared to asphalt, hehe.

I hope all of us can take your word for it. ;)
:eek: OUCH!!! That really sucks.

The way you said that last line made me laugh... and here I thought crumple-zone equipped cars would be nice and plush compared to asphalt, hehe.

I hope all of us can take your word for it. ;)

5 fractured bones, and Deep Vein Thrombosis! and a reasonably bent bike! lucky i was wearing my gear, lucky i had frame sliders! lucky i managed to get the bike sideways before impact! Unlucky the pr*** stopped on the xit of a blind corner, and turned right without an indicator! Only thing that crumpled was me, oh and i managed to destroy his right hand rear tail light completely with my shoulder!

Dont try it!
Glad you missed it, just. You always think after those kinda things, if I was 2 secs later/earlier etc it could have be worse or in your previous encounter better.
Just goes to show you know matter what part of the world you live in, the same old crap happens. Just think if it was the other way around. I mean, what if it was you who got rear ended. Frightening thought. That's one of my worst fears, getting rear ended just like that even though those type of crashes account for less than 10% for motocyclist.
.fortuneatly, i was watching the whole thing, was expecting the car to come my way, :thumbup:
obviously, being little two wheelers on big brothers roads, we never like being in these situations, but when you can see it ahead and already know how its going to pan out... isnt it like the coolest feeling?

I know i have been in these situations, you can see the problem ahead, and its almost like your brain does multiple split second crash tests. You see the accident happen and then your brain like analyzes it in every way that it could result. Seems like in a cage we try to just swerve, but if it we hit something... oh well... just get it fixed... when your on 2 wheels... its like super powers kick in and we are forced to be alot more aware of everything. I dunno, maybe its still the alcohol wearing off from last night but i think its kinda a cool feeling :thumbup:
obviously, being little two wheelers on big brothers roads, we never like being in these situations, but when you can see it ahead and already know how its going to pan out... isnt it like the coolest feeling?

I know i have been in these situations, you can see the problem ahead, and its almost like your brain does multiple split second crash tests. You see the accident happen and then your brain like analyzes it in every way that it could result. Seems like in a cage we try to just swerve, but if it we hit something... oh well... just get it fixed... when your on 2 wheels... its like super powers kick in and we are forced to be alot more aware of everything. I dunno, maybe its still the alcohol wearing off from last night but i think its kinda a cool feeling :thumbup:

I think I know what your on about! It's that thing where you just get what needs to done to save you and your bikes butt! Sometimes an accident with another vehicle, unfurls itself very slowly in front of you and you can choose a way to avoid it, or it's a split second thing, and somehow, you just go into damage control mode subonsciously, and get out of it either very lightly, or with no accident at all.

This also happens when you are all by yourself, and things start going pear shaped...too hot into a corner, false neutral at a crucial time, there is a big patchbof dirt in the middle of a corner, etc...then experience and good old self preservation work together, to save your butt!

Riding every day of the week is a great way to stay sharp on the bike, and keep these skills close at hand...

Just goes to show you know matter what part of the world you live in, the same old crap happens. Just think if it was the other way around. I mean, what if it was you who got rear ended. Frightening thought. That's one of my worst fears, getting rear ended just like that even though those type of crashes account for less than 10% for motocyclist.

yep,that's just about my biggest fear! Have seen a couple of video's of such horror...not pretty! Not that I reckon you would know much about it for long!
Just goes to show you know matter what part of the world you live in, the same old crap happens. Just think if it was the other way around. I mean, what if it was you who got rear ended. Frightening thought. That's one of my worst fears, getting rear ended just like that even though those type of crashes account for less than 10% for motocyclist.

i have the same fear, i have a bad habbit, when approaching a light, of not braking, but rather just downshifting for speed reduction, which obviously the car behind me can really tell that... i have been trying to flash my brake light a few times when doin that just to let the person behind me know i am slowing...

You sometimes forget that you are no longer just thinking for yourself on a bike, you have to do the thinking for people all around you.
the physiology of response describes it is the FIGHT or Flight response...the fastest nerve impulses travel at "400 Kph" which translates to a time of TWO HUNDRETHS of a second for a braking or accelerating command to reach your hand from your brain. This represents a VERY small window of opportunity to do anything other than follow your natural INSTICTS...this is where experience is EVERYTHING to a positive outcome...So get out there and practice, practice, practice...and stay upright and SAFE
Glad you and MP are both fine mate , hate those close call when they are out of your hands :(.........Shows after a quiet couple of months the cagers are still trying to get our South Aussie mates :disapprove: , hope MP wasnt to scared and not detered at all.......
Glad you and MP are both fine mate , hate those close call when they are out of your hands :(.........Shows after a quiet couple of months the cagers are still trying to get our South Aussie mates :disapprove: , hope MP wasnt to scared and not detered at all.......

MP deterred...nup, just a bit spun out by how close it was.....She has seen quite a bit, hangin off the bacvk of my back as much as she has over the Years.

Great to hear , im sure you wouldnt let anything happen to her anyway :thumbup:

Well not intentionally.....and i do demand that she wears all the right gear!!! so if the day comes that we do have an off together, at least she will stand a fighting chance...
