suprised at how many people not wearing helmets

It just doesn't matter what anyone else does, it is all about YOU!
I may wear shorts, tennis shoes and tee shirts often but I always wear a helmet.
I have noticed that locally, (we have required helmet laws), they are really cracking down on these toy helmets that so many Hardly riders use. The highway patrol will get you for wearing one of those quicker than they will for speeding! Safe riding man!
People don't like to judge, but some things are too simple. Not wearing a helmet is a stupid decision. Just look at the picture earlier in the thread. I have one in my garage (not my helmet though) that looks worse, from forehead to chin, right through the visor, grooves around 1/4 in in spots. Imagine what would be left, if anything, of the rider's face.

I assume people have heard about the rider in an anti-helmet law rally (riding without helmets, obviously) who crashed and died of a head injury a few weeks ago? I don't remember the state, but what could be more ironic than that?
I tried without a helmet once. I was moving my bike down a block or so to a better parking spot. Nothing over 30. Cager tried to kill me. Never tried without a helmet since. Sure until the cager nearly killed me I was thinking how awesome it was. It was cooler, much quieter, actually being able to hear my bike and my shifts was cool. Then, "oh ****" and I decided it wasn't that much of a hassle.

I have been known to not wear my jacket sometimes on shorter trips, but even that makes me nervous. I still need to get some mesh pants though too.
I went through my squid phase too, until I realized it was completely retarded. I'm so glad I had my helmet on when I went down, or I wouldn't have a face.


Now I keep it hanging on the wall in my bedroom as a reminder, cuz sometimes I don't want to wear a helmet cuz it's too hot out. haha
Saw a guy today no eye protection or helmet which is pretty common no helmet law here, but his woman on the back was in thin shorts tank top and txting on her phone. Was a Star motorcyle
To each their own. Live and let live. I wear my gear. If someone else dosen't want to, for whatever reason, that's their choice. What ever happens, the world will still go around. The sun will still rise in the morning and set in the evening.


Now get out and ride. :thumbup: ;)
the thing about a law like this is ... it shouldn't have to exist. wearing a helmet should be common sense on its own.

anyway, i like wearing my helmet. Not only for (crash)protection but like yesterday for instance some trucks passed me with ... i don't know what, sand of whatever. I love the fact that at those time i can just close the face of my helmet for a while and not have to worry about getting crap in my face. :)
It is truly amazing how many people ride without helmets and I agree it is a personal choice. But not my personal choice. Florida just changed their helmet law several years ago, it used to be mandatory but not now. But if you ride without one you have to have minimum 10,000 dollars in medical insurance. I have seen too many pics of helmets after crashes. Kinda scary to think about what a head would look like.
I opened my visor on the freeway for 2 seconds the other day and this tiny rock hit me on the cheek and it felt like a needle piercing my skin. I cant imagine dealing with that all the time, plus if it hit me in the eyeball I would have probably crashed. There is nothing more idiotic than not protecting your face going 100+mph IMO.
Even with medical insurance...say it covers 80%.

You crack open your noggin' and need surgery.

750k and up brotha.

That means you are responsible for 20% of that. A cool 150k.

You'll lose your house! :confused:
No helmet = instant disqualification from medicare. :D

Watch how helmet sales go through the roof after that one!

You're assuming un-helmeted riders are making decisions based on protecting themselves in the event of a crash. If they were doing that, they'd already be wearing a helmet.

Even with medical insurance...say it covers 80%.

You crack open your noggin' and need surgery.

750k and up brotha.

That means you are responsible for 20% of that. A cool 150k.

You'll lose your house! :confused:

Your insurance should have an out of pocket maximum. You pay your deductible first. Then you pay X% of the bills up to your out of pocket maximum. I think mine is $5,500. And I have the highest deductible possible.

Now, if you don't have insurance... you'll not only lose your house, but you'll be in debt for the rest of your life and there's only a slim chance you'll be able to declare bankruptcy. Moral of the story: never get on a bike w/o adequate medical coverage. It is far and away more important than your motorcycle insurance.