Sprocket and Chain Kit

Actually, no. The stock chain length is fine for just this limited change. Any further, like going to a +2 at the rear, will require a longer chain.

A couple people have said the stock chain will handle -1, +2. I really hope so because I don't want to have to buy a new chain.
Also, if you use the stock chain with the new sprockets, there would be a lot of play on the sprocket (meaning the play from side to side is loose), but i might be wrong
A couple people have said the stock chain will handle -1, +2. I really hope so because I don't want to have to buy a new chain.

Good rule of thumb here:

If you are changing both sprokets, it would be wise to go ahead and replace the chain as well. You will have an increased wear rate if you change both sprokets and not the chain, if the chain already has some time on it.

Just ordered a Vortex 520 conversion kit, 14 front, 47 rear, polished rear sprocket, to match polished wheels, and a black chain....cant wait.

Maybe I'll buy a new chain in the future, but I already have the front sprocket and ordered a rear, so it's too late for 520 conversion. Plus I'll have to buy chain tools or pay someone to do put the master link together. Screw that.
yea i am resurrecting this topic from the dead... kinda ;proves i did a little searching before i asked a question :thumbup:

i never saw an answer for the stock chain being able to fit on a -1/+2 setup looking to get the sprockets and if i need a new chain also i don't think i will have the money for it... any input is appreciated.

also where are most people on this forum ordering there parts from... looking for a parts place to start using.
i did a little searching before i asked a question :thumbup:

:cheer: Don't you love search?

I would go for the whole kit or nothing at all. I've been looking into this extensively as well.
When you replace just gears and leave the old chain on, you will wear both the gears and the chain faster than normal. This will make another replacement come sooner rather than later. Then you just wasted the $ spent on the gears.
What I got from research was that the chain and gears "match up" and shape themselves to their respective parts. When a new chain or gear enters the equation, they don't match up the same and wear both parts faster. I have seen this first hand on my mountain bike.
I'm also hesitant about the 520 chains, but a lot of manufacturers have them for bikes up to 150 hp. I think that should cover us. Still, that doesn't say anything about wear rates....
yea i guess i should stop being lazy and just do the whole thing.... i agree with the chains and sprockets wearing together but my bike only has 1400 on it so i know i could get away with it..... guess i will just have to work a little extra overtime this week. they have a kit on ebay that goes for like 130 so i will probably just do that.
I might not be looking at the right place but i can't find Vortex Rear and front sprocket for 2009( 520 conversion). i checked all those site but no luck.

does any one if the 2007 will fit?

it probably wont :(
Wow this is an old thread, Ok so im thinking about doing to conversion to the 520 too, is the difference pretty big in the take off, for those who have done it, how is it? Noticeably? Ive ridden CBR600 and R6 and they have sweet take off speeds, whats it compared to these? I know im asking alot of questions but I dont want to dump $$$ into something that isnt that big of a difference until I need a new chain. I rarely hit speeds exceeding 100. But Id like to have a hell of a jump start from 0 mph/kmh

I ride in a small town most of the time. I usually dont go on crazy state rides or anything, just small rides here and there, or with a bunch of friends, but there all street bikes.

Thanks :Flash:
Can anyone tell me the chain length (Links) for the -1 +2 conversion,as the dealer local to me does chain off the roll.