Soft Luggage Tail Rack Suggestions


Junior Member
May 6, 2013
Reaction score
San Francisco
So I've been doing a fair amount of two up weekend trips with my fiancé and we're looking to expand into some more camping. For most of our trips, we AirBnb or crash at friends when we hit our destination so I've been packing two of these guys ( full and strapping securing them to the grab rails (mainly extra layers and food so not much weight).

So far this seems like a great system for lighter stuff like sleeping bags and clothing but I'm worried about weighing them down with some of the more heavier camping gear (my tent and cookwear and stuff -- granted they are all backpacking light but still - it adds up) especially considering I don't have actual sidebag rails or anything.

SOooooo the challenge now is, how can I make, rig, equip my bike to carry some of that heavier stuff behind my fiance on the back? My initial thoughts are simple buy the Givi sidearm mounts for a topcase (~$100) and simply strap my bags to that (without the topcase rack or the case itself. This may require bolting on a wider base for the bags but I'm happy to do some quick fabrication.

Any thoughts? Suggestions? Wisdoms? Will those Givi sidearms work alone? My goal is to keep the cost below or around $100. I really love my FZ but as I anticipate doing less solo twisties and more trips with the two of us, I can see a touring ready DL650 or an old K75 in my future anyways.

Thanks in advance!