So lately I've been feeling.. "Stuck"


Jul 20, 2011
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Boulder, CO
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Hey everyone, Long post ahead, grab some :popcorn: if you'd like, or skip the post altogether. But I'm sharing this with you guys because I feel connected to this community, and I'd like feedback, other's personal experiences, and just general advice. Thanks! Anyway, on to the story!

As you all may or may not know, I'm a west michigander. (Go Lions, Tigers, and Red wings!!!) I've lived in West Michigan my whole life. Grew up around Grand Rapids, and last september I took a job and moved to Holland (about 20 miles away from my parents' house.) I moved out there because I wanted a bit of a fresh start, while staying close to family and close to home. I've never really had a fresh start so to speak, as I went to college ~15 miles from home so I just lived there all except my freshman year. Well, the move didn't really do what I had hoped. Right before I moved, I started going to a youth group at a local college which is about 20 miles from my current location, and about 35 miles from my parents' house. Because of this, the entire summer was basically spent out there playing sports with friends and just hanging out and having a great time. This was great! For a while.. After a while the straight roads of MI started to grow dull and dreary, and everything became a "schedule"... but it was the same sort of "schedule" I'd had my entire life and I was getting sick of it. This only compounded over these past few months, as I found myself braving the weather to drive 20-25 miles to either my parents' house, or to the college. None of my friends wanted to drive out to Holland as "20 minutes is too far to drive...." Which basically turned into me paying hundreds of dollars for a really nice apartment which I was using to sleep in and not much else. (Though it does have a nice garage for my baby. ;) )

Some of you might remember my ride report earlier in the year about my Colorado trip. Well, I can't stop thinking about being there... I dream about the mountains, look at pictures and watch the gopro videos I recorded while out there over and over and over... I am just in love with everything out there. So over the past couple months, I've started considering trying to find a job out there. I am just so sick of the same old droll that west michigan brings. I mean, it's a great place to live and raise a family, but a terrible place to meet women, haha. (And being a 22 year old single guy.. yeah.) There's little adventure here for me. I love things like hiking, mountain biking, canyon roads, getting lost in nature.. And I just don't have that kind of stuff around here. I honestly kind of feel like my manhood is dying because I just don't have any adventure around here at all.

So I finally made up my mind after a date I went on (which went well for the most part, save for the fact that the girl was clingy as all get out. During the first date, which was the 2nd time we'd met, she was saying things like "So you like me and I'm going to be your girlfriend? :D" and "I'm so happy I met you!" which totally freaked me out.) that I was going to do it. I'm going to move to Colorado within the year. My lease on my apartment is up in september, so that's my deadline to find a job. If I don't by then, i'm just going to pack everything up and move. Find a job while I'm out there. I've got some money saved up so that's not an issue, and I have a place to stay out there until I get on my feet. But I feel like this is something I need to do in life for me. I talked to my cousin who lived out there for 5 or 6 years, and he suggested I move to the Colorado Springs area. My aunt and uncle live about a half hour from there, and I have a friend an hour away in Boulder. I also have a friend who rides a 2007 R6 who said she'd make the leap out there with me if she could find a decent job out there. So that'd help things.

But I would be leaving my immediate family behind, and we're all pretty close. They are all, however, quite tech savvy and skyping into family time and such wouldn't be a huge deal. I'm sure we could make that work. :)

So what are your thoughts guys? Has anyone else made a jump like this (1250 miles) and regretted it? My friend who lives in boulder said he hasn't for a second. I truly believe this is something I really want to do.

And I'd love to hear all similar experiences and how they worked out for you guys!

Thanks in advance,
- Xavias

P.S. The FZ6 would definitely go with me! Though she might get traded for a d675 eventually ;)
When I joined the RAF at 17 I was posted to the opposite end of the country to do my basic and trade training. That was a massive shock to the system as I had never been away from my parents for more than a week.

After the second week I was pretty homesick but stuck it out and it was amazing. Phonecalls helped and occasionally heading home was great as I got to see everyone else still doing the same stuff they had been doing since they were 12 while I had all thses new stories and experiences.

+1 for being sensible and saving some cash.

Like you said there just a skype away.

In a nutshell go for it. Lifes too short for what ifs and but I wanted to's.

Hope that helps.
I say go for it! No better way to see who you are or what you are about than getting out on your own. After 16 years in the military, I've ended up 2500 miles from my parents and most of my friends. You may end up meeting the woman of your deams, I did. Your parents will always be there, your friends will come and go depending on how true they are. Home is only a plane ride or an epic road trip away:thumbup:
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the only thing I can offer is that if you need to, just frickin do it. (yes I cleaned that statement up)
I am too busy to escape my life for a weekend, I had planned to escape around new years to florida but ended up having a family emergency in Chicago. the time before that the problem was in Pennsylvania. My point is if you want to, dont toss it around, just grow a pair and go for it! Im about to just skip work and go to tampa or daytona or someplace with sand and beer.
I live in ks but I've visited Colorado Springs. And I loved it there. Plenty of places nearby to go hiking and adventuring and such. I'm sure you'd enjoy being out there. I don't blame ya on wanting the d675. Those things are mean
Gonna sound cheesy but follow your heart...

I was born and raised in Chicago, went to college in California, my first job sent me to South Carolina, and I recently made the decision to move to Boston. Some people are happy staying where they are... I am not. Moving is not as hard as people think.

I've had quite the journey and met countless friends along the way. I still keep in touch with every friend I've made. Each area was different and unique and gave me a different perspective on life as well as countless memories. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Whatever you decide to do, know it isn't permanent until you say it is and most importantly do what makes you happy. Looking back, I only regret the things I didn't do...
I don't fault anyone for wanting a fresh start in a new location, a thousand miles from home. I've never done it myself, but I empathize with you. I think the fact that you've been there before makes it a little different than just throwing a dart at the map and moving to wherever it sticks. If that's where you're led, by all means go. Do your due diligence and look into the difference in cost of living between here and there, just so you're not too shocked when you get there. That also helps you determine what is or isn't a good job offer. :thumbup:

On to the most important topic. Do you like her, and is she your girlfriend? :confused: :D :confused: :D
Do your due diligence and look into the difference in cost of living between here and there, just so you're not too shocked when you get there. That also helps you determine what is or isn't a good job offer. :thumbup:

On to the most important topic. Do you like her, and is she your girlfriend? :confused: :D :confused: :D

I will! Thanks for the advice! :)

The short answer is "not anymore, and no she isn't."

It actually kind of cemented in my mind that I needed to get out and explore the world before I settle down. (Mostly because I haven't found any women in West Michigan worth actually dating..)

But I need to do my own stuff before I look at including someone else. :)
Dude go for it! You are YOUNG! This may be the only chance for you to try new things! Believe me. I have lived within the same 15 mile radius for the past 10 years after college and now that I'm married and have a mortgage payment and the wife and I are trying to have our first child my chance to move somewhere else and try something different is pretty much over!

I'm not saying I regret my decision, I love living near my wife and my families and that will come very helpful when we need a babysitter! But at the same time I kinda wish I had moved to Florida back in 2005 when my buddy had offered a room in his new condo for me if I could find a job down there. In hindsight if I had done that chances are I would have lost my job in 2008 when the economy collapsed and ended up back in my hometown anyway....

Anyway. Best wishes but I think you should just do it! It's better to try it and realize in a few years you would rather live back home but mistakes are easier to correct than regrets! ;)
Do not, for one second, question the decision to go. GO. You're young, and with family in the area, coming back home will always be easy. I've never lived further than 10 miles from where I was born, and deeply regret it. A couple years at Penn State doesn't count. Go out and explore.
I would try to secure a job first as savings don't last for ever. Having the job will also give you a bit of reality. The romance of moving and starting afresh won't last past a few months and the job will give your move a better foundation for success.
Having said that if I were in your shoes I would go for it, as stated by the other posters your young and if you don't follow your heart you may regret it.

Good luck

I would try to secure a job first as savings don't last for ever. Having the job will also give you a bit of reality. The romance of moving and starting afresh won't last past a few months and the job will give your move a better foundation for success.
Having said that if I were in your shoes I would go for it, as stated by the other posters your young and if you don't follow your heart you may regret it.

Good luck


I'm planning on getting a job first, but if that isn't possible, then I'll be looking to move down and look for a job like crazy when I'm down there (and have the ability to show up for interviews.)
I'm Canadian and had a job out of college working in Ontario. Everything was alright but I never liked the city I was living in (Sudbury) at the time. I met someone at a training course and we exchanged contact info. A little while later he contacted me saying his company was hiring. I applied and got a job in PA.

I don't regret going at all. I do miss my friends and family but we still keep up and visit when we can.
... and I'd like feedback, other's personal experiences, and just general advice.

Do yourself a favor, and explore!

Between my wife and I, we've lived in 10+ different states and 1 different country (france). Having said that, we have never found a place we disliked as much as sw michagan... We lived in the kzoo/portage area from 05' to 10' while my wife completed her degrees. One of the things keeping me sane, was knowing that we would be outta there before she could be handed her degree (came in the mail!).

One thing I found odd while living there, was the number of people I met who disliked the area, but never left...:confused:

The 8 months of winter, and permanently grey skies (yah lake effect moisture) were to much for me.
We spend a lot of time in Saugatuck, MI (just south of Holland and Xavias) but I never take the fizzer up there. Too much family stuff going on.

Moved from So Cal to Chicago, always figured I'd move back someday. That was 26 years ago. Wife is from Chicago and I'm here for the long haul.

Besides the nice weather of So Cal, what I miss the most is the mountains! Curvy roads for scenic bike rides and winter skiing/snowboarding! I can live without the ocean, although it is awesome!

So try hard to get a job before you go, but GO. As others have said, you're young and able (no wife). You will have the adventure of a lifetime. If it doesn't work out, you always have your family back in MI.

Good luck!
I agree with everyone else...DO IT!
I moved here ions ago and left all my family back in Tennessee. I just had a feeling that this is where I belonged, and I was right. I met John out here and we've been married for 29 years this March.
I know you have family here, I remember your ride report, but if you need anymore info on anything, please feel free to contact me, ok?
Mike and I moved from Auckland New Zealand to Perth Western Australia when we were 19 & 20.

Do it. We haven't looked back :thumbup:

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Thanks for all the replies everyone! It's really great to see so much encouragement. Just wrapping up updating my resume as we speak, and I'll be starting to apply for jobs next week. Like I said, if I don't have anything by the time September rolls around, I'm just going to pack up and go.

And Lytehouse, I'll definitely hit you up for more information. And if/when I get out to the springs, We'll be needing to go for some rides!
Thanks for all the replies everyone! It's really great to see so much encouragement. Just wrapping up updating my resume as we speak, and I'll be starting to apply for jobs next week. Like I said, if I don't have anything by the time September rolls around, I'm just going to pack up and go.

And Lytehouse, I'll definitely hit you up for more information. And if/when I get out to the springs, We'll be needing to go for some rides!

Well, we're all here when you need us :hug: like family, right?

And we'll definitely do that ride!
Once you get on your feet out here, you need to save a few bucks and get a dual sport! You won't regret that decision either! :thumbup:

p.s. what line of work are you in??