So I rode my FZ6 from Maine to California and back. (WARNING: Image HEAVY)

I'm speechless. That is one of the most impressive trip reports I have ever read. Great pictures and write up. Kudo's to you both for logging so many miles and incident free. Rep power sent! Glad you didn't have to wash the bike!

Thanks! They're tough to pack, but you really shouldn't leave home without your cleaning crew! ;)

Great pictures. I wish I had known you were at the AMA museum. I live about five minutes from there. Would have been glad to buy your supper and get to visit a bit.

I had several times considered making a post about leaving and seeing who would be interested to meet up and where. I think a lot of what stopped me was being shy and looking back at our schedule I know that when we do this again we need to take a few months and see as many people as possible!

Thanks for all the pics!! ... never done long distance on the bike and your post probably just sealed the deal on me getting a tent and holding off on finding work until August. :)

That's totally the way to go man. If you do indeed use the tent I highly recommend using KOA Kampgrounds and purchasing their KOA card. The amount of discounts we amassed was impressive enough even if you don't take into account how awesome every single person all the way across the country treated us there. They were great about riding our bikes up to tents and you're pretty much always guaranteed a high quality of services. We initially wanted to just camp wherever we saw fit but didn't want the hassle of deciphering where it would be illegal or not. Just my 2 cents!

Very nice experience! Did you have any mechanical problems?

You know, when I saw this question I was all set to say "Nope! Not a thing!" and then I remembered there was one issue. My boyfriend left his SV1000 on when we stopped for food once after an exceptionally long day and his battery died. I completely forgot about that since it was such a silly and quickly fixed issue. We were next door to a garage that happily jumped the bike right quick for free and off we went. Needless to say that mistake was never made again as we turned it into a running joke for the rest of the trip: "Do you have your keys?" "In my pocket, yours?" "Got're SURE you've got them?" "....damnit, let me check" I'm proud to report no mechanical problems with my bike at all though. I'm impressed.
All I can add is...............WOW!

too bad we couldn't meet when you were in Colorado, you were so close.....but there's always next time!