So I rode my FZ6 from Maine to California and back. (WARNING: Image HEAVY)

That pictorial was

I'm very impressed. I want to go 4wheeling in Utah hopefully next year with a rig I'm building and seeing those photos now adds Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona to the list!

Your trip will inspire many to pursue higher mileage trips! The most I've done is about 600 miles in a day - so my question is:

Did you work up to riding for that long or did you just decide to go out and do it? Any training?
How many fellow forum members did you look up? Any?

Sadly I was only able to meet Chery/Have2BeFree in NY when I passed on the FZ6 Pony Express bag. There were several people I wanted to see and no easy way to meet them with the schedule we had to follow. I'd love to make this trip again and take...oh..a couple *years* to do it!:thumbup:

Sara, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I am glad you had a safe and awesome trip! Thanks for the write up and the pics - what an amazing ride!

It -was- amazing and you definitely helped start it off the right way!

A great story and fantastic pictures. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
Was Needles, CA as far West as you went?

Needles was as far as we went into California, yes. We got delayed a day in Utah due to a severe lighting/hail storm which really threw a wrench into our plans in that area. It was also a memorial day weekend riding through Nevada/California with all of the resulting traffic and car accidents. We've actually started planning out and saving up for taking our Jeep to Moab in two years or so. THAT is going to be one hell of an expensive trip, our rig gets maybe 10mpg :eek: But we're toying with the idea of exploring more of the Cali area if we do. Since he's in the military, he's seen a lot more of that state than I have.

ha ha chance, do you know what the state motto is?

The "Show Me" state!

Go figure! Riding through western Illinois was as bad for me as Missouri. Kansas redeemed itself about halfway through when you started to really see the rolling hills and those wind farms were just damn gorgeous with the sunrise. When there was nothing but the plains I kept imagining wild buffalo and Native Americans roaming around ;)

I'm glad so many people enjoyed seeing a little slice of our trip! We find out next spring where we get stationed next, but we're pretty sure it will be farther south around the North Carolina area. If so, we'd like to do a tour around Georgia/Louisiana/The Floria Keys next year. Maybe people could join us?
I'm very impressed. I want to go 4wheeling in Utah hopefully next year with a rig I'm building and seeing those photos now adds Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona to the list!

Your trip will inspire many to pursue higher mileage trips! The most I've done is about 600 miles in a day - so my question is:

Did you work up to riding for that long or did you just decide to go out and do it? Any training?

Haha, we were posting at the same time about our rigs ^_^ Perhaps we'll run into each other out there in the desert. As far as how I handle riding those distances I believe it's all in how I was taught. My boyfriend had been riding motorcycles for about 10 years before I ever touched one. My comfort level with the bike really left something to be desired so on my third day of learning to ride he loaded up our backpacks and told me I was following him, but didn't say where. We wound up doing a 300 mile round trip. The next month we took a weekend and rode 500 miles to Halifax, slept, and rode 500 back the next day. For me it was all so new and in my ignorance I thought that it was typical. I of course didn't want to look like a wimp and quickly learned how to tune out discomfort and concentrate on what I was doing. It was a bit of tough love, but his admiration for me enjoying and going through with "doing crazy **** with him" as he put it made it worth it. We've done long trips ever since! We keep saying we need to look into some of the Iron Butt rides but never get around to it....:rolleyes:
Ahhhh what a refreshing thread this Friday morning (at work)... thank you very much, I am sooo jealous! :)
Wow!!!! Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. There are not many people that get to do a trip like this in a car or bus or train, let alone a bike.

Our country has some awesome places and people.

I rode my KZ1000 from coast to coast in 1984 so I can surely appreciate your adventure.

Very nice, thanks for the post!
I'm speechless. That is one of the most impressive trip reports I have ever read. Great pictures and write up. Kudo's to you both for logging so many miles and incident free. Rep power sent! Glad you didn't have to wash the bike!
Great pictures. I wish I had known you were at the AMA museum. I live about five minutes from there. Would have been glad to buy your supper and get to visit a bit.
Thanks for all the pics!! My freelance gig ends this week, and I'm thinking about going from LA to Durango, CO for July 4th -then touring all over the west afterwards. I've driven x-country 5x in a car, but never done long distance on the bike and your post probably just sealed the deal on me getting a tent and holding off on finding work until August. :)

Glad that you had a trouble-free, awesome time. Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!!