So funny story...


Tries to keep up
Jun 28, 2009
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North Carolina
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I was driving down a side road on the way back to my house when all of a sudden some ricer something jumps from a side street right in front of me. He then proceeds to gun it and despite the fact that he cut me off. Instead of getting mad, I was in a good enough mood to play with him. So I am sure he is at WOT because it sounds like someone just put 17 weedwackers right in front of my face so I just kind of stay about a half a car length behind his ass as he is trying to go faster and faster. The road has a few little hills in it and I had to back off because he was bottoming out his fart can exhaust on every one and I didn't want the sparks to hit my bike.

The best part was that I was in 6th gear at around half throttle the whole time, I never tried to pass him I just chilled behind him. I backed off as we got close to my neighborhood. He then proceeded to run the stop sign to the entrance and almost hit two people walking on the side of the road speeding into it; that was the only thing he did that really pissed me off.

I left him alone after that because I figure he wasn't smart enough to know the difference between a unpopulated back road and a neighborhood full of people.
I love messing with ricers. This is my best win ever. (This is a repost from other forums.)

I had a cookout at my house. Through some SNAFU that I still haven't worked out, I wound up only having two guests. But that's OK, they were both very good people. After eating as much of the meat as we could, we ventured downtown to hit a club.

Fast forward to about 1:30AM. We're sitting on the club's patio, which faces the street. As all the drunks are going home, there are a lot of people driving by. Including one guy one a sportbike and the official squid uniform of t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. I yell to him,"Get a helmet. You're gonna get roadrash!" and he responds by revving his engine to show that he's a tough mother****er. Or whatever.

A few cars back from him is this piece of **** Honda that has been riced out with an open exhaust and various other Look Fast Go Slow Sound Like **** mods. V-Tech just kicked in, yo. He begins revving his engine to impress everyone with the awesome power of his four cylinder Accord.

So I yell again,"Your car sucks!"

The passenger flips me off and I yell back,"You stupid ricer!"

Traffic moves him away and we are vastly amused.

Then we hear the same engine revving. Yes, he's pulled a U-turn and come back to impress us some more.

His passenger is hanging out the window, beer in hand and yelling something. Couldn't hear it because the driver was revving some more.

I and my friend Chris have loud voices, so they could still hear us. Chris tells them that "I could beat your car in reverse and with no oil in my engine and the parking brake on." (He drives a Z28, so the statement is accurate.)
I think I told the passenger that the girl driving the car was pretty cute. Don't remember. Chris' oil comment was the end of it, because the driver starts to really hammer the engine, banging it off the rev limiter and belching blue smoke into the air as his abused piston rings began to fail at oil control the same way that the driver fails at life.

I must have looked away for a second, because I looked back and two bicycle cops have converged on the car. One has already restrained the passenger, while still on his bike and the passenger is still sitting in the window.

Hysterical laughter ensues on our part although we try to look as though we were NOT INVOLVED with what had been happening.

Within 30 seconds there are a half dozen cops around this car, and both these morons are in handcuffs. The cops find a twelve pack of beer in the car that they had been drinking. After one of them talks back to the cop and gets his face slammed into the hood of the car, they get bundled into a paddy wagon and sent off to jail. The charges could be anywhere to drunk driving, open container in a vehicle, breaking noise ordinances, and terminal stupidity.

As we left the club the car was still sitting there waiting for a tow truck to arrive and impound it.
I really hate ricers. I've only been challenged to a rev-contest/mini race between street lights by two vehicles thus far- a ricer and (ironically) an ambulance. There was one time while chilling out in the fast lane on a 2 lane highway at night that I damn near got scared off my bike by two riced out cars weed whacking by me on the right at 100+ mph and then swerving in front of me with about 5 ft of clearance. I can't stand drivers like that...
Yeah you gotta love the rev contests. They have no chance if we have our open aftermarket exhausts. I was stopped behind two modded cars at some traffic lights and we'd been doing some good natured overtaking of each other - within the speed limit on this dual carriage way with loads of speed cameras. Then they each blip their throttles a bit, I blip mine, then the left one (a Beemer M3) revs his car upto full revs for a few secs 7-8k. Then I lay on my throttle going between 11-16k with my Scorpion exhaust cans (without DB-killers that night) for 5 secs or so. I see the passenger in the M3 totally jump and the guy in the other car just looks round and stares! :D Great fun, they gave up trying to outrev me then. Then the lights changed, I turned off left and they carried on with a friendly wave.

They're not all dangerous assholes.
How would you have felt if he hit those people? After all, he may have been a jerk but you helped "rev" him up. Best to just leave idiots to their own devices and not play their game.
