Snow + bike = ground !@#$%&


Aug 27, 2008
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Brooklyn NY
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Mr. Santa Claus,Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle or whatever you guys call it. Brought me some First Gear heated globes and a jacket will review latter) I took my bike for a little spin to test the gear:spank: but shortly after leaving my garage (3 blocks) I found myself on the ground because of the large amount of snow on that part of the street.:(
I was going really slow and all I have is a bruised knee and ego. The bike is fine too, didn’t scratch because of the softness of the snow but, the directional broke and the handlebar bended.
It was pretty hard to pick the bike up since the rubber doesn’t attached to snow, I had to basically drag it to the curbside and with the sidewalk help finally put it up.
Long story short
I am looking for the original handlebar.
I know some of you guys have change yours so, if anyone is interested on selling it let me know.
Any recommendations on a different handlebar will be appreciated just in case I go for a different one.
Oh no! So sorry, man. Glad you and the bike are mostly OK. I would've given you my stock bar, but I sold it a little while ago. Highly recommend FZ1 bar if you don't mind a slightly lower and more stretched out position.
Indicators pop up in "for sale" section quite often.
Sorry to hear about your drop, but glad that you (and the bike) are ok. I'm sure somebody on hear will be able to help you out.
I've got the stock bars and will give them to you except the freight. PM me and see what we can figure out. :thumbup:
I also have the stock turn signals if you want them. The FZ1 bars rock.
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I've got the stock bars and will give them to you except the freight. PM me and see what we can figure out. :thumbup:
I also have the stock turn signals if you want them. The FZ1 bars rock.

That is very nice of you, giving something to someone you don't even know.
Thanks also for the turn signal, mine is ok, it broke on the little plastic arm that goes to the mount inside the fairing, I fixed it with some epoxy putty, I will paint it and will be like it never happened.

I tried to send you a PM and this is what I got:

"mxgolf has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove mxgolf from the recipient list and send the message again. ":confused::confused:
I've got the stock bars and will give them to you except the freight. PM me and see what we can figure out. :thumbup:
I also have the stock turn signals if you want them. The FZ1 bars rock.

I see what was I doing wrong, may be I don't need an FZ6's handlebar, may be all I need is:
I see what was I doing wrong, may be I don't need an FZ6's handlebar, may be all I need is:

Snow and 2 wheels dont mix unless your equipped like this......


Yep, I won't ride in snow. Course, we're not due here for another 6 years or so... I find there are plenty of things to dodge on the road without having to worry about snow. Darn ninja drivers...
First I'm glad you're ok.

I was coming back home on December the 26th and connecting flights at Newark, I was stuck there for a couple of days until I rented a car and started heading back home.
I do feel for all of you that have to deal with the snow!!!!!!!!
It is awesome when you're on vacation enjoying it, but otherwise it is an annoying mess!!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First I'm glad you're ok.

I was coming back home on December the 26th and connecting flights at Newark, I was stuck there for a couple of days until I rented a car and started heading back home.
I do feel for all of you that have to deal with the snow!!!!!!!!
It is awesome when you're on vacation enjoying it, but otherwise it is an annoying mess!!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I tried to come home the 26th too, I was in CA spending some time with my wife's family, we visited few places and all I have to say is: I want to move to California
We were stranded for 4 days before they finally gave us a red eye flight back home the last day of the year.
sucks about the bike, but at least it wasnt all that bad.. cant seem to grasp why you would take the bike out in snow after all the white stuff you got in ny??? :spank: but we've all been excited about new gear... good luck with the fix :thumbup:
cant seem to grasp why you would take the bike out in snow after all the white stuff you got in ny??? :spank: but we've all been excited about new gear... good luck with the fix :thumbup:

I know, I waited since last year to try the new heated gear out, I felt like the dog in here, so close yet so far. And now I'm paying.:spank::spank:
[ame=]YouTube - German Shorthaired Pointer Dog vs. Squirrel behind Window[/ame]
Glad to hear you and the bike are (pretty much) ok. Sorry to hear about the fall though.
Hoshiko, if you can't hook up with mxgolf, PM me. I've got a set of stock bars that you're welcome to, just cover the shipping.

These were freebies that were passed on to me by another member, least I can do is get them into someone's hands that need them

Let me know

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