Show us your office

Here's some pictures from my office.

I have four assistants who do most of my work for me. Mostly I just sit back and supervise. Occasionally one of them gets in a bind and I have to help out. But once I explain to them how to do a job, they can do it over and over and get it right every time.

All they ask of me is that I treat them well and hose them down at the end of every workday.

One of my assistants is a bit on the hefty side. While not much to look at, it can handle large items that nobody else can deal with.


This assistant is really fast, but very messy. Fortunately it has its own playpen.


This one's not good for a whole lot, but is nice to have around as a backup.


This one's a real workhorse, although limited in capacity.


NSFW, the assistant bares all.


As you can see, my job is very stressful!



That is seriously cool looking Sushi & Beer maker :D