Shop Damaged my Wheel - Tire Change.

I had a bad experience and this is what I did to fix it.
I bought my bike in South Carolina while living there for job training, the shop was outstanding, then I came back to NYC and found a Yamaha dealer/shop close to my place so I took mi bike for an OIL CHANGE, came back after couple of hours to get a $250.00 American Dollars charge, I spoke to the worker about it and all he had to say, "That's how much we charge".
Came home and review them on every single local website, Yahoo, Google, Yellow pages etc etc.
I received a phone called from the manager asking what was wrong and I told him that I said oil change and they changed every fluid and adjusted "everything" in order to charge more.
He offered to give me my money back as long as I remain their costumer.
I didn't take the money back only because they actually changed and adjust everything and didn't changed my reviews but explained what happened.
People read reviews and that hurts businesses, the shop could loose several costumers if they don't fix what they did wrong and you tell the world, it is their call.

Screw that, bring some evidence and bring them to court, that means if they did it to you, there going to keep doing it to other motorists. Stop the infection before it gets out of control.
It seems like the larger a shop gets, the worse they get with customer service. I'm sure there are contrary examples, but I feel like this is a trend.

Last night on the way home from work I visited one here in boston that's just expanded to be pretty big, and I walked in to check out their bikes before heading upstairs to see the gear I need. I noticed a black 2009 FZ6 on the floor and was checking it out (it's wierd to see "my" bike so clean, even in the wrong color). I noticed the top yoke plate holding the bars on was on there backwards, with the yamaha logo sorta facing the wind screen instead of the rider. It was just flipped 180 degrees.

Me to shop manager: "Hey can I show you something?"
Mgr: "You want to show ME something?"

Me: "Yes. Do you mind?"
Mgr: "(snicker) No sure. What's up?"

Me: "The top yoke on this FZ6 is on backwards (point)."
Mgr: "No it's not."

Me: "No, it is. I'm sure."
Mgr: "How do you know?"

Me: "I own one of these. I've put 25 thousand miles on it. I'm sure."
Mgr: "Maybe yours is on backwards."

Me: "Look you can leave it on backwards if you want - it's your bike, and I'm sure it still holds the handlebar on there perfectly well. But it's backwards. It's supposed to face the rider, not the windshield. Just thought you might want to know."
Mgr: " you've got me curious..."

And that's where I left him. -shrug-
I have been ripped off twice by a local motorcycle shop.
In our community we don`t have much to choose from as far as motorcycle shops and dealerships are concerned, AND THEY KNOW IT!.
A few months back I took my car to the dealership where I purchased it for a simple computer flash/upgrade.
Came out with $700. damage to my rear wheel and tire.
It appears businesses in our area are hiring nitwits.
Cost to consumers, "lots of trouble and lots of money".
The dealership where I work has replaced wheels when we booger them up.

We also show the customer any damage to the wheel before we touch it so we can't be blamed for what was already there.

beat them up for a new wheel!
This is extremely common. Since you didn't inspect them before leaving and you already paid, it's probably your problem now. Very frustrating but it's a tricky situation. They don't want to screw you but they don't want to get screwed either.

Going forward you need inspect your rims before paying and leaving, at a minimum.

PS - bikes with dents and scratches are more fun :thumbup:
Spoke with the shop today and they are handling it awesome. Real stand-up people there and business. Very impressed. The way they are handling it makes me feel like not even bothering with fixing it, just the fact they are handling it right is good!
Spoke with the shop today and they are handling it awesome. Real stand-up people there and business. Very impressed. The way they are handling it makes me feel like not even bothering with fixing it, just the fact they are handling it right is good!

So how are they handling it? :confused: