
One crazy with a full automatic gun can do a terrible amount of harm. Stricter gun law to outlaw certain types of guns and who can own one could reduce mass shootings. I don't believe that guns should be banned but the general public shoudn't be able to own a M16.

I'm sorry but I fear the day that they take away everyones right to military grade weapons. Our Bill of Rights which is one of the main articles of our government that gives us our freedom and autonomy (or the illusion of it). The first ammendment allows us to say what we want. The second ammendment allows us to protect ourselves. The third ammendment says we don't have to give $hit to troops that may occupy our land. The 4th ammendment says we don't have to allow our $hit to be illegaly found and taken.

The forefathers of our country saw what the British had done to many a home during their occupation as we were fighting for our freedom and they wanted to insure that it would not happen again. The Constitution and Bill of Rights was drafted with great foresight.

The thought of someone preventing me from owning firearms makes me think of the show Jericho. It's basically a post-apocoalyptic nuclear attack world and how everything get's restructured. In one episode there was a band of military personnel that would roll into town, use thier big guns, take all the peoples $hit and move on. I'm sorry but I want myself a high powered hunting rifle (sniper), an AR and a couple sidearms for if that day ever comes when Sheriff Joe rolls into my neighborhood to snag provisions:Flip:. Or another example is Red Dawn.

And if you want to hear even crazier $hit, I've heard frome someone in the mexican mafia that the mexican cartels are constantly running counter-intelligence on our national guard/border patrol/us customs installations. I fear that in AZ if it really hits the fan, Mexico may try to take back SoCal, AZ and NM.

Ultimately if people treat each other with respect to thier life, livelihood and personal property, then there should be no issues. We all need to understand that it's not guns themselves that kill people but the people holding the guns that do. An well armed society is a civil society.
Morgan Freeman's brilliant take on what happened yesterday :

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."

Morgan Freedman has an incredible sounding voice and a great actor. However, his take on the situation is ignorant at best and harmful at worse as a red hearing to stop people from face the real issues that cause situations like this.

Adam Lanza did not do any of of these to gain notoriety. His personality was the complete opposite. He avoided having his picture taken for a school year ; the last thing he wanted was himself plastered over the news which is millions time "worse" then having your picture in a year book.

The reason for these situations are always the same people who are suffering in a broken interpersonal-social structure.

This adam guy's world was broken. He had his family split apart by his parents divorce- hadn't been able to see his father or brother for years. He was a social outcast at school -reject by his peers.
Morgan Freedman has an incredible sounding voice and a great actor. However, his take on the situation is ignorant at best and harmful at worse as a red hearing to stop people from face the real issues that cause situations like this.

Adam Lanza did not do any of of these to gain notoriety. His personality was the complete opposite. He avoided having his picture taken for a school year ; the last thing he wanted was himself plastered over the news which is millions time "worse" then having your picture in a year book.

The reason for these situations are always the same people who are suffering in a broken interpersonal-social structure.

This adam guy's world was broken. He had his family split apart by his parents divorce- hadn't been able to see his father or brother for years. He was a social outcast at school -reject by his peers.

Adam may not have done it for the media, but part of the point is that he learned the semantics of how to do it from the media.

Klebold and Harris did it in part to show the world and the media how easy it could be to eff their utopia up. Kinkel did it because he hated everyone and he was treated differently/poorly cause he was weird. The ohio school shooter did it because he was picked on. The VT kid did it because he was socially inept and picked on.

So, I think good ol' Morgan Freeman was saying that the sensationalist media just provides data to these sick individuals on how to be more effective. I mean look at the virginia tech guy, he did it all with handguns. The colorado theater guy did it with an assault rifle, shotgun and handguns. The columbine kids did it with rifles and handguns. Here in AZ that Jared Loughner guy that shot Gabby Giffords just had a handgun with a 33 round clip. The guy at the gun store after this happened said that Loughner obviously didn't know what he was doing because he was using slugs and not hollow points, plus they were able to subdue him when he failed to reload his weapon.
The Ottoman Empire invaded many countries. The Turks killed thousands of innocent people including children and old men. My question to you is - do Turkish children deserve to be killed just because of this? Do Turkish parents deserve to lose their kids just to find out "what they WAS feeling"?

Let me guess. You have no children, right? You have never served in the military, right? You have never been to Iraq, Afghanistan, the US, right? It is very easy to judge other people sitting in front of a huge TV and drinking juice. Do you want to judge others? Enlist in the army and go to Iraq. Then you will receive the right to talk about "killed innocent people".

I heard this kind of crap many times when the Russian army "was killing innocent people in Chechnya". I know many guys who served in the military and thank God they survived there. They told me many interesting stories about how "the innocent women and children" cut off heads of Russian soldiers. How they tortured them. Also I remember the 80's when the Russian army "was killing innocent people" in Afghanistan. I was a boy, but I remember the stories about "innocent people". I heard them from those who have been there, but not from the news. I would kill those "innocents" too and I'm pretty sure that you would do the same.

I don't want to be rude, but you have no idea what you are talking about. That's why I would keep my mouth shut if I were you.

Hi russian ,

Firstly I'm originally Chechen my family is Chechen , so I grew up in Turkey , and I feel likes originally Turk . You're playing from the wrong place , watch your mouth , please .

Secondly , There are alot of people who went iraq and we have heard a lot of them about what is gong on at iraq . I have a friend he is a Turkish Special Forces , Taner , Taner was at Iraq and now he is at Afghanistan , we speak with them everytime , so in summary the first sources is what I'm learning .

when you speak about Turks think it twice , you can be sure Turks the most noble people in the world and they dont touch to innocent people , never !
Ottoman Empire was the most perfect empire of all time . All world hates Turks except Chechens Albanians and Bosnians , because Turks kicked all the world's ass . I love them .
no mather what country your from, or what cultural background you have, when children get killed it moves us all. The day of the shooting was a sad day for everybody, so please don't turn this thread into a fight.

I hope "america" does reflect on itself and talks about the stuff discussed in this thread, it's only the logical step after an event like this. Just like europe (in my case), or any other country/region need to reflect on their own black days ... which we unfortniatly all have. Whatever comes out of this debate is up to them, but the endgoal should be to make the community in conneticut a place where people shouldnt be affraid to go to school again.

Turning this into a geopolitical debate is taking it to far,
Our thoughts should all go out to the families affected !
I'm sorry but I fear the day that they take away everyones right to military grade weapons. Our Bill of Rights which is one of the main articles of our government that gives us our freedom and autonomy (or the illusion of it). The first ammendment allows us to say what we want. The second ammendment allows us to protect ourselves. The third ammendment says we don't have to give $hit to troops that may occupy our land. The 4th ammendment says we don't have to allow our $hit to be illegaly found and taken.

The forefathers of our country saw what the British had done to many a home during their occupation as we were fighting for our freedom and they wanted to insure that it would not happen again. The Constitution and Bill of Rights was drafted with great foresight.

The thought of someone preventing me from owning firearms makes me think of the show Jericho. It's basically a post-apocoalyptic nuclear attack world and how everything get's restructured. In one episode there was a band of military personnel that would roll into town, use thier big guns, take all the peoples $hit and move on. I'm sorry but I want myself a high powered hunting rifle (sniper), an AR and a couple sidearms for if that day ever comes when Sheriff Joe rolls into my neighborhood to snag provisions:Flip:. Or another example is Red Dawn.

And if you want to hear even crazier $hit, I've heard frome someone in the mexican mafia that the mexican cartels are constantly running counter-intelligence on our national guard/border patrol/us customs installations. I fear that in AZ if it really hits the fan, Mexico may try to take back SoCal, AZ and NM.

Ultimately if people treat each other with respect to thier life, livelihood and personal property, then there should be no issues. We all need to understand that it's not guns themselves that kill people but the people holding the guns that do. An well armed society is a civil society.

I absolutely believe people should own guns but just don't believe the untrained or the insane should have access to military grade weapons. People always believe that if you restrict my right to own a certain type of gun you will take away the guns I have. Does anyone truely believe that a 40 year old kindergarten teacher with an assault rifle is going to help defend the homeland.
I absolutely believe people should own guns but just don't believe the untrained or the insane should have access to military grade weapons. People always believe that if you restrict my right to own a certain type of gun you will take away the guns I have. Does anyone truely believe that a 40 year old kindergarten teacher with an assault rifle is going to help defend the homeland.

My dad is a 61 year old car salesman. He is arthritic with history of a spinal fusion surgery and knee problems. If you put a rifle in his hand and got him in a good position, he could definitely defend the homeland. He more or less grew up a country boy, and he hadn't shot rifles in over 30 years. A year ago my brother was in town and they went an shot an AR10 at the shooting range. I was not there but but my family said he was the best shot out of everyone. My dad never got any type of formal training just grew up in a place where he could run around and shoot in the woods as a kid. So, I would say if that kindergarten teacher grew up with and was familiar with a gun it would not be a problem.

How bout this would you feel comfortable if the US had laws like the Swiss, Persians, or Israeli's that requires military service of everyone? Then you know that people would be trained. Interesting side note I just looked up the swiss conscription program and 20% of the population is found unfit for military service whether due to mental/physical deficiency.

Ultimately there is no way to know if someone will be a wack job killer. Look at the Fort Hood shooting. The guy was military trained, a psychiatrist, and also potentially a terrorist because of his middle eastern background and beliefs.

Ultimately everyone needs to buckle in because the road ahead is going to have more of these events take place. Like another poster said, it would be best if these guys just put a round to their own head before doing it to another.
Movie Spiler Alert: Billy Madison

Did you guys ever see the movie Billy Madison? Remember Steve Buscemi's character, the lone crazy shooter. I can't stop thinking about that scene at the end of the movie when Adam Sandler says, "Man, I'm glad I called that guy." after Buscemi shot the douchebag bully. Sandler had apologized to Buscemi earlier in the movie for being a bully to him when they were growing up.

I guess Klebold and Harris also warned friends of theirs to not go into the school as they were getting ready to shoot up Columbine.

It goes back to my original thought of if everyone can treat each other with respect, then we won't have to worry about these issues. Parents need to respect their kids when rearing them. Peers need to respect peers. Authority figures need to respect even the poorest and disenfranchised of all of us.

Remember this video. The kid didn't bring a gun, he brought justice to this fight.

[ame=]Bully gets body slammed! HILARIOUS - YouTube[/ame]
Hi russian ,

Firstly I'm originally Chechen my family is Chechen , so I grew up in Turkey , and I feel likes originally Turk . You're playing from the wrong place , watch your mouth , please .

Secondly , There are alot of people who went iraq and we have heard a lot of them about what is gong on at iraq . I have a friend he is a Turkish Special Forces , Taner , Taner was at Iraq and now he is at Afghanistan , we speak with them everytime , so in summary the first sources is what I'm learning .

when you speak about Turks think it twice , you can be sure Turks the most noble people in the world and they dont touch to innocent people , never !
Ottoman Empire was the most perfect empire of all time . All world hates Turks except Chechens Albanians and Bosnians , because Turks kicked all the world's ass . I love them .

You post up anytime! I love different perspectives and you certainly offer one.

Are FZ6's popular in Turkey?
My intention with this post was for people to let off some steam and try and put these tragedies behind us. I was not intending this to be an argument about guns! There are too many people afected by this mayhem. May the good lord help us all!
What's happening is all the obscene TV shows, movies, rap music, video games, etc. are finally beginning to catch up with us.

This stuff makes me so incredibly angry. I think technology is bringing the world together in one sense and isolating people in their own twisted worlds in another sense.

not to start/antagonize an argument but i dont believe any of this propagation on violence in games/TV/movies leading to real violence. just because people have to means to be keyboard warriors doesn't mean they have the state of mind to kill somebody. It takes a special (in the worst sense) kind of person to kill somebody in cold blood. The technical word is "sociopath." more people in the world means more sociopaths. and more media means we find out about them more easily and tell the whole world about it. If the game/TV/movie argument held up then the rise should be more drastic between people watching/playing them and killings. It would also mean that in areas where more guns are privately owned there should be more gun related violence, but that is completely the opposite of the truth. and here's why (im no expert but...) a "sociopath" is a person who knows the difference between right and wrong, but does not care. they do however care about themselves and are concerned about consequences for their actions and like any other person will take into consideration the effects on themselves pertaining to actions. in areas where there is a higher gun/person ratio they are aware that they may very well be gunned down soon after, before their "mission" is accomplished. This explains why you rarely hear about stuff happening in the south where there is a reputation for guns. RANT OVER

I feel for the families, especially the parents, and my condolences go out to them. It is undisputedly terrible what happened and im glad the shooter(s) is/are dead (i know the school shooter is) so the families dont have to see the face all over the news repeatedly, hoping that somebody will get them. around here the law would be the least of my worries as a bad guy. too many people that would gladly go to jail for torture/pre-meditated murder/manslaughter of sick motherfrakkers like these.
Adam may not have done it for the media, but part of the point is that he learned the semantics of how to do it from the media.

Klebold and Harris did it in part to show the world and the media how easy it could be to eff their utopia up. Kinkel did it because he hated everyone and he was treated differently/poorly cause he was weird. The ohio school shooter did it because he was picked on. The VT kid did it because he was socially inept and picked on.

So, I think good ol' Morgan Freeman was saying that the sensationalist media just provides data to these sick individuals on how to be more effective. I mean look at the virginia tech guy, he did it all with handguns. The colorado theater guy did it with an assault rifle, shotgun and handguns. The columbine kids did it with rifles and handguns. Here in AZ that Jared Loughner guy that shot Gabby Giffords just had a handgun with a 33 round clip. The guy at the gun store after this happened said that Loughner obviously didn't know what he was doing because he was using slugs and not hollow points, plus they were able to subdue him when he failed to reload his weapon.

Semantics is saying the same thing in a different way. Like, "You are going faster than the speed limit" or "You're speeding". That is semantics, not your idea and what Morgan said, those are two different ideas. One a person is trying to be famous the other someone is learning tactics that is not semantics at all.

Adam learned to shoot at the shooting range with his mom. He took the weapons that his mother because those were the ones available to him. Neither of those things had anything to do with past if he was even aware of previous shootings.

The national news is a weak source of information at best. We are living in a new age, kids that want real information can find it on the internet using their smartphones nothing can be kept secret from them if they are looking for it.

Take this for example of what 12-14 year old kids can find:

"A California middle school teacher has been placed on leave after administrators learned from students that the educator appears in porn videos available online.

Stacie Halas, a 31-year-old science teacher at Richard B. Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard, was removed from the classroom Monday, three days after pupils reported spotting her in a series of X-rated clips."
You post up anytime! I love different perspectives and you certainly offer one.

Are FZ6's popular in Turkey?

Okey , but my english is so primitive , if I write wrong , correct it please .

Once I would see fazers too often , I dont see often in recent times .
Last edited:
Everyone should stop arguing about gun laws, their right to bare arms, politics etc

20 children were killed. 5,6 and 7 year olds

Adults died trying to protect them.

Stop bickering about the details. Grieve first, ask questions later.

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
Semantics is saying the same thing in a different way. Like, "You are going faster than the speed limit" or "You're speeding". That is semantics, not your idea and what Morgan said, those are two different ideas. One a person is trying to be famous the other someone is learning tactics that is not semantics at all.

Adam learned to shoot at the shooting range with his mom. He took the weapons that his mother because those were the ones available to him. Neither of those things had anything to do with past if he was even aware of previous shootings.

The national news is a weak source of information at best. We are living in a new age, kids that want real information can find it on the internet using their smartphones nothing can be kept secret from them if they are looking for it.

Take this for example of what 12-14 year old kids can find:

"A California middle school teacher has been placed on leave after administrators learned from students that the educator appears in porn videos available online.

Stacie Halas, a 31-year-old science teacher at Richard B. Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard, was removed from the classroom Monday, three days after pupils reported spotting her in a series of X-rated clips."

That is crazy about the school teacher, if she was hot I wouldn't of said anything and fantasized about her.

Not to split hairs but I was referring to the psychological term semantics not the linguistic use of the term

Semantics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the short idea of how it works wiki sums it up. Semantic learning/learners are those that can quickly grasp words but often don't make the connection to their individual meaning, instead rather getting the gist of it. My point was this young kids could easily watch the news and get the gist of get a gun, go into a school, shoot up the place but didn't understand the actual meaning or relevance of taking human life. And at 20 years old I would sincerely doubt that he was not aware of school shootings since according to the lovely source of all info, wikipedia, there has been 20 school shootings since 2000s alone.

From what I understand is some schools are even teaching disaster/shooter preparedness drills to faculty (not sure about students) because of the increase in violent activity.
List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First warning for you all

PLEASE be careful about what you say or how you speak to other members.

Express yourselves but do not break site rules.

If this happens, the thread will have to be closed.

Thanks everyone
My intention with this post was for people to let off some steam and try and put these tragedies behind us. I was not intending this to be an argument about guns! There are too many people afected by this mayhem. May the good lord help us all!

I think that steam is being let off. I think people process grievous situations differently. Myself I know I like to intellecutalize it and come to a better understanding through discussion.

I don't think it is just about guns. It is about mental health, it is about societal values and norms, it is about morality, it is about human life, it is about fear and propagandizing, it is about working toward a better future.

I hope everyone can say a prayer for the families and people affected. I hope the rest of the world will get the message that if people continue to not treat each other with respect and dignity, then stuff like this will continue to happen.
not to start/antagonize an argument but i dont believe any of this propagation on violence in games/TV/movies leading to real violence. just because people have to means to be keyboard warriors doesn't mean they have the state of mind to kill somebody. It takes a special (in the worst sense) kind of person to kill somebody in cold blood. The technical word is "sociopath." more people in the world means more sociopaths. and more media means we find out about them more easily and tell the whole world about it. If the game/TV/movie argument held up then the rise should be more drastic between people watching/playing them and killings. It would also mean that in areas where more guns are privately owned there should be more gun related violence, but that is completely the opposite of the truth. and here's why (im no expert but...) a "sociopath" is a person who knows the difference between right and wrong, but does not care. they do however care about themselves and are concerned about consequences for their actions and like any other person will take into consideration the effects on themselves pertaining to actions. in areas where there is a higher gun/person ratio they are aware that they may very well be gunned down soon after, before their "mission" is accomplished. This explains why you rarely hear about stuff happening in the south where there is a reputation for guns. RANT OVER

I feel for the families, especially the parents, and my condolences go out to them. It is undisputedly terrible what happened and im glad the shooter(s) is/are dead (i know the school shooter is) so the families dont have to see the face all over the news repeatedly, hoping that somebody will get them. around here the law would be the least of my worries as a bad guy. too many people that would gladly go to jail for torture/pre-meditated murder/manslaughter of sick motherfrakkers like these.

The new term for sociopath is Antisocial Personality disorder. The main difference from a sociopath/antisocial personality disorder is not that they don't consider the effects to the world around them but rather it has no meaning to them. They have done EMG and MRI and PET scan studies of sociopathic brains. What happens when the words love, beauty, peace, friend, family, etc are spoke to them it has no effect on them, the same as if you were to say the word fork or dirt to a 'norm'. There is no emotional connection/response to what are considered common human feeling and emotions. So, in essence a sociopath doesn't understand what the big deal is when they do something to harm someone because there is no connection. An example would be the TV character Dexter. He has no regard for human life and often struggles with actually feeling human emotion. It is actually one of the most fascinating things about that show is how well they portray the struggle for a sociopath to survive in an environment of 'norms'. An interesting book is "The Sociopaht Next Door." by Dr. Martha Stout

An oppositional defiant disorder individual is one who understands the consequences of their actions yet proceeds to do it anyway. An example is the high school kid who is told to stop talking in class and will then proceed to slash the teachers tires.

Conduct disorder is an individual with poor impulse control who will continue to conduct themselves in a bad/inapproriate way. They feel bad for their actions afterward but can't stop themselve in the process.

I hope the admin doesn't shut this discussion down as I think the more people are educated on what types of mental health issues are out there then they can treat people with respect. Those that suffer from mental health issues are often alienated in the first place and deserve to be treated well.
Hackers target Westboro Baptist Church after Newtown threat - CNET Mobile

Pure awesome!

Westboro was planning to picket the visit by Obama. Anonymous has stepped up and threatened westboro now with the release of their personal info, such as addresses, phone numbers, all that jaz. Way to fight for the people annon!

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

That video they sent was AWESOME.

I can't stand hate mongers like that. It does no good for communities or the people affected by the loss/tragedy.