Shoei XR(RF)-1000 and ear dirt


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Feb 12, 2010
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Hello, i want to ask people that have or had this helmet do u experience extreme dirt in your ears after long riding?

i know, and i am sorry, that im being discusting but this is the truth!!!

i pull an earplug of dirt out of my ears after long rides (long to me is 100miles) i wonder if this has something to do with the "pockets" this helmet has for the ears - witch i found very comfortable - letting air and dirt pass to them
I have the RF-1000 and haven't noticed this. Usually I take 50-60 mile rides.
I'll have to check my ears better next time. Maybe this is why I can't hear my wife very well anymore! :D
Umm, no. Have worn mine for up to 8 hours of riding in monsoon like rains and have not even felt moisture in my ears.

Just a thought, are you wearing the right size helmet and/or doing it up properly.

I ride mountainbikes and have never had ears full of dirt (considering bicycle helmets are open around your ears).
Got an RF1100 with the same ear pockets and never had such a problem. Honestly, this is one of the weirdest things I've ever heard for helmets :)
yeah i thought it was me, but i confirmed its the helmet!! (earcheck before and after!!)
the helmet fits like a glove on me...gonna test it again with something soft to fill the pockets and see whats happening
You should be wearing ear plugs anyway on rides that long... that would protect them from dirt as well.

Never had that issue with the few RF-1000 I've owned.
I have one word for you.
View attachment 28456

Seriously, though, I wear an RF-1000 and have not had this problem. I wonder if you need to take out your cheek pads and wash them?? That might help.
no no no the helmet is new!!! i have it for 2 months!!! my ears are clean too!!! but after ridding with this helmet......disaster!!!!!
no no no the helmet is new!!! i have it for 2 months!!! my ears are clean too!!! but after ridding with this helmet......disaster!!!!!

Hahaha! My mom used to tell us potatoes would grown in our ears because we gave here such a hard time when she wanted to clean our ears. I'd see my younger brothers and sisters checking in the mirror just to make sure. :eek:

Go see yer mom and she's gonna hose you and that helmet off in the yard! Hahaha! :rof::rof:

Are you riding with the shield up? Is the air really dusty there?
hahaha looks like we're gonna have fish and chips for dinner tonight !!!
swaped helmets with my wife(its caberg), no ear goo, neither to this is strange....shoei xr-1000 = goo only to my ears wtf??????????????
My bet is on a brain eating fungus growing in the liner of ur helmet :D

Did u wash the liner yet?

The last time I felt that way was after watching fear factor :rof: