Shoei FR1000


Jun 17, 2008
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Rochester, N.Y.
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Just wanted to get a few a opinions on the Shoei RF1000. Also if anyone has a comparison to a Shark RSi, which is what I currently have. I guess mostly a fit comparison, noise, is it stable during the ride? any responses much appreciated. :thumbup:
I am on my second one. I crash tested my first one I can to you it saved my life as my head hit the car then hit the road. It has a great fit for my head and the venting is good, I do have fogging issues on ocassion but nothing to bad. I would get another if my current one were to get damaged.

As far as the Shark goes, I can't help you there.
I have a RF1000 and like it. For around town there is an option to open the visor a crack which I find is good for slow speed or in rain to prevent fogging. I can change visors really quick as well.
I had a Shark RSF2i briefly and now have an RF1000. I don't think the internal shape of the two helmets is exactly the same - for me the RF fits better than the Shark (I think the Shoei is more round) but that would depend on your head. IMO the RF1000 has better fit/finish and is quieter. Like ddg said the visor crack feature is very useful. The Shark felt just a little lighter and I don't think you could make visor changes easier than their push button. Bottom line - I'd buy another RF1000 in heartbeat so if they fit you, I'd bet you'd be happy with one.
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I've had a Shoei X-11 for 1.5 years, which is the next model up from the RF1000. But I found it pretty loud, and I wanted to try out a quieter helmet. Cycle Gear has a policy that you can buy a helmet and try it for a week and still return it. CG said that the X-11 is pretty much the loudest helmet on the market, and the RF1000 is the quietest. So I had the RF1000 for one week. I found it fit well, and had the same level of quality/fit/finish as the X-11 (which is very high). It was also much much quieter, as it has a lot less venting than the X-11. I found that even on a coolish winter day, my head was getting warm, so it migh get really warm in the summer. I also found it fogged a easier than the X-11, but it was easily crack the visor to fix that. Despite possible hotness in summer, I'd rather have less noise. If I were buying a new helmet, I'd buy the RF1000.
I have an RF1000 and I've only used it twice but I can tell you that it's great build quality, it's pretty quiet, and it feels good. I can't really compare weight because I have to have the biggest size(2xl) which is always heavier than smaller sizes, but it's a little lighter than my old HJC.

I'm happy with mine.
I had a RF900 for a short time, and it was more for round heads while my RSI fits my egg shaped head perfectly
Hey all,

Well I have worn my Shoei RF1000 for a few hundred miles and so far so good. I had worn a Shark RSi, with no real issues other than I believe it was to large for my skull. I did this based on that twisting the helmet on your head test and I could get a good 1/4 plus turn from it. So I wanted to try a medium and see where that went. The dumb thing I did is I should of gone to a Shark medium for an apples to apples comparison. I didn't and thats that. Going to the Medium Shoei ended up being a good decision. It is tighter without being uncomfortable. It fits nice and the play I had is gone. The only issue I have is getting it on my skull. That sucker is tight. I have to give the straps a good pull to get this baby over my ears (no comments). That aside it is a bit quieter than the Shark, but that could be simply down to the better fit. The quality is solid. It fogs up pretty bad if my head is not in the airflow on those cold (30's) mornings. A quick lift and it leaves quickly so I am not sure it is so much a function of the helmet and more just me acting like an Ostrich and sticking my head on the tank behind the windscreen. The visor change on the Shoei is a bit slower than the Shark, I find it hard to believe anyone can beat the Sharks system. The visor locking system on the Shoei is better than the Sharks. A much stronger hold on the shield. On the Shark if I turned my head at Highway speeds it would have a tendency to lift. That issue does not occur with the Shoei. All things considered I am glad I made the purchase and would have to give a slight edge to the Shoei, mostly for the visor staying down benefits.
I have the RF1000 and it's the most comfortable helmet I have ever wore. There is a bit of wind noise at high speeds but I think that's to be expected. The helmet is very stable at any speed. I really like my helmet. :thumbup:
I have two of them and love them. Can't tell you about the Shark. The Shoei RF1000 fits me perfect, has a beautiful finish, and great build quality. Wind noise is minimal. Fogging is a mild issue.
I have the Shoei FR1000 and like it. No problems or complaints.

It seems to vent air well and being able to open the front visor a small crack helps greatly when its slow going in traffic and at lights. It seems pretty light and you can adjust the cheek pads. The quality is A-1.

I paid about $285 at a local cyclegear with a 25% off coupon for a glossy black (no graphics) model.