Secret of the FZ6 Side Mirror...

always knew they folded IN but OUT TOO? Nope. Folding in makes it easier to get the cycleshell cover over but ill have to try this "fold Out" thing as well. Seems to be all the rage these days. ha
Any pics anyone? im curious now and my FZ6 is 300 miles away so I cant tinker with it!!!


folded in like dog ears

folded in like dog ears

Thanks guys. I can't believe I didn't know this! I'm gonna do it when I put my cover on now. It drives me mad when the cover adjusts the mirror for me and I don't notice till I've started riding off! :thumbup:

What are the thoughts about the wearing effect to the stalks etc of doing this daily???
Good grief, another dummy here. Been carefully wedging in/out of patio parking spot with about 1/10000 of clearance. :eek: Thanks!!!
very cool and useful information.
I have been putting a few small scrapes on the outside of my right hand mirror when I park it in the garrage next to my car. This feature will stop that damage and also make it easier to throw a sheet (bedsheet) over the bike when I cover it to reduce dust!!!!!

Is this the second best post or thread ever on the FZ6 forum???
BD's headlight mod in my opinion comes in at number 1!!!!

And it begs the question for Yamaha. Why isn't this info in the Fazer user guide????

As you can see from this pic, if I had this information from day one, it would have been easier to park my bike!!! This pic was taken in July on the first night my bike was in the shed.

Thankyou FZ6S Forum

I had no clue! This will be very useful in my crowded garage.
(Do I have to mention that's the 1st thing I'll try when I get home tonight?)

I often have to swing (or even both!) a mirror in when splitting lanes at a queue. It's remarkably useful to swing in the mirror(s) sometimes when squeezing between a big truck or other vehicles relatively close to each other.
lol...I don't remember how I figured it out but it was a long time ago. I too fold a mirror here and there when splitting traffic or moving around tight spots in the garage.