Sad sad society

I like the hidden kill switch idea. maybe a switch that interrupts the spark unless turned off? that way if somebody bypasses the ignition they still wont get a running bike. That and you could always slap a couple NRA stickers on the bike. They might think twice if they think the owner of the bike is a gun owner as well. in addition to the other more practical ideas put forth thus far. sorry about your bike, best of luck.
Also keep in mind because of the nature of this damage there may be other issues like blown fuses or damage to the starter cutoff relay assembly.

If you need my help, you have my number....:)
Another thing I thought of that a lot of people do to older vehicles is install a hidden kill switch or re-wire the start button to a hidden button. It will at least keep them from driving off with it.
I guess if I run it post battery or a switch before battery ground it would never get stolen but still be susceptible but the harness could get cut every week I just don't see how to stop them from getting to my wires
I know this feeling. My first 250r, was stolen right out of my parking spot at my apartment complex. My 2nd bike FZ6, its been fine until yesterday i noticed a scratch on the tank...that never came from me, like someone dropped something on my tank or tried to put their kid ontop of my motorcycle. Unfortunately my FZ6 is located in the same exact spot my 250r was when it got stolen...and I have no where else to put it.
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I guess if I run it post battery or a switch before battery ground it would never get stolen but still be susceptible but the harness could get cut every week I just don't see how to stop them from getting to my wires
Doing that would require a hefty switch with some larger gauge wires than you'd need. I'm not positive, but you should be able to mount a switch under the seat or somewhere out of sight that would open the kill switch circuit or side/center stand switch circuits.

Also, I'd be having a chat with the owner of the complex to see if they can bump up the security. If they have cameras, which is a stretch, ask to see if they have video of it.
I guess if I run it post battery or a switch before battery ground it would never get stolen but still be susceptible but the harness could get cut every week I just don't see how to stop them from getting to my wires

Hopefully this is a one time deal. Putting a cover on your bike does help in the sense that when it's covered it's less enticing.

You can wire a low current deterrent to keep the bike from being started. Any bike is easy to pick up a haul out anyway. An alarm? Maybe just a Xena type disk lock?

Again, call if you need help. I'm about an hour away. Just take care of gas.. :)
Another thing I thought of that a lot of people do to older vehicles is install a hidden kill switch or re-wire the start button to a hidden button. It will at least keep them from driving off with it.

reverse the horn and start buttons. nobody will honk the horn of a bike they are stealing. also they are in the same place on opposite sides. and if you install a 500dB Stebel horn, when they go to start it, you could hear them from the next town over.
reverse the horn and start buttons. nobody will honk the horn of a bike they are stealing. also they are in the same place on opposite sides. and if you install a 500dB Stebel horn, when they go to start it, you could hear them from the next town over.

LMAO! That is actually a good idea! :rof::rof::rof:

You could actually latch the horn "constant on" if the starter button is pushed before the engine starts.
G, do you by chance have space at the complex for one of those 1/2 clamshells? Its a tad more out of site.... just a thought.
Sorry about your loss.... Skooter had an OEM harness for sale a bit ago. It was cheap comp to new.

Good luck going forward....
Following the path others have laid, move the starter button. ADD a button with a big @SS label, STARTER!
Connect new starter button to a latched horn, HIGH VOLTAGE ENABLE DEVICE, mase can, alarm, smoke bomb, (smoke bomb may be best...) but you decide. Just lead the horse to water....
i think the ignition cut itself off by rubbing with the fork stanchions. (sorry i m just being a cnut).

when i see these things it makes me think about 'the progress' society has made.

i like the idea of the switched horn, starter. i was also thinking along the lines of Randy (final impact) about the 1/2 clamshell. i was going to suggest that in your parking spot you put a shed to hide the bike into. of course you need to ask your landlord about this. i know it may turn expensive and maybe overkill or unsightly and whatever, but at least you have more peace of mind that your bike is not easily knicked.
Following the path others have laid, move the starter button. ADD a button with a big @SS label, STARTER!
Connect new starter button to a latched horn, HIGH VOLTAGE ENABLE DEVICE, mase can, alarm, smoke bomb, (smoke bomb may be best...) but you decide. Just lead the horse to water....

You know this isnt as silly as it might seem,
how about wiring the horn through the starter circuit
and then a hidden switch that you press to disable the horn but complete the starter circuit when the starter button is pressed allows you to start the motor,

I reckon we have enough smart cookies on this here forum to make that idea a reality,
so wishing I did more electronics

sorry turbid n bam bam, sweaterdude and motogiro just read your posts, didnt look far enough ahead in the thread before replying, but i was thinking of you cliff when I did
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The weatherall covers have a pocket on the inside for an alarm that clips on the bike. If cover is removed alarm goes off. Cheap and effective deterant.
Sleepless nights. Buy an alarm, a good alarm. Don't be a victim. If I could go back i would have the best alarm that money could buy. My uncles Brand new Suzuki king quad was stolen 2 days ago. The thieves cut two fences. Scumbags,

I actually thought of wrapping a logging chain around the swingarm a locking it together with a baddass lock, hide it the best I can, bury the chain in the ground and run the other end tied to the house. Give some slack, Enough for them to think they are getting away with it. Bam they run out of chain. The wambulance or police better get them before I do.

I would probably go insane and beat them to death, because that's what they deserve.

I will never be a victim, never again.......
I would love nothing more. Well premeditated murder gets you more time than manslaughter. Even a option able death sentence. They have taken the time to plan it out. It shows they don't care. Killem all
So im now going through my insurance to get repairs and it went from a rewire to have a code 19,

As i have insurance and comprehensive doesn't affect your rate i decided to file.

rewires done and shop now tells me a second file is going to have to placed because the wiring harness was pinched and it fried the ecu, and Neutral Safety switch. so now i need a California edition ECU and a NSS.

All due to someone messing with something thats not theirs, ill never understand.

Looking for a california ECU and a neutral safety switch if anyone has one that works let me know thanks :)
25 years ago I was renting an apartment and having to park my Interceptor in my parking stall. Lo and behold, one morning I come out and one of my Supertrapp slip on's is missing. :eek: After searching around, I find it in laying in the ivy next to the parking stall. I suspect my ex-wife's new bf. I re-install it and shortly thereafter rent a townhouse in the same complex that has a fenced in patio to park my bike in. :thumbup: