Sad News from NYC again

I live in NYC and they conduct BS motorcycle only checkpoints all the time. It got especially bad after the west side highway incident. However they dont pull over packs of riders or dirt bikes. Predominately law abiding riders (who will stop). There was footage on the news of one such checkpoint before above mentioned incident where they failed to do anything. It is so bad we have a text message alert system in place to warn us of these checkpoints!
Meanwhile a cager riding on the same road kill a motorcycle rider.

Motorcycle rider dies in Sunnyside accident | Sunnyside Post

No one cares- no one says the cager was being reckless, or cars are unsafe or a bunch of idiots that need to be kept under control.

Of course not. The same people who blame guns for murders and not the idiots who misuse them will blame motorcycles for accidents.

When will people realize that idiots can kill people using any number of items as a weapon? Crack down on the idiots, not inanimate objects.